The Pain

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The date went out the window after I realise that there would be a certain heartbroken male

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The date went out the window after I realise that there would be a certain heartbroken male. I run up the stairs as fast as I could. I don't waste any time knocking on his door. A moment later a very confused light eyed male opens the door. "I came to check on you" he looks confused which makes me realise he doesn't know. I didn't know until minutes ago. "Erin left Jay she had to they were coming for her badge so Henry called an old friend she's moving to New York" "when" "she already left...I just found out if I had known I wouldn't of" I shake my head "I'm sorry" he sighs letting me inside "so Erin's gone" I nod "yep are you ok" I ask watching him grab a beer and sit on the couch. "For what it's worth I think she would have loved it...but" he looks confused "Erin wouldn't have been able to survive without a badge it's who she is much like it's who Henry is" he nods drinking the beer "I'm taking Soph to see her in a few days not sure when yet but if you want to tag along I wouldn't object" he shakes his head "no no" "Jay" "it's fine" he said surely "ok but if you need anything you call me I don't care when or what time" he nods I lean over hugging him "your a good person Lillie close to perfect I'm glad I know you" I smile at him I kiss his head "if your ok I'm going to go save Henry from hurricane Sophie and explain why I just randomly ran off" he smiles "I ok" he reassures me "the moment that changes" I point to him "I will call" he said making me nod smiling "for what it's worth she really did love you but you can't compete with Bunny neither can I or can't complete with Henry either" I shrug he just nods "your a good man Jay don't ever forget that" I tell him before walking out the door.

I sigh walking into the house I could hear Sophie giggling running from a mile away. I grab her passes she laughs squirming trying to get away. "Aren't you meant to be in bed" she just laughs "is that why daddy is running around trying to get you" she laughing gleefully without care. I shift her putting my bag on the table by the door and taking my coat off. Sophie sighs. I glance at Henry who is leaning against the doorframe beside the steps watching us. "You could have called if she was being difficult" "she wasn't" he assured me. Sophie rests her head on my shoulder "you didn't have to pick her up you know" "I know but I couldn't come back here alone after" I sigh "after Erin" I nod "she was so excited to have a daddy daughter night" I hum "I could go" I go to pass Sophie to him "no no" he laughs walking over wrapping his arms around me.

After putting Sophie to bed we just lay side by side in our bed. No doubt a certain three year old will have joined us by morning. "where did you run off to" He asks giving me his full attention. I sigh leaning into the pillow "Jays" he stared at me confused "he was going to propose" his eyes widen "I don't know when I just his heartbroken" he sighs pulling me closer to him "he was so excited was worried you were going to kill him but I assured him you wouldn't. I think he was planning on doing it tonight" I ramble "I will never understand how you love everyone so much but it does make me love you all the more" I cuddle into him smiling "hey can you promise me one thing" "anything" he said seriously "watch out for him I'm not always around with Soph and all I just I need to know someone is looking out for him" "you don't have to ask I know how much he means to you...i know how much him and Adam do I always make sure there safe because I know you couldn't bare it if you lost either of them" I smile content in his arms just listening to his calming heartbeat.

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