The Tournament - Quarter Finals

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Y/n's pov 




Rim: "AaAaHHh! What the hell Y/n? Also why're late?".

"Oh, well Milim has an injury on her shoulder, not sure how. So I treated her the best I could since she refused to use a potion or have help via Shuna, so yeah."

Rim: "Oh. Well, that's bad to hear, anyway I'm going to give a speech so I can just sit back and enjoy the show."

"Ok. I guess I'll be sitting here till then and watch this."

Rim nodded and headed to the platform, having the mic ready for him and handed by Soka.

Rim: "Fighters, if you survive through the end of today and win the final round tomorrow, I will grant you the glory of my nation... Masayuki the Hero... Win, and I will invite you to challenge me. As for other participants, if you desire to challenge me, challenge the 'Four Astral Kings' or my brother. The choice is in your hands and choose wisely who you'll fight to get to me."

Gaiye: "D.L! As someone more powerful than that *points* 'hero' is. So if I win, I want to fight you!".

Rim: "As I said earlier, if you wish to battle me, battle the Four Astral Kings or my brother. But if you keep insisting then become the winner and I'll give you the right to battle me. How does that sound?"

Gaiye: "*click* You better keep your word." Rim ignored Gaiye's cocky altitude and looked at Bovix, and Equinox. Who kneeled at Rim.

Rim: "I expect big things from you both. Even if you fail to win in this arena, remember that you will be rulers of your domain in the labyrinth. Do not disappoint us and fight to the fullest."

Bovix: "Yes, my lord! By the name you granted me, I, Bovix, swear I will not stain your reputation as I give everything I have to the battle!"

Equinox: "And I, Equinox, promise you we will honor your glory. As members of this great nation, we will bestow great prestige to it in our fighting!" 

Rim nodded and turned his head to Carrion whos participating in this tournament.

Rim: "Uhhh, 'Lion Mask'... Don't be too reckless up here, okay?"

Carrion: "Oi, Oi, that's all you got for me?"

Rim: "Yeah. So, uh... yea." 


Rim: "Gobuta! Great job making it this far!"

Gobuta: "Um, Can I lea—"

Rim: "I just know you can win this! I believe in you! Surpass your limit." 

That was a good prep talk, albeit in an encouraging tone with a hint of doubtfulness.

Gobuta: "*shiny eyes intensifies* HAI!"


Rim: "Geld. I want you to tilt this tournament upside down!"

Geld: "Hai, Rimuru-sama!"

Rim: "Well. Still, I wish the rest of you luck and a fun battle."



Rim: "Sup."

"You can do I.T?"

Rim: "With the help of Raphael. Yes."

"And Ki attacks?"

Rim: "I can do anything Ki-related now. But I think I'll refrain from using it -- only in emergencies."

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