Side Chapter - How did Janemba get here?

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Y/n's pov

"Hey, Rim. I'm going to walk for a bit. I'll be back." 

"Sure. Just don't cause some fights with Veldora again. I don't want to clean up your mess."  Rim voiced.

"Hehee. I'll try not to... bye." I said leaving the house.

'Now, where should I go?' 

I thought about where I should go. I could go to the plaza or the park or anywhere really. So many options yet I can't pick a place to go. I let out an audible sigh as I just walked with no destination in mind.

(5 minutes later) 

'This seems like a good place to stop myself'. I thought, looking at a bench that is isolated from people. 


I let out another sigh. I wonder why? Am I dissatisfied with something? 

"I wonder what though." I said aloud subconsciously.


"Wha? Who-". I said, looking around and eventually finding Janemba next to me, sitting. "Oh, Janemba. It's you."

<Sorry if I startled you.>

"It's fine. So why'd you come here?" I asked.

<It seemed that you were thinking about something. Or something.> 

"You're right. But I can't put my finger on it. Maybe talking to you would help." I said. "Wait, that's it! Janemba, I have a question to ask you."

<What is it?>

"How are you here? I mean, weren't you dead?" 

<Yes and No. Though I was killed... I was 'saved' by someone.>

"Can you tell me the whole thing? 'Cause if you're here then they're here too." 

'If I'm correct then I'm fucked. But I also wonder if... no... let's not think about that.' I scrapped my thoughts and returned to the conversation.

<From what I remember...>

(Flashback - Janemba's pov)

I launched myself at the same guy who attacked me while in my soft, big yellow form. Going in with a kick aiming at his head but he dodged, going under it. And countering it with a kick of his own.

'Stop moving and let me kill you!' I roared, sending in my tail to hit him. But the guy landed on the floor and managed to kick me in the face. Angering me more. So I grabbed his leg and tried to spin him but he kicked me again and gained some distance, launching a ki blast at me.

Unfortunately for him, I sent the blast through my dimension, surprising the guy who kept his guard trying to find the blast, and he somewhat dodged it.

So the guy went at me, knee-kicking me in the face.

(Goku has a kink of kicking people in the face confirmed?! O.O)

Then he teleported behind me and kicked me in the face (again) causing me to be dizzied, allowing him to go behind me and send in a ki blast to my face. Though I had de-materialized myself before that could have happened. Then I materialized my arm and ki blasted his face. 

'Hahahahahahahahahaaaa Now die!!!' I thought, sending a ki blast at him again that damaged him. 


I materialized myself in front of him and picked up, what looked like a bottle but was a sword. I lifted the sword and swunged it at the guy, making him backflip. I swung the sword again but he sent out a ki blast that exploded when I made contact with it. 

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