Saturday - 9:10am

55 0 2

The flat remained that quiet for the rest of the night. As Levi lay flat on his back, Grayson was curled up into the younger's side, clinging onto his shirt, who had his arm wrapped loosely around Grayson. The covers were pulled right up over the blue eyed boy, Levi made sure of that, but he himself was too hot and had kicked them away during the night.

Levi got little sleep that night. His brain worked overtime as he watched the boy next to him sleep soundly. Levi loved how peaceful Grayson whilst sleeping, and only hoped that he was less troubled in sleep than he was in consciousness.

He knew he would have to talk to Grayson about everything eventually but didn't really want to that day, instead opting to just be there for his blue-eyed boy. As he pondered over how the day would play out, he subconsciously began to softly play with the tuffs of hair that poked out from underneath Grayson's hoodie.

Where did this leave them? Does Grayson really love Levi? Levi wasn't give much more time to mull over his thoughts. Grayson had began to stir in his sleep and yawned as he nuzzled into Levi's chest, who paused his movements. It was a few minutes before he actually opened his eyes, but he looked cute as he did so, and Levi couldn't help but mentally aw at the sight.

Grayson blinked up at Levi, who sent him a small smile back. Grayson sighed and rest his head back on Levi's chest. He tapped the hand that Levi had in his hair, indicating that he wanted Levi to continue. Levi hummed and bit his lip to stop himself from laughing, and complied with Grayson's wish.

"Good morning."

Grayson didn't respond.

"I would ask how you're feeling, but I think I already know the answer."

He still didn't respond.

"You should call your parents."

"Oh for fucks sake." Grayson groaned, the moment ruined for him. He rolled onto his back, pulling the covers with him, up to his neck once again. Levi rolled onto his side to face the older boy, and reached over and moved Grayson's head to face him. He lay his hand on his cheek, stroking it softly with his thumb.

"They're going to be so angry... I haven't, I haven't done this in a long time. A really, really long time." Grayson admitted to his Levi.

"Well, I got Rosie to text them. She said that they're going to pick you up today."

Grayson groaned aloud once more, "Ughhhhh! What time?"

"I don't know, I haven't messaged them yet. What time shall I say?"

"Next Thursday."

"Seriously Gray." Levi snorted, pinching the blue-eyed boy's cheek lightly before continuing his caressing.

"How about, we shower, get you something to eat, and then we get your mum and dad to pick you up." Suggested Levi. After a moment, Grayson nodded.

Getting out of bed, Levi dragged the boy he loved with him into the bathroom. Levi turned the shower on, and both boys stripped as they waited for the water to warm. They stepped in, and just stood under the water, Grayson leaning back against Levi. Levi dropped a kiss onto Grayson's shoulder before resting his chin in the same spot as he wrapped his arms around the elder's waist.

"Last night, I don't know if you really meant what you said last night. I know we've moved fast, and its all a-alot to to take in. But I've never felt what I feel for you, for anyone. So. Even if you don't love me, I love you... I love you Grayson."

Grayson took a few moments to respond, which kept Levi on edge. Once he made up his mind, Grayson shook his head. He didn't move though, he was too much of a coward to have to look at his boy as he spoke.

"You shouldn't have came last night. I-I meant what I said, but I shouldn't had said it. I hurt you Levi. I keep hurting you. A-and that's what this relationship will be like, I will get angry quickly, or-or stay in bed for days, or I might disappear for hours and not tell you, or I might not be able to hold a proper conversation for weeks, and just.... I can't do that to you. I don't want to."

Levi's faced pulled down with the weight of Grayson's admission. He couldn't control the scowl that was painted onto his face as he stepped back, and spun Grayson around to face him. "You're not the only one in this relationship Grayson. What did I tell you last night, hm? You're not alone. I'm not giving up on you."

"And let's be honest I'm not perfect either. I'll probably hurt you too, I mean, I am a grump. And I snap too quickly. And I'm so fucking insecure, and definitely have trust issues. And I barely know who I am. But I know that I love you. And that enough for me."

If he had any tears left, Grayson might have began to cry again. But alas, he didn't, and instead leant forward, resting his forehead on Levi's. After a moment to gather himself, Levi pulled away and began to help his blue-eyed boy wash up, before quickly washing himself as well. He stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around his own waist. Levi took the biggest towel he could find and wrapped it around Grayson's entire body, trying to keep him as cozy as possible.

Once they were back in Levi's bedroom, the younger once again helped the elder dress, passing him a pair of black sweatpants and a brown nike hoodie. Grayson sat on the edge of the bed, staring blankly out of the window, whilst Levi dressed himself in a pair of red checked pj bottoms and a black t-shirt.

Opening the door, Levi listened to check if anyone was around, and heard banging about in the kitchen. "Gray? I think someone is in the kitchen, do you want to come with me while I make us something or do you want to go back to bed?"


"Okay then." Levi dropped a kiss on top of Grayson's forehead before leaving and shutting the door behind him. As soon as that door was shut behind him, Levi lent against. He let out a shaky breath and closed his eyes, willing himself not cry. All he could think was 'where do I go from here?'

Deep down he knew who he needed to talk to. But he was dreading even comprehending seeing her.

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