The Western Union - Invitation

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(This takes place 2 days after the previous chapter.)


"Frey. What brings you here?" 

"Do you by chance know where Milim is? She hasn't been doing her duties as a leader for a while now." Frey asked.

"Oh... I thought she was in her territory? Training Gobuta and Ranga."

"Ah yes. She did bring 2 people with her and claimed she is going to train them because of something. But, as I mentioned, Milim hasn't been doing her duty. But if you don't know where she is then..." Frey took a stop and looked around the room.

"So... Uh, is that why you came here?" I asked Frey. Trying to rid of the awkward atmosphere that happened to rise.

"Yes." Frey said standing up. "I'll be taking my leave. If you happen to see Milim please tell her that she has to come back home." Frey bowed and headed to the door.

*door opens*

"Oh?" Frey stopped when the door opened and saw 4 familiar faces who were on the opposite side of the door.

"Ara, Milim. So this where you've been?" Frey said with 'friendly' smile. "Well now that I've found you. Do you mind explaining why you are having fun here? In addition to that, Why were the guards that were suppose to guard you, are tied up and knocked out?" Frey said with the same smile.

"EKK!! F-F-F-Frey?! W-wait! I have an important reason f-for this-!" Milim tried her best to reason with Frey but due to her nervousness and shock, Milim is unable to. Milim turned her head to her Rim who uh...

"Ha-ha-ha. Milim, If you had work to do, you should've told us so. I shouldn't keep you here longer if that's the case, huh." Rim said, betraying Milim. 

Milim looked onto Ramiris and Veldora for a plea for help.

"U-umm. That's right Milim. We're sorry we kept you around for our research. You should've told us sooner." 

"Y-yea. Milim, as your Uncle, I should've enforce you to go and do whatever work you need to." 

Both Ramiris and Veldora said, straying away from their involvement in Milim's present predicament.

And so, as her last attempt in getting away from Frey. Milim looked at me with tears, most likely pleading for me to help her out but...

'Sorry, Milim! There's nothing I can do.' I mentally said.

"Well, Milim it seems like you have no explanation." Frey said. Now dragging Milim by the back of her neck, putting an end to Milim's protest and sending her back home.

"W-WAIT!! RIMURUUU!! Y/NNNNN!!!". Milim cried out for the rest of the way out of the building.

A sigh of relief came over Rim and the rest of the gang.

"While on the topic of work needing to be done. Rimuru-sama, where were you? What have you been doing this entire time?". Shuna said with a smile similar to what Frey had on. 

"Ah... I was... Researching, y-yea. Definitely, I was not 100% having fun, nope." Rim said, in his defense.

"Naruhodo. Tell me, Rimuru-sama, what have you been researching?" Shuna said with her smile still on.

"Uh... I- It's a secret. No one can know!" Rim said in a hurry.

"Ah, then you don't mind if I happen to know what you were-". Shuna's words were interrupted by Mjollmile's sudden entrance with an expression of panic.

"Y/n-sama, there's a- Rimuru-sama, you're here too. Good" Mjollmile said, indirectly saving RIm from Shuna.

"What's wrong Mjollmile?" I asked.

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