The 7 Celestials

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Y/n's pov

I I.T to Rim's location and saw Hinata vomiting blood and having a hole of blazing fire in her chest.
"What the hell happened?!".
Rim: "I'll tell you later but for now, we need to heal Hinata. The potions don't work and any magic that isn't holy doesn't work either."
"Then what Ki? It's not magic. It's ones life energy, so it could keep her alive even for a bit."
As I said that Rim began transferring Ki into Hinata's body. The Ki begin to somewhat stabilize her condition but the hole in her chest can't be healed by Ki, it's too big.
???1: "Interesting. You managed to stop Hinata Sakaguchi's fatal injury, without the help of Holy magic."
A voice came from behind us as a portal opened revealing 2 people. As we turned around the 2 mysterious person kneeled in front of us.
'Their Ki is astounding. I wonder they're powerful?'
???2: "Demon Lord Rimuru and Demon Lord Y/n, it is a pleasure to meet you. We are members of the 7 Celestials, and we've come here to punish Hinata Sakaguchi for violating our orders."
'Aren't they the organization within the Holy Church that Aldaman hates? If so, then we have proceed with caution.'
Rim: "I don't know what's going on with your organization. But this conflict is between me and Hinata. We have already settled our conflict, so I'm letting her die due to our conflict with or without outside interference." Rim said in the most annoying and angry voice.
The same person who greeted us raised his hand showing disagreement.
???2: "Unfortunately, we must do this. Hinata, the women who lies on the ground barely conscious, has caused blasphemy by ignoring our God Luminus's will. In accordance to such, we must have her put in divine punishment."
When I was about to respond to one of the Seven Celestials, the Captain of the Paladins and one of the 12 Crusaders. Reynale was his name if I remember.
Raynale: "Don't give me that shit! You tricked all of us didn't you?! You wanted Captain Hinata dead from the very start!".
As Reynale told his accusation to the Seven Celestial, his comrade quickly took out his sword and pierced his chest. To everyone's surprise I teleported in between the sword and Reynale, breaking the sword.
???: "Why did you stop my divine punishment to Raynale?".
"Who would you choose to follow? Your captain or them *points*?".
???: "Captain Hinata. But the 7 Celestials are here. If anyone speaks ill of them I would personally deal divine punishment to those ill speaking people."
"Even if it's one of your comrades? A lover? A family member? Yourself?".
???: "..."
"You can still choose. But then again this isn't my moral code being twisted."
The person I stopped let out a 'tch' and reached out his hand to Reynale.
???: "I'll only let this slide for now. Your lucky this guy is more powerful than me, if not all of us."
Raynale refuses his hand and gets up on his own. He kneels at me and expresses his gratitude.
"No need. I just hate when your allies backstab you. Now..." I I.T back to Rim.
Rim: "Look. I'll hear your explanation for Hinata's punishment later, but as of now your in m- our country. So I would you, Arnaud to heal Hinata's chest with your Holy magic."
Arnaud: "We can not allow that. We, the follower of Luminism have sworn absolute loyalty to our God. Even if you demand us to do that, no one here will do it."
'Damn. Even though he wants Hinata dead, I can't let that happen. Shizu wanted us to save/protect Hinata.' Just as I finished my thoughts I received a telepathy from Xapan.
(A/n: I forgot he existed. :p )
Xapan: 'Master. I have a urgent report.'
'What is it, Xapan? Did something happen?'.
Xapan: 'Yes. My ancestor has uncovered that the priest Rayhiem has been killed by the group called the 7 Celestials; they appeared to have done all of this behind the scene.'
'Interesting. Well, right now we 2 of the 7 Celestials in front of us.'
Xapan: 'Master! Are you fighting them?!'.
'No. Not yet. What other information is there?'.
Xapan: 'Y-yes. There are journalists from around the world being eyewitnesses to the discovery.'
'Good. Make sure to protect them, as they are useful.'
Xapan: 'Understood.'
Xapan ends his telepathy. I look at Rim and relay all the information I just received.
Rim: "Benimaru! Shion!"
Rim: "Capture those two. If they resist, use any force necessary."
"Janemba, if things go south from their fight help them out."
Benimaru: "Just the order I've been waiting for!".
Shion: "Understood, Rimuru-sama!".
Janemba just nods.
Rim: "Janemba I want you to fight Garde. He might be a 7 Celestial in disguise."
"Really? Um... Then, Janemba change of plans. Take care of that guy."
Arnaud: "He- Hahahaha. I didn't think we would be found out this quickly. But are you sure about this? It would mean that you are going into a all-out war with the 7 Celestials and the whole religion of Luminism."
Rim: "If that's the case then I would still do what I'm doing. You guys have gone too far, pinning the death of the Archbishop Reyhiem on me. If it's a fight you want, then it's a fight you'll get."
Arnaud: "Ha. Hahaha! And what do you wish to do? You're exhausted from your fight with Hinata, aren't you? How we won't miss such a golden opportunity! But I commend you for exposing us, but now we climate everyone here!".
As Arnaud finished his little speech. All 3 celestials leaped into the air and made a magic circle, planning to erase all of us. Benimaru, Shion and Jamenba stood there and unleashed their attacks toward the 3 celestials.
Benimaru: "[Hellflame]!".
Shion: "[Zenith Shatter]!"
Janemba just lifts his sword in a swift motion unleashing lots of pressurized air.
Arnaud: "Ridiculous! You're wasting your time unleashing all of those pitiful attacks! This magic circle deflects all non-holy attacks, none of you will be able to penetrate it!".
???1: "Such fools! Our knowledge has been built upon and redefined over centuries. This knowledge would never lose to disgusting and arrogant creatures."
Shion: "Shut up! Such barrier mean nothing to my 'Buster Sword'!
Shion made a dash and leaped in front of the barrier and slashed the barrier with all her strength.
???1: "Hahahaha! Did you not listen? All attacks will not reach us. What could a large sword d- Impossible!".
A large crack formed in the barrier from the pure strength of Shion's slash, dismantling the barrier into pieces.
"Oi, brother. You sense that?".
Rim: "I do. Shall we?".
"Sure. Shall I go full power?".
Rim: "No. Not yet".
All 3 celestials: "[Trinity Break]!"
"[Combined Attack: Big Bang Belzebuth]!". We said.
As the incoming attack from the celestials came, it was swallowed and broken in an instant.
Rim: "Y/n! This wasn't the actual attack! Brace yourself!".
All 3 celestials: "[Trinity Disintegration]!".
Rim: "Brother! Grab me!".
I grabbed Rim and saw a thin layer of... glass(?) surround my body.
"Um... What is this?".
Rim: "Protection".
"From that?".
Rim: "It destroys your spiritual form or in other words, your soul."
The attack hit us before I could thank Rim. As the attack died down, we saw the expression of the 3 celestials."
???1: "Impossible!".
Rim: "It's our turn now."
As Benimaru, Shion, and Janemba readied their attacks, Arnaud tried to negotiate.
Arnaud: "Think this over carefully! We are the protectors of mankind. If you kill us, the followers of Luminism will not sit idly with this."
Garde: "We will step back this time. We know that you are not evil, I am sure negotiations with the Western Nations will go smoothly."
"You come here, attack us when we resolved our issue. Now you want to negotiate with us to let you live?! That pisses me off!".

???: "Please there is no need for more violence

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???: "Please there is no need for more violence. I apologize on behalf of the 7 Celestials."
"And who are- Ah. It's you, we haven't seen you since the-".
D.L Valentine casted a glare at me. No one saw it besides me.
Arnaud: "My... My grace!".
???1: "What are you doing in a place like this?!".
Then a man, similar to the guy who acted as the D.L Valentine during Walpurgis came out of a gate like portal.
???: "I am Louis, the Holy Emperor, and the presence you see here is our God- Lady Luminus!".
The 3 Celestials and the rest of the Crusaders and paladins kneeled at the fact their God is here. D.L Val- I mean Luminus walked towards Hinata being hold by Rim.
Luminus: "Hinata, haven't I told you not to overdo things by yourself? Why did you have to be so reckless?".
Luminus lifted her hand and healed the gaping hole in her chest. Hinata regains consciousness and mumbles her words.
Rim: "Oh, you're finally awake. Who's this master? You trying to defeat me remember?".
Hinata's eyes opened and stares coldly at Rim.
Hinata: "... You.".
Rim: "Yes?".
Hinata: " How long do you plan to hold me?".
Rim: "*smirks* Oh, my apologies. *lets go* Though the view was fantastic.".
Hinata: "Uh?". Hinata looks at her chest and saw her chest being exposed by the hole that was once there. She quickly wrapped her arms around her chest, limiting the amount being seen.
Hinata: "Has anyone ever told you how tactless you are?".
Rim: "Says the one who's stubborn and doesn't listen to other people, like a brat.".
Hinata let out a angry expression and murderous intent. I responded with my power level matching her intent.
"One attack and I'll send you to King Yema."
Hinata: "*breathes in and out* Let me tell you something. I am just shortsighted at times. Do you now see how tactless you are? I bet you've never once have gotten a date."
'Ooof... Man down, man down!'.
Rim tries to retort but fails miserably.
Luminus: "Now that your problems are solved. *looks at the 3 Celestials* You 3. What excuse do you have for this incident?".
We all waited for how the 3 of them tried to excuse themselves out of this situation.
Luminus: "If you have no response. Then your punishment is death by my hands. [Death Blessing]".
At this moment, the 3 Celestials and the other Celestials Diablo and Xapan we're facing, died. Now with them out the way, Rim decided to change locations for the now discussion between the Holy Church and Tempest.

(Scene Change)

Rim: "Ah... Sorry. The final defense line wasn't necessary.".
Veldora: "What?! I waited here with anticipation to finally fight."
"There, there. If it makes you feel any better, you and me can spar."
Veldora: "That isn't the same. But it would help letting of some steam. Oh, that reminds me. Who are- Whoa! You! Now I remember you, you're Luminus, the D.L Luminus! The vampire's castle I blew to bits! It's a goo-".
Veldora-nii stopped speaking as Luminus made a sword out of thin air, pointing at Veldora-nii's neck. I responded with a Ki Scythe aimed at her neck.
"Harm him and I'll chop off your head."
D.L Valentine looked at me with the sword still at Veldora-nii's neck. After a couple of minutes, D.L Valentine disassembled her sword and stood there. I deactivated my Scythe but stood behind her in case she tries something.
Valentine: "Accursed lizard! Ruining my positions every time we meet.". She walked back to her original place as did I.
That's the end of this chapter, kinda. Anyway, here



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