Benimaru's Unintended Rivalry

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Y/n's POV

Rim: "Well, with our misunderstanding now dealt with. I suppose we'd need someone else to sign the pact."

Momiji's guard: "We can sign the pact D.L Rimuru."

Rim: "Uhm... Sure...?".

One of the Momiji's guards/warriors looked over the pact we were to sign in her stead. Even though they're soldiers, they're politically educated which is new, considering that most of this world is medieval-like is rare or even non-existent.

"So about the tunnel..."

Momiji's guards: "It would be best if we hold a separate meeting for that. Miss Momiji is not fit as of right now to continue talks due to this ended meeting."


Momiji"s guard: "We, thank you, D.L Rimuru and Y/n Tempest. *bows* We hope that this meeting helped clear any misunderstandings and help our progress." 

"Likewise. We also hope that this meeting also helped in any way, even if it's small."

Momiji's guard: "Indeed. Ah, I almost forgot. *pulls out* This is an envelope our elder, Lady Kaede, has sent to you D.Ls." 

Rigurd grabs the envelope and hands it to Shuna who opened and read the letter inside. But as Shuna read on the letter was getting less and less formal making Shuna's face contorted in confusion as she read on.

Shuna: "'...I know things are complicated, and there have been a few misunderstandings, but I hope you will treat my daughter well. I remind you of what she told me about making Sir Benimaru turn toward her. I am sure she is not against the idea—'".

Rim: "STOP!" He yelled.

"I don't think that letter was for us. I'm pretty it was for Shōhei."

Momiji: "M-mother?!". She got up from her seat despite her still recovering from her thoughts, snatched the letter Shuna was holding. "W-wait. There were two of them?! *sigh* Why can't Mother be more careful."

???: "That sounds just like her. Hahahaa... That lovable airhead." The source of the voice was Shōhei. He walked up to Momiji, took the letter out of her hand and gave her a nod then reads the letter out loud.

Shōhei: "I see... 'She has a great deal of strength but is still lacking in technique. As a fellow student of the sword, and as her father as well, I hope that the Sword Ogre will deign it worthy to offer her training and instruction. From your ever-loving Kaede.' So she still loves me, eh? Heh-heh! Ah, how lucky I am to live to see this day."

Momiji: "Um... Are you...".

Momiji seemed to be quite nervous talking to Shōhei, considering that she had never met her father.

Shōhei: "Mmm? Ah, my name is Shōhei, and to confirm your suspicion I am your father." Shōhei expecting to be hugged by his daughter was surprisingly surprised by what Momiji did to him. Which was punching him across the face.

Momiji: "*sobbing* W-why was-sn't y-yo-u the-re! I never k-knew who y-you were on-n til n-ow!". Momiji's dark eyes, reminiscent of Shōhei's held both anger and happiness. 

Shōhei: "I... wasn't expecting that. Though you have every right to be angry at me. It's true I wasn't there for you then which I regret but I'm here now. If possible I would like to start over and be there for you now."

'That's weird to hear out of Shōhei's mouth. Though I'm not complaining, he knew the risks yet expected kindness in turn, kinda hypocritical. But at least they can start over?'.

Momiji: "I... Sure, we can start over but I'm not trusting you until I get an explanation after my marriage."

Shōhei: "I understand..."

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