Cooperation pt 1

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I'm going to change my writing style for this chapter. And I like how I did it, I'll probably use that now. 


-Time skip of 2 days-

Y/n's pov

"Alright, now that the Founder's Festival is over. I'd like everyone to share any thoughts or feedback for when we make another Founder's Festival." Said Rim to all who are in the meeting.

"In that case then I have something to say. Rimuru, as the king of a nation allied to you, there's something I should bring to your attention. As per our usual night talks, what are you thinking?". Asked Gazel, confusing Rim.

"What do you mean?". Rim responded, confused.

"You aren't aware of it then? *sigh* This is exactly why I can't take my eyes off you for a moment! Vesta, you said that projector was developed by you and Gabiru correct?" Gazel asked to his formal scientist, Vesta.

"Y-your Majesty about that..." Said Vesta, who had his face saying 'Ah shit'.

"If I may, Gazel-dono. Vesta and I did indeed develop the projector but the idea was from Rimuru-sama as the idea of incorporating the then alive D.L Clayman's magical image-recording items in the projector to make the lives of the people better." Gabiru spilled. 

"Yare Yare. I should've thought so. Next time before you reveal things to the public, give me a heads up to at least discuss the invention." Gazel said in an annoyed and tired voice.

"Are you saying that the nobles from the west misinterpreted the idea and use of the projector?" I asked Gazel.

"Yes. The technology of the projector is a dangerous one. Many uses of it could impact the way wars are waged. Think about it, Generals and Kings being able to see the battlefield and give commands from a far distance. I can go on about this but I crucial point is certain. This piece of technology is dangerous." Expressed Gazel. Letting us and everyone know that the uses of the projector can and be a revolution for how wars are waged.

"I wish you told me earlier." Rim blurted.

"I wish you told me earlier". Gazel retorted back.

"Well, at least the projector only requires a high amount of magicules to operate. The range and quantity of data also depend on the user's concentration of magicules, so I don't think this is gonna do that much of a revolution." Rim explained to Gazel. Only to receive a say from him.

"Oh, oh. If you have any other inventions like that, I'd be happy to buy them! I believe the world you come from has what's known as a 'patent' system? I would gladly compensate you for the rights to this technology, if you would give us priority in harnessing them." Elmesia said in an eager tone.

"Ah, then Ell-chan, please get Thalion, Tempest's bath, and toilet infrastructure!" Suggested Eren.

"Yes! Of course. And on a different topic..." Elmesia continued her chatter with Eren drifting away from the meeting.

"In that case, you would need to send in researchers into Tempest but the problem would be if they can hold secrets in not leaking any of our progressing and developing tech. Not that I don't trust you or anything but the possibility is still there." I said, correcting my comment last minute.

"I get it. Well if that's what you're afraid of then we can have the technology exported from here to there. And if you are going to export the tech, I hope you will be transporting them via the 'train' system that was discussed before." Elmesia said, understanding the importance of how leaking tech could cause some unknown effects in this world.

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