(Side Chapter) - Summer

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(Based on Slime Dairies)

Y/n pov

The season has changed yet again! And it has arrived in Novus Roma. "I wonder if this world has a concept of ice cream?".
Rim: "We could just 'invent' it. It'll be a win-win to the country and the economy."
"I thought you wanted to live a peaceful life? Why the interest in money?".
Rim: "Well, we can't really have that if we're both leaders of a country, now can we? Anyway, lets go check how Shuna is doing."
"Sure, I don't mind."
Rim and I went back home and saw Shuna wiping sweat. As she did she saw me and Rim walking/bouncing our way here.
Shuna: "Oh, samas!".
"Yo, Shuna."
Rim: "Ooh, sunflowers! How summery."
Shuna: "Yes, I planted the flowers that you described."
Rim: "It looks wonderful. Thanks Shuna.".
Shuna: "It's no problem, Rimuru-sama."
"Well, we're going to stay home for the day if that's ok. It's pretty hot now since spring has already passed.".
Shuna: "Of course, Y/n-sama. Just call for us and we'll be there."
"Thanks Shuna." As the conversation ended, me and Rim went inside our home and drank some cool soda.
"That hits the spot. I haven't drank soda ever since we came to this world."
Rim: "You've said it!".
As we continued to drink our sodas, I sensed 3... plants? spying on us? 'Are plants sentient in this world? Wait no, if that were the case this world wouldn't have human-like races. Maybe it's Treyni-san? Hmmm... Well whatever, Imma just enjoy my soda.'

(50 minutes later)

After we drank our soda, we went to one of the Strom Dragon shrines and saw Rigurd praying. 'Damn in a hot day like this, he'll pray. I'm impressed.'
Rim: "Say, Rigurd. It seems everyone in the city is struggling with the heat."
Rigurd: "Hai. Even I can't recall a heat like this in the summer when I a regular goblin."
"Couldn't us clearing a massive amount of the forest caused this?".
Rigurd quickly disregards my comment and reassured us that it was just due to Veldora-nii's 'disappearance'.
Rigurd: "I'm sure it's just the gods doing this. It's not your doing! It was just the Storm Dragon's disappearance. You're safe. Safe."
Me and Rim look at each other and look at the shrine, mentally apologizing.
"*whisper* Let's make a policy of replanting trees for every tree we cut down."
Rim: "*whisper* Agreed. *normal voice* uhhm... Rigurd, me and Y/n are going to the government building."
Rigurd: "Hai. I shall see you again samas."

(Scene change)

"Say, aren't you two hot with those outfits on?". I asked Shuna and Shion.
Shion: "Not at all. I like the summer, so the heat doesn't really bother me."
Shuna: "And I have a official title I have to hold. So I have to best with anything coming at my way, or else it'll bring shame to me."
Rim: "Well, as long as you don't overexert yourselves."
Shion: "*stands up* No worries. If I get too hot, I'll just remove a layer of clothing that isn't visible. *points down* Like today!".

Y/n's thoughts:

Shuna got surprised and immediately rushed Shion out of the room, with Rim being visibly confused

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Shuna got surprised and immediately rushed Shion out of the room, with Rim being visibly confused.
Shuna: "Excuse us for a moment, samas! *pushes Shion*".
Shion: "*sticks out head* Samas, the feeling of it is comfortable. The breeze helps with the heat!". That statement made Shuna push Shion out the room with more force. While a more confused Rim.
"... You're being dense right now.".
Rim: "What do you mean?".
"Nothing *whistle*".
Rim: "Well. In any case do you wanna eat some watermelons?."
"Sure. The summer heat needs to be calmed down."

(Scene change)




Y/n/Rim: "It's soo refreshing!".
Rim: "Oh! I wonder if it's chilled yet."
"Is that the food and drink we're giving to Gobuta and the other goblin riders?".
Rim: "Yep! I'm sure they'll love this."

(10 minutes later)

Gobuta: "Wow! This is great! I feel alive again! Thank you so much!!!".
Goblin rider #1: "Samas! It's so cold and delicious!".
"No problem, kiddo. *head pat*".
Gobuta: "And the other stuff? What's it for?".
Rim: "Oh. Well,... When I was a k- little slime, I liked catching bugs. *shoves elbow into Y/n's stomach*."
"O-oh yeah. Back then when we were kids, brother would go out in the woods and try to catch bugs. Me and 'mom' were worried, since it was dangerous to go alone, especially for slimes."
Gobuta: "What? Slimes catching bugs?".
Rim: "Mhm, mhm! The one's I liked to catch were these! *shows drawing of bettle*".
Gobuta: "Eto... We have that kind of bugs around here, but...".
Rim disregraded anymore words and stood up excitedly.
Rim: "Really! That's perfect! Let's go catch some!".
The riders became gloomy but complied to do some bug-catching.

(10 minutes later)

Rim: "I love bug-catching! Now this how you enjoy summer!".
Y/n/Gobuta: "I'm not too thrilled about this."
Rim turned around and pouted like a... kid not having what they wanted.
Rim: "What?! Are you two saying you don't enjoy catching bugs?!".
"Uh... T-that's not what I... Uhhh...". I walk a bit forward to Rim and started head patting him.
Rim: "Hey!... *embarrassed* S-stop heading patting me! I'm not a little kid! *pouts*.".
I continue head patting Rim, seeing him expression is all the more reason to continue. "What a... adorable little brother I have :)".
Rim: "I-I'm not a-adorable! Not little!".
"Yeah, yeah."
Rim: "Great. Now I don't wanna do bug-catching. *does tsundere head turn*.".

(Scene change #2)

Rim: "Oh, there he is! Benimaru got a minute?".
Benimaru: "What is it? Not a nasty trick, I hope."
Rim: "Nah. Since it's soo hot, I thought we could make the most of it and have an endurance contest."
Benimaru: "What do you mean by endurance? Since battling in this heat would be... difficult."
"This endurance contest would be... Sitting in the sun and slowly turning up the heat. Then put layers of clothing on. And finally, eating a hot pot meal. And whoever wins, would spend a day with either me or my brother. Or everything the winner wishes for."
Rim: "So what do you say, Benimaru? A strong like you won't be conquered by a little heat, right?".
Benimaru: "Hmm... In that case, I'll give a taste of my Strained Endurance."

(A few moments later)

Every single participant has been knocked out! Including myself, I also participated. And now I'm in a coma-like state. Damn that cursed food! Even though it gives me zenkais I don't want to die eating! I think I'll rest till my stomach has been healed.

(Le next day)

A whole bunch of slimes came from the forest to the front of our home. Rim made the other slime in front of him copy his structures. Bit the moment didn't last as the slime went with other slimes, back to the forest.
Shion: "Rimuru-sama, Y/n-sama!".
We both turned around and saw everyone. And I mean everyone running towards us.
Everyone: "Samas! Don't go back to your family!".
Y/n/Rimuru: "But you guys are our family."
That's was a... wholesome chapter. After I publish this chapter, I'll be publishing a updated Bio of Y/n Tempest. Anyway, here



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