Saturday - 1:02 am

41 0 0

Brooklyn was dancing with Xavier in the living room of his friends house. She had stayed sober this time as he drank, which was evident in his dancing. He dipped down and kissed her deeply, snaking an arm around her waist and pulling her closer. As Brooklyn leaned up and kissed him back just as hard, her jeans pocket buzzed, indicating she had a phone call. She pulled away causing Xavier to groan and grabbed her phone out of her pocket and checked the caller ID.


"Its Levi, I'll be back in a minute," Brooklyn shouted in Xavier's ear, who nodded lazily, too drunk to care. Brooklyn quickly pushed pass the crowds to the front door, as Xavier found a friend.

"Levi, you okay?" Brooklyn asked. Levi never called. He always texted.

"Oh Brooke! B-B-B-Brooklyn!! The one, the only Brooklyn Carter! What a pleasure." Levi slurred, clearly drunk. Brooklyn could hear wind in the background and confused as to where he was.

"Yeah Levi, Hi. It's me. What's up?"

"The sky! Bah!" Levi joked, before laughing loudly down the phone.

"Haha, great joke Levi. You're fucking hilarious. Listen, if you've not got anything to say then I'm gonna go," Brooklyn muttered, deeply regretting her choice not to drink.

"No! Nah, nah, nah don't go. I actually wanted to voudrais te demander une faveur s'il vous plaît!" Levi slurred, his pronunciation poor, practically butchering the french language.

"Really? Levi how much have you has to drink?"

"Just a few cans, Jesus! What are you the alcohol police?!" Levi snapped down the phone.

Brooklyn sighed heavily, rubbing her temples. "If you're gonna be an asshole Levi..."

"No! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry. For- for snapping, and being rude, and, and for everything else I'm sorry!" Levi said, crying. Brooklyn quickly softened up.

"No it's okay Levi. Listen, where are the lads? Put one of them on the phone for me." Brooklyn asked, hoping to convince one of the boys to take him home.

"Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah. I'm on my own. They're being proper fucking dickheads at the moment. It's why I called you. I was wondering if Xavier could give me a lift home." He asked, his words barely comprehensible.

"What? No he's had a drink, where are you?"

"I'm on primrose hill. It's so pretty up here you know."

"You at promise hill?! On your own? Levi what the fuck?! I'm coming to get you know okay, don't fucking move." Brooklyn demanded, pacing the front drive.

"Oh yay! It's not as fun up here on your own."

"I'll be as quick as I can Levi." Brooklyn said before she put the phone down and booked an Uber. She grabbed her and Xavier's coats from the cupboard under the stairs and squeezed her way into the living room, spotting Xavier on the couch. She quickly walked over to him and yanked his arm, interrupting his conversation.

"Come on Xavier, we have to go now!"

"What, but I don't want too!" Xavier whined, not moving an inch.

"I'm not fucking about Zay, Levi needs us, get fucking moving!" She snapped in his face so he could hear. He sighed dramatically, said goodbye to his friend and let Brooklyn drag him out to the Uber. Just as they were about to leave, Brooklyn's arm was tugged on causing her to turn around and seen Grace, Ruby and Mason stood there confused.

"Where are you going?!" Grace asked over the music.

"Levi's drunk and alone on primrose hill. I'm going to get him." She explained.

"Fuck. Do you want us to come?" Ruby offered, causing Brooklyn to shake her head.

"We'll be fine. I'll text you when we get home." She assured causing the girls to wave. She quickly dragged Xavier out of the house, who stumbled on the step lightly and shoved him into the Uber before jogging around to the other side and getting in. She greeted the driver politely, but had a weird, bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. She text Lucas to let him know what was going on.

"Why are we leaving again?" Xavier mumbled, talking one of Brooklyn's hands into his own.

"Levi fell out with his friends, and is pissed on his own in primrose hill."

"Fucking hell, that boy has some problem." Xavier said, shaking his head. Brooklyn turned to him and raised an eyebrow.

"Don't be so judgemental, we aren't exactly the most normal fucking people."

The rest of the journey was done in silence. As Brooklyn got wrapped up in her own thoughts. As soon as the drive pulled up at the park, she thanked himself and got out, running around to help Xavier get out too, who had started to sober up. They jogged through the park before reaching the bottom of the hill.

"For fucks sake, why did he have to choose a fucking hill." Brooklyn groaned as they walked up it. Add they got closer to the top, they could hear music, accompanied by very bad singing.

"I tried to put it out for you to get! Could've, should've, but you never did! I wish you wanted it a little bit more, but it's a chore for you to give!" The lyrics sung loudly, off key and slurred.

"Is that... the neighbourhood?" Brooklyn questioned confused. Xavier let out an incoherent jumble of words. They followed the music and ended up on the top of the hill. The sight quickly sobered Xavier up.

Levi was laying there, an empty vodka bottle in hand, crying as his phone lay on his stomach playing music.

"Oh Levi," Brooklyn whispered before running over to him. She pulled him up and into a hug, his head in her shoulder as he lay in her lap. She brushed her hand through his hair trying to calm him down as tears welled up into her own eyes too. He reached up and gripped her waist, clinging onto her as he let out pained cries. Brooklyn looked up to Xavier, distressed. But Xavier was stood there, frozen at the sight of a broken boy he thought just acted like a prick.

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