Thursday - 12:26pm

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Levi took a sip from the coffee he had just bought as he walked away from the pay station in the canteen. He let out a little groan, and savoured the taste. It only took him a second or two to spot his friends at their usually table, and made a b-line for them, avoiding Brooklyn's disapproving gaze. Once at the table he dropped his sandwich and coffee on the table, letting his back slam to the ground carelessly as he sat. The noise caught the attention of his friends, who turned to greet him. 

"Wow! Fucking hell mate, you're looking rough." Jaxon chuckled, an eyebrow raised. 

"I fucking feel it too bruv." Levi mumbled. He picked up his coffee in both hands, savouring the sip he took. 

"Well I am offended. You went out, without me! I told you, I want to go with you to every gay bar in London!" Teased Jaxon, which caused Levi to glare at him.

"I didn't go to a gay bar dickhead... I just had a few in the flat with Lucas. Didn't realise just how many I had though." Levi shrugged, the lie slipping through his teeth easily. 

"Well I guess you didn't watch any UCL football last night then. I'll save you the torture of having to watch highlights; we got battered by Bayern, it was fucking painful, I mean..." Levi wasn't really paying attention to anything that his best friend was saying, but the interruption of Matty and Thomas was not appreciated. 

"Wagwan bitches!" Matty grinned, as he sat down. He drops his bag on the floor, and his food on the table simultaneously, creating too much noise for Levi to handle. 

"You sound like such a twat saying that Matty." Thomas smirked, Levi and Jaxon nodded along in agreement, but Matty paid them no mind.   

"So what are you all doing this weekend? You got another romantic weekend planned with lover-boy Lee?" asked Thomas, wiggling his eyebrows. Levi's throat suddenly became very dry, his shitty mood souring even more. 

"Erm, n-no. No. We actually broke up." He muttered before taking a big gulp of coffee. Jaxon and Thomas share a surprised knowing look as Matty lets out a strangled noise. 

"What?! Why? Come on bruv, we finally had someone reliable to buy our drinks!" Matty cried, with a mouth full of pasta. Levi rolled his eyes, and picked up his sandwich, using it as a barrier so he didn't have to talk.

"Are you okay?" Jaxon said softly, knowing how much Levi liked the blue eyed boy. 

"Yeah. Its just that he's bipolar and went mad on Friday, so..." 

"My mum's bipolar as well." Matty grinned, holding his hand out for a high five, that Levi didn't even acknowledge.

"Really? I didn't know that. She always seems proper normal when we come over though." Jaxon observed. 

"Well that's cause she is. She just has these episodes sometimes where she's manic, and its the funniest fucking thing, I swear." 

"I don't think it is Matty. I mean, Grayson got up in the middle of the night and went to get a McDonalds. Naked." Levi deadpanned, a frown permanently etched onto his face. Matty let out a loud laugh, unaffected by Levi's pointed glare. 

"See! Funny! One summer when I was like 12, I asked my mum if we could go out for ice cream, and she flew us to fucking Rome to get some. We only spent the day there and it was wild!" Matty grinned, but the others failed to see what was funny. 

"So what state is Grayson in then?" 

"Depressed. It's why he hasn't been in all week." 

"Well that's shit. Don't worry though you will be able to beg him for his forgiveness when he gets back to himself." Advised Matty, causing Levi to give him a bewildered look. 

"Have you not been listening? He was manic. So none of it was real to him. I was just entertainment whilst he was manic." Levi snapped, his hurt getting the better of him. 

"Haven't you being sort of seeing him for like over a month now? He can't have been manic the entire time Levi. Were you able to talk to him, like really talk to him?"

The question caught Levi slightly off guard, but he instantly knew the answer. "Well, yeah."

"There you go then. When my mum is manic, it's hard to properly talk to her. Like she can't concentrate on what I'm saying cause her own thoughts are going at a mile-a-minute."

"I get it, but Rosie said he's been manic the entire time and that none of it was real. She's known him for years. She knows how to look after him. I don't have a fucking clue how to." 

"You're not his fucking carer Levi, he doesn't need one. You're his boyfriend." Matty snorted, shaking his head. 

"Hang on, who is Rosie again?" Jaxon asked. 

"Grayson's ex-girlfriend. Well I thought she was an ex, but I guess not." 

"Are you dumb?" Laughed Thomas as the other two groaned. Levi suddenly felt attacked and very confused by their reaction. 

"Fucking hell Levi, have I taught you nothing?" Jaxon muttered shaking his head. "You never listen to the ex. Nine times out of ten, a girl always becomes crazy when she becomes an ex." 

Shaking his head, Matty patted Levi's shoulder, in a slightly condescending way. "You, my friend, are an idiot. But lucky for you I'm here to help." 

Thomas and Jaxon shared a wary look. Levi fought the urge to roll his eyes hard, and sighed but did not say anything. Matty hadn't said anything that was too ridiculous so far. Perhaps he would say something helpful. 

"What you need to do is message him. Reach out. Offer an olive branch. Just be like 'hey, hope you're okay, when you're ready we need to talk.'. Thats it. Be patient and wait. He might answer straight away, he might take a couple days. When he answers he might not be in the best state of mind. And he will need your care, attention and compassion. But he will answer. I guarantee it." Matty advised in-between mouthfuls of his pasta. The other three friends were taken aback by how good Matty's advice was, and Levi actually felt the tiniest bit better about it. 

"Wow Matthew, that was actually decent advice." Thomas murmured, smirking. 

"Fuck off dickhead, no need to sound so surprised." 

"Well its not like you're a fountain of knowledge, is it." Jaxon snickered. Levi zoned out of his friends conversation as he thought more about what Matty said. Was Levi able to do all that? He didn't know. And he severely doubted it. But for Grayson, he could try.

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