The Battle of Satisfaction

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(Imma skip to the main battle between the Orc Lord and Rimuru and Y/n. The things before that are still from the canon timeline.)

Y/n pov

As I and Rimuru are in the air, a red light is heading towards and lands on the ground. "Who or what was that?". Once the dust settles I see a short guy with a plague mask.
Rimuru: "A majin? Maybe?".
Majin: "How dare you lot ruin the great Lord Gelmud's ingenious plan?!"
"Gelmud? Wasn't it that guy that came to the ogres' village?". 'Is he the behind this?'
Gelmud: "A new Demon Lord who is about to be born to do my bidding is being halted by you people!".
Rimuru: "A... New Demon Lord?"
'Demon Lord, huh. Wonder if it's strong? Just the thought is making me itch for a battle!'.
Gelmud: "That's right. That's why I gave out so many names to put this plan into motion. To create a DEMON LORD!!".
Shōhei: "So that's why..."
Kanchō: "... You showed up..."
Shion: "...In our village?".
Gabiru: "Oh! Lord Gelmud! Could it be you've come here to help us?-"
Gelmud: "Shut up! You useless dolt! You should've just become a meal for the Orc Lord! A useless fool like you will be nothing but a nuisance! But consider it an honor."
Orc Lord: "What do you mean by evolving into a Demon Lord?"
Gelmud: "Tsk... Your really incompetent. You will be a Demon Lord; Orc Disaster and rule over the entire Forest of Jura! For it is what I and he desire!"
'Who's this 'he?'. I think in interest. 'If there's someone who controlling this that's not him than it must the 'he' who's doing all of this.'. Then this Gelmud guy shoots a pink like attack to Gabiru and his companions. "BIG BANG ATTACK!". I yell to intercept the attack.
Gelmud: "How dare you ruin my plans once again! DIE!!".
"Force Bind!" I say as I stuck this Gelmud in place.
Gelmud: "H-how dare you do this to a superior Maji-".
"Shut up!" I say as I cause pressure behind my punch into his stomach.
Gelmud: "Why, you! I'll-"
"I said shut up!". I repeated as a punch him across the face. I walk closer and tell him, "You keep calling yourself a superior majin, but your nothin but a egotistical bastard!".
Gelmud: "I-i get it! You can be on my side if you-".
"Huh? You said anything about joining you?". I kick him right of the ribs and disable force bind.
Gelmud: "WWWRRRRYYYYYY!!! Damn you! You're going to be finished when he gets your hands on you!".
Rimuru: "Would you tell us who 'he' is? Who's pulling the strings here?"
Gelmud: "G-get away!... Hey, Orc Lord! Help me!"
The Orc Lord walks towards us slowly, we keep our guard up just i-. 'Oh! I did not see that coming.'. Gelmud's is sliced off his body by the Orc Lord. Then the Orc Lord bends down and eats Gelmud's remains. After he's done eating, I sense that his Ki has increased by 4 times! This is bad.
Rimuru: "He evolved into a Orc Disaster, a Demon Lord. "Brother! Let me handle this!" I say in a rare serious tone.
Rimuru: "Are you sure? He's stronger than before. And you could use some help."
"No. My Saiyan pride won't allow me to team up. I wanna fight alone, until I have no strength left.".
Rimuru: "Fine".
"Yosh! Hey, you Orc Disaster! Give a fun fight!". I start to dash towards him and punch him multiple times as he and I go back and forth on our punches. "Now THIS! IS A FUN!". He grabs his clever and does a side slash. "That wasn't fun.".  I materialize my Ki and create a Ki Scythe.

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I slash his arm and cut him in half for around his stomach. 'His Ki should be disappearing but it's still there. Why?'. I turn and then see these weird yellow tentacle things coming from both of his halves. "W-what the?!".
Orc Disaster: "So this... Is pain?"
One of his soldiers sacrifices himself to help the Orc Disaster. 'This is bad he'll gain the abilities of that guy! I have to end this quickly!'.
Orc Disaster: "Not enough! I need more! More food!".
The Orc Disaster shoots a blast towards the sky. Then that blast multiplies and starts shooting towards the others. "Crap!". Rimuru sticks his arm up and redirects the blasts to him as he absorbs it.
Rimuru: "Don't worry! I'll protect them, brother."
"Thanks." I turn back to the Orc Disaster. "You've crossed the line now! I won't show any mercy! AHHHH!!!!". I start yelling to increase my power. I start transforming into... a Super Saiyan. "I'm not done yet! Kaio-Ken x50!... FINAL KAMEHAMEHAAAA!!!!". (Multiplier: Super Saiyan->50 x 100<-since the Kaio-Ken doubles everything).  I send the attack straight to the Orc Disaster, his whole body is caught in the attack. "It's done". I say softly as a begin to lose consciousness, as I used most of my energy to maintain the Kaio-Ken mixed with my ssj form and Ki Scythe.

(Let's rewind to the reactions of the people who saw the fight between the Orc Disaster and You.)

A/n pov

During the fight of of you and the Orc Disaster, the Kijins, the Lizardmen, the Orcs and Rimuru felt your immense power from your transformation but that was overshadowed by the combination of the Kaio-Ken with your Super Saiyan form. The entire spectators from the fight witnessed your height of power, shocking them all. Your power overpowering the Orc Disaster, a newly born Demon Lord! Showing that you have no limit to your power! (Your power was felt throughout the world, alarming many *ahem* future characters and a certain *ahem* loli.)

A/n: Thats the ends of this chapter. Also I'll skip the aftermath of the fight from Rimuru and Y/n being declared as Chancellors of the Jura Forest Alliance and you both naming the Orc population along with the excommunicated Lizardmen. I'll go straight to the Dwarven King coming to the town.

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That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Saiyan [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now