The Hero & The Kids - pt 2

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Y/n's pov

"Okay, is everyone ready to depart?". I asked the kids.

The kids: "Yes, Mister. Y/n!".

"Great. Grab on we're our next stop and final stop Novus Roma."  *pop*".








"We're here."

Kenya: "Wait a minute... If you can teleport anywhere how come you and sensei didn't visit us! That's not cool!".

"Well, we are rulers of a nation so we don't get much time in doing what we please." I explained to Kenya, who still didn't budge about us not visiting often.

Rim: "We're very sorry, Kenya. How about this? *takes out pendant* See this pendant? How about we play a game with this." In response, all of them nodded their heads.

Rim: "This pendant, it's kind of like a credit card to all the booths and stuff in the festival, starting tomorrow. Carry this around, and you can eat and drink all you want, and you're free to come and go through any of the event halls you like. But just remember, there's a limit of one hundred silver coins — use that up, and it's game over. You'll have to go back to your rooms then, and I'll give you homework as punishment. But if you use the money wisely, I'll give you guys rewards. Sound like fun to you?". In response, all the kids nodded their heads again and immediately went to their rooms at a hotel we I.T'd in.

Kancho: "Y/n-sama, the Hero's party has entered Tempest, outside of town."

"I see. Thanks for the info." I tapped Rim and informed him of the information Kancho has given me."

Rim: "I see. Well, let's greet them shall we?".

(A few minutes later)

Outside of town, we saw a wagon full of elves - which I assume are the freed slaves from that Othrus group. And just a couple feet/meters from it there's another wagon but it's smaller than the wagon the elves are in. On the front, was a blonde guy who looks Japanese(?) I don't know. I've never seen a natural blonde Japanese guy, probably dyed his hair so. The only problem I have is that his KI is really weak compared to what I imagined. Though I can't judge a book by its cover. This guy is from Earth and there's a possibility that his skills could flip the chances of us winning if he deemed it so.

???: "Ooooh...The Demon brothers are here? Funny to see them personally greeting us at the door!"

???2: "Well, Masayuki is a renowned Hero. Not even a demon lord could afford to ignore him."

???3: "Heehehehe! What d'you think, Masayuki-sama? Wanna settle things right here 'n' now?".

'Should I I.T to them and knock them?'. As I began to contemplate on hitting these guys, Rim spoke.

Rim: "*chuckles* Those are some harsh words from the companions of the hero! Either way, I'll show my appreciation for you for rescuing our countrymen - the elves, you are free to enter and stay in this town. I could even prepare a place for you if you want and feel free to stay as long as you like. And for the record, I'm not interested in 'settling' anything right now nor is my brother."

With some merchants in the area, our reputation could be jeopardized if we went to the cliche Hero vs Demon Lord route or any other where we weren't friendly. 

???3: "Ha-ha! Look! The demon lord's afraid of you, Masayuki!-sama!" 

'... Dude. I can literally one-shot all of you if I wanted to.'

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