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I pop back up just in time to see one of them firing in every direction

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I pop back up just in time to see one of them firing in every direction. I take a deep breath shooting him in the head watching fall over the balcony right into the middle of the mall. This catches the attention of the other three, I can hear them running. They all look over the balcony I fire again sending another one over. The other two spin and unload into the desk I dive to the floor, groaning out in pain as a bullet goes through the wood into me. I grit my teeth sitting up and looking over when the shooting stops. I can hear them running. I stand up limping out from behind the desk. I see someone in the distance I don't hesitate to shoot, when i see him carry something. Suddenly I feel something hit the back of my head sending me to the floor. I could hear everything but it felt so far away. I hear a gun go off making me panic. "Aunt Lillie" Lexi comes beside me kneeling down "go back" she shakes her head looking around before getting Sarah to help pull me through the store. "dad aunt Lillie need help shes bleeding like a lot" I hear Lexi say "I got the guns" Flynn said I didn't even know he left. "Keep pressure" Lexi tells Sarah putting the phone down beside me and picking up a gun. I move my eyes around seeing Kaci silent crying. Ellie holding Sophie sitting close to Kaci all three crying, Ellie holding Sophie's mouth so she can't cry loud. I couldn't move. I barely see just hear distant sounds. I was going to die. I didn't want to die, leave Henry, leave Sophie, Ellie, Flynn, Lexi, Kaci they were my everything. I could feel myself slowly slipping, the pressure Sarah was putting on my wound is slowly disappearing. "Mumma" Sophie whimpered out, "shh we got to keep quiet until your daddy gets here" Kaci tells her I don't know if she even gets what's going on she's almost two, all she knows is there are loud noises, Flynn and Lexi are defending them and her mumma is covered in blood barely conscious. Suddenly everything went black.

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