The Meeting among Leaders

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Y/n pov

Shuna: "Next is our new second and third secretaries, Diablo and Janemba.
Diablo: "It a pleasure to be your acquaintances. *slightly bows*".
Shuna: "And the caretaker of the Forest of Jura."
Treyni: "I am the Dryad Treyni."
Shuna: "This concludes the introductions of our members from Tempest. I will now introduce our guests. From the Armed Nation Dwargon, King Gazel Dwargo. From the Sorcerous Dynasty of Thalion, Archduke Elalude. From the Animal Kingdom of Eurazania's Warrior Brigade, the 3 Beastketeers, Lady Albis, Lady Suphia, and Sir Phohio. From the Kingdom of Blumund, Guildmaster Fuze. And finally, the future King of the Kingdom of Falmuth, Sir Grucius, Lady Mjurran, and Sir Youm."
'That was one long introduction.'
Rim: "Shuna, where's Veldora?"
Shuna: "Veldora-sama is changing into clothes, so he will arrive shortly."
Veldora then comes into view and walks past Gazel and Elalude.
Veldora: "Yo! Sorry to keep you waiting!".
"Like the casual outfit. *thumps up*"
Veldora: "Right? It's very nice! Shuna, is it? You have my compliments!".
Shuna: "Thank you."
Gazel: "Rimuru, Y/n, is this another of your subordinates? I've never seem him."
Rim: "Yes but also no. First let me introduce you to our first brother.  This is Veldora-nii-san."
Veldora: "I am the Strom Dragon, Veldora Tempest! Very few people have had a chance to speak with me. You are all extremely fortunate! Consider it a great honor".
Eren: "Oh. He passed out."
Veldora: "Huh, was he overcome with emotion?".
Rim: "Hey, Veldora, we're about to have a serious discussion here. So don't interrupt if necessary, alright? During times like these, I'd like to act like a responsible big brother."
Veldora: "Sure! But why do you have to be cold about it? Wasn't your idea to be brothers?".
Rim: "*Embarrassing slime noises*".
Gazel: "Rimuru, Y/n! We need to talk."

Time skip to Rimuru and Y/n explaining everything to Gazel and Elalude

Gazel: "Do we make this explanation public or conceal it?"
Elalude: "Either way, the Western Nations shouldn't pose a problem. But, the only problem is..."
Gazel: "The Western Holy Chruch. We cannot keep this a secret from them. Of all the Dragons, they regard the Strom Dragon with particular hostility."
Elalude: "They've probably already discovered that the Strom Dragon is back."
"I think I have a solution. *Everyone looks at me* Why don't we fabricate a story. But before I say what my solution is, I want to know the position of your nations."
Elalude: "We'll as being part of this private meeting, I've gained the best possible knowledge to determine my nation's position. It would be foolish to pick a fight that's home to a D.L, a Strom Dragon and someone who can rival a D.L."
Rim: "So, what your trying to say is even if the Western Church becomes our enemy, you'll take our side?"
Gazel: "I'm saying that I won't expose my country to danger when there's no real reason to be hostile. We are under no obligation to the Western Holy Church. Understand?".
Rim: "Yeah. But... Elalude-san... We haven't established diplomatic relations with Thalion. Why are you being so cordial?"
Elalude: "Since it was my daughter. Ere- Eryune, who told you how to become a D.L, I am charged with talking responsibility for that. After all, one could say that my daughter created a D.L. This is why I came here personally to judge for myself, with the possibility of dispatching am army in kind in case I deemed it necessary."
"And what's the judgement you made till now?"
Elalude: "I choose friendship. That's the obvious choice. Of course, this position will have it's problems. First, the annihilation of the army of Falmuth that Mister Rimuru and Mister Y/n caused."
"Well that's not a problem. 'Cause, with what proof do they have? All of the bodies are gone, with no evidence what's there to say we did it?".
Gazel: "Meaning that we can alter the events as we please. All that has to be done is convince those who are going to hear the story. *looks at Rim and Y/n* Rimuru, Y/n, leaders must not have regrets, as the toughest of choices requires the strongest of wills."
"We know. After all, we have to do what we have to do to survive and thrive."
Gazel: "Very good. Now let's come up with a story..."
After our private talks about what we will fabricate, we resumed the initial meeting. But we told everyone in the meeting about our story.
Fuze: "I can't believe it... Rimuru-san, you fought Hinata Sakaguchi?"
'She still pisses me off, after what she did and said.'
Rim: "Yea. She was incredibly strong. She wouldn't listen to me at all. She was like a cruel and cold-blooded killer."
Fuze: "That's... different than the information we have about her. In our info, she always lends a helping hand to those who depend on her. She won't waste her time on anyone who ignores her advice, in fact her way of thinking is reasonable and logical."
'Interesting. It seems that Hinata is only cruel to monsters and kind to humans. Was she a racist back on Earth? Regardless, I'll enjoy beating the shit out of her.'
Rim: "Hmmm... If she's that kind then why didn't she try to stop the summoning ritual? Bringing children here from another world against their will is something that should never be tolerated."
Fuze: "Well, we don't know for certain if she truly overlooked it or not, if other countries do it. And even if these countries are asked about it, they'll just deny it."
Elalude: "Furthermore, the nations who we ask in the west or east, will likely have Luminusism as it's religion, which forbids those to make deals with monsters.
"So either way we have no way to negotiate with any western countries, huh? And if we're labelled as 'enemies of God', Hinata will likely follow this. Tch."
Rimuru: "Well for now we have stay vigilant and have a more defense force patrolling the outer city and a few kilometers away from Tempest."
'Huh?' We all look up and see Ramiris be squished to the glass roof.
That's the end. So, I have a question, should I kill or at least make Y/n defeat Hinata? Also should Y/n attend the Walpurgis? Anyway here



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