Meeting and Saving the Children

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Y/n pov

"Hey Rim, here." I hand a button to Rimuru.
Rimuru: "What's this?"
"Well it's a button that if in case of an emergency you can just make me to teleport straight to you and vice versa." I explained.
Rimuru: "I doubt I'll be needing this when meeting with Shizue-san's students but I'll keep this just in case.".
"Well have a safe travel and save'm kids. All right?". I made my hand into a fist and waited for Rimuru to bump into it.
Rimuru: "You know I will!". His fist bumps into mine.

Time skip to the Labyrinth

Rimuru pov

"It's a dead end."
???: "No rush. Here, [Small World]!"
The empty void turned into a small room. In the middle of it there's many robots-err golems. (there's 100 of them)
"Well if it isn't too much to ask, could you tell us where we can find high-ranking spirits? Or is that ro- golem part of answering my question?".
???: "I'll tell you. However, that's only if you defeat these golems. But be aware these golems are powerful.".
"Is that so? *smirks* Then let's put that to the test, shall we?". I pull out the button Y/n give me and press down on it.

Y/n pov

"Hey, Chūshin and Kijin can you both make this training gear *pulls out a sketch of the gear* make sure it's coated in black and weighs a ton."
The gear:

Chūshin & Kijin: "Hmm

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Chūshin & Kijin: "Hmm... This could take some time to do and judging by the materials needed to this *more talking*
'Imma just put a after image here.' I quickly put up a after image and leave to the onsen (Japanese hot-spring baths). "Well time to ge-". I'm suddenly teleported somewhere.
???: "What? What? Who's this?"
I here a very annoying high-pitched voice.
Rimuru: "Hey, brother. TLDR; Golem defeated = saving Shizue-san's students."
"Ah, I get it. So... You take half, I take the other half?." I stretch and begin to warm up.
Rimuru: "Yea, just go full power, our first priority is saving these kids from a slow death."
"That's no fun but I can't get too upset, I don't want to do what Goku did in the Cell games."
The kids: "Who's that?" "I think that's sensei's brother, he always said that he's similar to a human and is stronger than him." "Oh, right. But sensei said 'go full power'." "Are we gonna see sensei and his brother go all out then?".
"Aaaarrrrgggghhhh!!!". I transform into my mssj. "Super Kamehameha! I'm not done yet. Kaio-Ken x10. Stardust





'It seems I destroyed all of my opponents. Wonder how Rim's doing. *looms at Rimuru* oh he finished already.' The kids who were previously hiding below Ranga came to greet me.
Child 1: "*star eyes* Your super strong! Hey are you sensei's brother? Also what was that thing you did where went all 'arrghh and voosh your hair turned blonde?"
"U-umm. Well first, yes I'm Rimuru's brother and second that was me turning into my super saiyan state."
Rimuru: "*chuckles* Well, with that out of the way... Hey I know your hiding, show yourself or I'll turn you into crisp meat. *evilly smiles*."
"Judging by the Ki of this person, their pretty small and also weak."
???: "Right! Right, right, right, right... As humiliating as it is, I'm here!"
"Who are you?" I ask curiously.
???: "I'm one of the Ten Great D.Ls, Ramiris of the Labyrinth!"
"Ppfffttt. YOU! A Demon Lord?!?! That's a funny joke. Your Ki suggests otherwise. *continues to laugh*"
Ramiris: "Hey! Don't laugh! I am a Demon Lord, you should know your pla-". Rimuru head chops Ramiris.
Rimuru: "You? A D.L? You should come up with a better lie then that. There's no way a childish person like you is a D.L... *realizes Milim is childish* Nevermind, that's kind of believable. You remind me too much of Milim."
Ramiris: "...You baka! Baka! Baka! Baka! Baka! Baka! Baka! Baka! Baka! You're a baka! Listen... Among us (pun not intended) D.Ls, Milim is known as the Demon Lord of Absurdity. It's beyond-"
"Oi, can you. SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP. Your being really fucking annoying." I sent her a death glare to silence her.

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