The Founder's Festival is Ready and Open

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Y/n's Pov

With the Tengu situation handled and Benimaru having a challenge that makes him stronger, if you get what I mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) . *ahem* Now that's left is having Mjollmile be involved with the executives and be part of them and have a meeting with everyone to check if things are ready for the Founder's Festival.

Rim: "Before we begin the meeting, there's someone I'd like to introduce to you all to. This is Mjollmile, or Mollie in short, and I am considering having him as part of our government. He's been intimately involved with the arrangements for the Founder's Festival, and if it turns out successful, I'd like to award him to be our chief of financial affairs." In response, everyone nodded their heads to show approval. In which, Mjollmile stood up to introduce himself.

Mjollmile: "My name is Gard Mjollmile. Rimuru-san has been kind enough to give me a crucial duty in the upcoming festivities, and frankly, I'm rather tense, but I hope I will earn your goodwills from you all."

Rim: "Thanks for the welcoming introduction Mjollmile. Now, if you could please go over how is our status in having the festival ready."

Mjollmile: "Of course. If you'll excuse my- *gets the cue* Everything is in order to have the Founder's festivals be in operation. But there are some problems with the Labyrinth but I'll let Ramiris-sama and Veldora-sama explain once I finish and when they're ready to explain the situation. *ahem* We are ready for the festival— the colosseum and along with the other activities are also ready. That is all I have to report."

With Mjollmile's report done, and most of the activities ready to be open for the Festival. We now just need to wait till the day of the opening comes and we have ourselves a grand party life in Novus Roma. But there is an issue, we- me and Rim need to do some things like...

(The next day)

On the morning of the first day, we would bear a speech. Not that I was bothered by it but, for Rim, it was an issue but he still did anyway 'cause everyone thought it was needed and also cause they knew that he would refuse. So as 'planned' we held a speech about us now being D.Ls. After that, we'd go to the battle tournament at the coliseum. I stayed at the coliseum since I wanna look at the strong people other nations have and see if they'd like to spare. But Rim didn't stay with me, he said he had to go and check and other places. Well, he's missing out on this!

(A few unimpressive battles later)

I should've gone with Rim, that was so boring! I shouldn't be complaining though, it was the Eighth-finals, so not a lot of matches were interesting. Now all that boringness got me hungry, and since lunch came after the tournament, I ate and headed to Rim's location, to which was a technological exhibition in the museum, it included having panels of Gabil and Vester's history of healing potions, Kurobe and Garm's grand tour of their weaponry, and a bunch of other stuff. Much of the activities today were only being seen by nobles and then it would be open to the public from day two to the end of the Founder's Festivals. Speaking of day 2, we're skipping that day but for day 3, there's some worth talking about like having people asking us questions, the finals of the tournament now being done, and people being able to watch adventurers trying to conquer the labyrinth.

Geld: "I have to say, I'm quite impressed with the building of the coliseum." He said in pride, no doubt in being proud of his race and the new generation of talented craftsmen below him now. 

"Same here. It's like looking at a larger scale coliseum of Rome, *whistles* we have to thank you and Mildo and all the other craftsmen that brought this to life."

Rim: "I have to agree. It's all thanks to everyone's work and ours too since we contributed even if it was for a bit. No one would know that this was rushed. But I am worried that if magic-born monsters and above A-ranks would fight there, it would cause some pretty good damage."

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