The Tournament - Semi-Finals

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Y/n's pov

After taking an intermission to start the semi-finals, the crowd looks ready to have more excitement for the upcoming matches.

Soka: "Welcome folks! We're back in session for more exciting and overwhelming battles! For today's first semi-final match, we have the Hero - Masayuki vs Bovix."

Both Masayuki and Bovix entered the platform, facing each other down. The big question for this bout: Is Masayuki really as powerful as he's made to be? Or is it a lie? 'Casue it looks like Masayuki's knees are quivering a bit. Though it could be trembling with excitement. But the sweat coming down the back of his neck was a little much to look at. Was he really as powerful as Hinata?

Bovix: "So you're the 'Hero' who picked a fight with RImuru-sama? A pity, then, you so fail to realize your place."

Bovix was taunting Masayuki. But Masayuki gave a cold smile—or, to put it in a less complementary way, his mouth gave an odd twitch—and let it slide. 

Masayuki: "Heh. Your fighting was a marvel to see."

Bovix: "... Yes."

Masayuki: "...But that makes it all the more a pity."

Bovix: "A pity? What you on about?"

Masayuki: "If you were in peak condition, it would've been fine for me to fight with my full strength. But you used the majority of your endurance in the previous round, didn't you? I just find that to be such a pity."

Bovix: "Hmph. With or without my endurance I'm going to fight regardless. *slam* Now, I'm not here for chit-chat. Raise your sword and fight me, 'Hero'".

Masayuki: "... Fine."

Diablo: "And... Begin!"

Masayuki: "*whispers* [Lighting Pause]"

Masayuki: "*whispers* [Lighting Pause]"

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Masayuki: "Nothing personal kid" 


Masayuki: "*whisper* [Lighting Re-step]. I won... right?"

Diablo: "... The winner, Masayuki, the Hero!". Diablo's eyes were momentary wide but quickly subsided.

'W-what the fuck?! I...'

"Oi, Rim, did you catch that?"

Rim: "No... It seems that Masayuki's deal as a hero is no joke. I think I might have a really tough time fighting him. But... *thinking*".





Soka: "And now for the final battle of the day. This battle will be against the fierce and powerhouse masked fighter: Lion Mask! And Gobuta, the cloning goblin!"

Diablo: "Are both fighters ready? Good, then start!".

Gobuta: "[Summoing no Justu]!"


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