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Birthdays were important in our house

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Birthdays were important in our house. They were significant, special. We always made them memorable no matter the age. Every birthday I'm woken up with a kiss. Henry gets up early making me a breakfast feast which usually wakes me but I don't get up, sometimes I fall back asleep or just pretend so he can kiss awake. Although I think he knew I was awake but we just played the game we always have. We eat breakfast in the dinning room with the middle of the table lined with food. I hated breakfast in bed, crumbs in the bed were like tiny little razors when you sleep the absolute worst. Everyone always came as well breakfast was a family meal everyone all around the table just doting on me, Henry hates breakfast and we take the kids to a diner on their birthday. After breakfast Henry usually takes me for a walk along the river. Depending on what Henry has planned but we either have lunch or dinner with our extended family, Henry did try to stop this long ago but I wouldn't have it. I would then finish the day just snuggling with those I love.

"Mummy look this is my special burthday clothes" she twirls we had just finished breakfast and were now sitting in the living room. Henry had taken her to get her ready "you look beautiful" she twirls "did daddy take you shopping" Henry laughs "dad doesn't go shopping he just funds the shopping excursions" Justin said making us laugh "my money yes but Lexi Ellie and Flynn did this" Henry said walking over picking up the smiling girl "oh yeah they tag teamed it he took us there and Al picked us up" "daddy made  fake police chase us" "Adam went" I was so confused "yep and Soph here kept telling him it was because he was not as good as daddy" I laugh "but of course you were loaning your car to him neither was Al" I add "Ruzek is never driving my car" he said pointing I just get up "are we going on the super secret special walk now" I rose my eyebrow at Henry "well are we" I ask he nods I look around. I know Justin couldn't come so I look at Erin, Flynn and Ellie. I "any of you coming" they shake their head "no it's a you dad and Soph adventure plus I clearly didn't get the love for the river you have we will hang out later" I nod smiling.

I walk beside the river with Sophie in the middle of us, holding both mine and Henry's hand. We were swinging her up and down. Her laughter fulling the air contagiously making us smile. "Mummy daddy look" she lets go racing over to the fence pointing to the water. Henry's hand immediately goes to mine. "I see baby" I say Henry's other arm picks her up so she can see better. "Thank you Henry you alway make sure I feel special she feels special" "with Justin" "you did your best" "I could have been there more" I smile shrugging "we can always do better" "Erin told me when Justin got out that the tough love approach didn't work and it didn't cause he always ran to you" I laugh knowing it's true I couldn't count how many times he had run to me while he was getting in trouble because I wasn't the tough parent "said a softer approach might work I knew it did cause you were always softer with him" he lets go of my hand pulling me close, I lean up and kiss Sophie's cheek making me giggle "thought I might give it a goes for this one" "you know our other one is at home one that could probably use a patient soft father not the struck tough one you pretend to be" "I didn't pretend" "we both know that is only you when your Sargent Hank Voight but when your my Henry and" I turn to Sophie pointing to Henry "who's that" "daddy" she squeals "your kind and caring and patient because that is what love us" "you taught me me that" I look at him confused "how to love" I smile "I can firmly say you taught me to love but when you gave me Justin which showed me love like I never felt which made me love you all the more" he leans down kissing me passionately "ewww" Sophie said pulling our heads apart making us laugh "I remember when Justin hated us kissing as well" I remark as he put Sophie down who took both our hands and we continue our walk.

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