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I hadn't left Justin's side since he got out

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I hadn't left Justin's side since he got out. "What's going on with you and dad" I look over confused "what are you talking about" "he picked work over you and I don't think that's right" he wraps his arms around me "you make up mum I will be fine" I laugh shaking my head "I remember my mother always telling me this I was young but I remember it clearly" I run my hand over his face "she said partners come and go but children they are the ones that truely hold your heart, children are made to stay forever" he smiles "we'll go see one of your other children I just kinda want to be alone" I felt sick "are you sure" he smiles nodding. I knew I had been somewhat suffocating him, but being away that long that's pain like nothing else. I thought I knew the pain of kissing a child after having a miscarriage, and a stillborn but having your child ripped from your arms. Him saying his sorry, begging me to fix it. That's a pain like nothing else.

I stood looking over the river. I didn't know where to go, or what to do. I could go to work but my mind was all jumbled. I turn and begin walking along the river walk lost in my thoughts "Jay" I ask confused seeing the man walking not to far from me. "Please don't tell me Henry sent you" I shake my head in displeasure "no doesn't know I'm here" I laugh as he now begins to walk beside me "that's a lie he knows" he looks confused "my Henry has connections Jay he always knows where I am it's like a comfort with me. He knows where Justin is to. If your near me he will know" "his having you followed" I shake my head "nope I notice when he does that he learnt to be more subtle. He just knows people that send him messages if they see me...it may seem stalkerish or overprotective but it's us" I shrug looking before walking across the road "I know he does it to keep me safe...the amount of times him or Al have appeared out of nowhere telling me to get in the car because something happened near to where I was" I shrug "I think I'm suffocating Justin" he looks at me "Connor is sleeping of a night shift and Kelly is working or was he might be with Stella now they had plans" I shrug feeling sick again "so why are you here" I look over at him he seemed genuinely interested "we all have the day off Hank is at the club I'm suffocating me son, my other two are busy and my sister left the state the first chance she got I have no one" he weakly smiles "well you have me and from what i have been told you have Will to" I smile gleefully "oh I love Will" he laughs "but not me" I gasp wrapping my arms around him "of course you know I met Will in New York I was a surgeon there" "i didn't know you were a surgeon" "it was right after Justin and hank went away I went to med school for my mother she said I would always be a doctor. I finished med school before going to the academy shortly followed by fire academy. I never practiced beyond getting the degree I followed my dreams of being a firefight Sargent" I smile "Will worked in the same hospital I did" he nods "now I know you" i softly shove him "so are you going to spend the day with me I know Will isn't working" he laughs "you and Will" "now me Jay and Will" "as long as I'm before Will fine" I laugh "what his had his whole life to be first" I laugh again god it felt good to laugh

I made it back home after a wonderful day with Jay and later Will. "You have a nice day" Henry asks me walking over giving me a kiss. "It was fantastic I spent the day with Jay. Will joined later I think I may have two more sons" he sits beside me "you got to stop adding to our family it's getting hard justify who's family to you and who's not....I'm going to start to run out of people to threaten " I laugh "never" he just leans over kissing me with so much passion

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