My brother

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I stand outside the prison waiting Sophie skipping around the parking lot with her light purple fluffy bunny I got her for her birthday

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I stand outside the prison waiting Sophie skipping around the parking lot with her light purple fluffy bunny I got her for her birthday. "I'm free" he shouts twirling around I immediately smile. I wrap my arms around him "my little sister" he laughs "Uncle Eddie" Sophie squeals jumping into his arms walking beside me as we walk to the car. I go to take Sophie to put her car seat. "I got this" I give him a look like I don't believe him. His been in prison for half his life how the hell would he know how to operate a car seat. "You put it here silly" Sophie said giggling I smile getting in car allowing Sophie to direct him. I start the car as he gets in the passenger seat, i glance back making sure Sophie is strapped in right. "Good work" "have a little faith in me" I laugh "I have always had faith in you but I heard the two year old giving you directions" he laughs as I begin to drive "so I have to drop some stuff off at the district you don't have to come in Soph probably will she loves everyone there but after Charles is meeting us at my place him and Justin are doing something I don't know there like best friends suddenly. Pretty sure Flynn and Lexi are with them" he nods "think I would come in see the husband" I sigh but drive.

Sophie runs up the steps Edward beside me as we reach the top. Everyone stares "guys this is my big brother Edward Eddie these are the guys that helped get you out" "I thought it was Danny boy taking hostages" I roll my eyes "that to" I walk over to Al handing him the file he asked for. "So your the husband" I turn around unable to say anything to Al about the files "Ed" I wasn't able to saying else before he punched him. I gasp jumping back. I rush over "you got out like half an hour ago you can't just punch people especially cops in a police station" I stand between the two Hank rubbing his bleeding mouth his jaw looks like it might bruise. I could tell everyone was ready to jump in. But both men would do anything with me in the middle. "She doesn't deserve you" he snaps "Eddie" Sophie said truth was I think we all forgot she was here to "sorry I tried to distract her" Adam said I wave him off smiling kinda thankful "mummy always said you can't hit people it makes her sad and we don't like mummy sad" she frowns standing in front of me between the two men "mummy's been sad a lot we want her happy mummy happy means everyone happy" I'm pretty sure if me and Sophie weren't in the middle Edward would have dived on Hank punching him. "She deserves better than you and you know it" Edward spat storming out. I look between the two before chasing after my brother with Sophie in my arms. I couldn't stand there now that everyone knew the truth. I'm pretty sure the guessed it but now it's public.

I watch Edward holding my Sophie, Charles and Justin sitting beside him all three men talking. "His right you deserve better" I look over seeing Hank beside me Al and Lexi walking over to the group. Al sending me a nod. "I will sign anything you want" I turn to face him "is that what you want a divorce" he doesn't say anything making me sigh "Hank I only ran because I couldn't know everyone knowing before it was just whispers I could handle that pretend it doesn't exist but now they know" he nods when I say Hank clearly noticing the change. I don't think I had called him Hank since long before we were married. "I don't want that but I want you happy" "then prove it because I'm at my happiest when my husband is showering me with love my daughter giggling because her daddy is making her laugh. My son grandson and daughter all around us" I give him my full attention "you know how much I love my family how much I love you all I want is to be surrounded my that" he sighs "I have been neglecting you and I'm sorry" he sigh "when Sophie disappeared I" "we all changed but we drifted" i hesitant wrap my arms around him all I really needed was to be in his arms "we can fix this" I say I didn't want to let go but I wasn't sure I needed him to try just as much as I was. "We do for her just as much as us" he told me bringing a smile to my face instantly. "I don't think I told you recently but you are the best thing that happened to me" I smile just staying in his arms "we have been through hard times and made it out the other side we are going to be ok" he said I didn't know if we would be ok.

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