They are children

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I had spent my time at the hospital with the kids

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I had spent my time at the hospital with the kids. They wouldn't let anytime near if I wasn't in the room. I turn to them "I'm just going outside right there" I point "you will still be able to see me" they nod I walk out of the room rubbing my stomach. "Do we know how old they are" I shake my head to Wills question "how are you doing" I smile "I'm good" he nods "can you call Henry or Jay to tell him I'm here his probably already killed Adam because I left" he laughs shaking his head before I walk back in.

It's now a week later. The kids stayed at the hospital for a week. They were severely malnourished lacked vitamin d. They were getting released today which I think Henry was thrilled about considering I barely left. I walk into intelligence "long time no see" Al said jokingly causing me to roll my eyes "can't believe your pregnant Voight bans you from here and you go solve a four year old kidnapping" Jay laughs out "where Adam" I ask looking around "oh Voight put him on patrol for loosing you" I shake my head walking into my husbands office him closing the door behind me. He walks over and kissing me "I missed you" I shake my head "I missed you to" I hug him "but I get the feeling this isn't a social visit" I laugh kissing him "his always a social visit for you" I smirk "but I did need to talk to you about the kids" he rolls his eyes, he is probably tired of hearing about them. "They can't just go to foster care Henry they were taught how to shoot they and who knows what else. We can't just let them out into the world who knows what will happened" "we can't take in five kids we are already having a baby" "I'm not asking that maybe take in two I just want to send them somewhere that can handle them" he nods "I'll figure it out" I lean over kissing him "stop punishing Adam it's not his fault we both know I would have done it if you were there" he sighs "let him back up the kids good" I lean over and kiss him once more before leaving.

I was back with the kids in the hospital room. It was much later Charlotte was on my lap. "I figured it out" Henry said from the doorway "Lottie this is my husband Hank" I introduced before introduce everyone else.

Charlotte ended up coming with us, Henry offered, James with Al. Riley, Mia and Caleb went with friends of Henry's. we still see them.

Now I have a son two daughter a baby on the way, a granddaughter now.

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