Old Friend + An unexpected people

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Y/n pov

"Oh, this is nostalgic. So why did bring us here?"
Rim: "Well, we can finally fulfill our promise to Veldora. The appraisal of the [Unlimited Imprisonment] is complete so we can free Veldora now."
"That's great! But wouldn't he be too big to release and bring him outside?"
Rim: "That's where my body double comes in. *turns human* Huh? Did I get... taller?"
"You did. Your at the height of my shoulder now. (Y/n is 6'2)"
Rim: "Thats nice. Well let's start our reunion".
After Rim said that he began having Veldora's soul? inhabit his clone. Some time passed and the clone grew in size, it's hair went from light blue to blonde. 'This Ki, it's definitely Veldora's'.
Veldora: " Kuhhahaha! I am the Strom Dragon, Veldora Tempest! I am fully revived! All those who defy me will be slaughtered!"
'That's a very aggressive return. Wait, isn't that from a manga?'
Rim: "Oi, Oni- Veldora... How do you know that line?"
Veldora: "Well, I was bored inside your stomach, so I analyzed your memories and read all that 'manga' in there!"
Rim: "Well, I'm glad that you enjoyed life in my stomach."
"Oh! Did you read the Dragon Ball manga? What saga/arc are on on it?"
Veldora: "Oh! I did. Now I know what you are. Also, I'm on the ToP arc, it was really interesting, learning all those techniques and power ups. Now that I think about, since you a Saiyan what transformation are you on?"
"Well, I'm glad you asked! *Talks prideful* I'm in ssj3! I'm thinking after I master 2 and 3 I'll go do ssj4, since it's my favorite form."
Rim: "Um... Guys, we can talk about DB more once we're out of this cave."
Veldora: "Good idea. Also I should be thanking the two of you. My brothers! *sticks out hand for a first bump*"
We all fist bump and remember our first time meeting. 'Good times'.
Rim: "So... Now that we've reunited and talked. I think we should get out the cave."
We all teleport out of the cave and see the sun start to settle down.
Veldora: "This is my first time seeing the outside in centuries... The air tastes so sweet!"
"Question. Do you think you can do something your Ki? If we bring you back to the town people will freak out."
Veldora: "I can do that."
He then starts to yell and get in power up stance. 'Dont tell he's going to do it like a Saiyan...'
Veldora: "How about that?"
"Its certainly less sensible. But next don't do that again. That's my thing now."

Time skip to night in the town

Rim: "Hey, everyone. Sorry we're late."
Rigurd: "Oh! Rimuru-sama, Y/n-sama! Your all right! We sensed signs of the return of the Storm Dragon, Veldora..."
Rim: "I'm gonna explain that right now. But first, let me introduce you all to this guy."
"This is brother Veldora. He's a bit shy but make sure to be friends with him."
The crowd got awkwardly quiet. 'Hehe. Umm... Did I say something wrong?'. After a couple of seconds of awkwardness, a green light came amd revealed Treyni-san.
Rim: "Treyni-san! Why are you here?"
Treyni-san then knelled on one knee and spoke formal to Veldora.
Treyni: "Our guardian, Veldora-sama, I congratulate your return to the forest."
Veldora: "Oh, Dryads, right? I remember them. I thank you for taking care of my Forest of Jura! Also thank you for keeping a look out for Rimuru and Y/n for me."
The crowd that was dead silent went to complete loyalty and knelled in front of us.
Rigurd: "V-veldora-sama, what is your relationship with Rimuru-sama and Y/n-sama?"
Veldora: "You wanna know? Very well, then. *holds me and Rim* Rimuru and Y/n are my brothers through bonds! My other halfs!"
The crowd goes into wild mode and cheers like never before.
Rigurd: "I understand now! You both appeared before us after Veldora-sama vanished!"
Rim: "We we're keeping it a secret. To be honest I thought it would've taken 100 years to free Veldora, and if that secret had gotten out to others, there'd be no telling who would've come after us."

(Some time later)

I'm enjoying this feast! All this food is great! I wish I could bring Milim here and enjoy this food with her. *sigh* Well, lets get that out of my head for a sec. It looks like Rim and Benimaru are going to die today unless a miracle happens. I look at the food Shion is preparing and look at Rim. He stares back at me, I quickly look away and pretend I saw nothing. 'Forgive give me brother!'

That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Saiyan [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now