Walpurgis - The fight

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This is gonna be a long chapter. So strap on and enjoy a beating of satisfaction. Also there might be a 2 parts to this or not. But we'll see.

Y/n pov

Misery: "Now that everyone is present. I shall introduce the guests. First is, Demon, the Lord of Darkness: Guy Crimson. Pixie, the Labyrinth Queen: Ramiris. Dragonoid, the Destroyer: Milim Nava. Giant, Eartquake Maker: Daggrull. Vampire, the Bloody Lord: Roy Valentine. Heaven's Fallen, the Sleeping Ruler: Dino. Harpy, the Sky Queen: Frey. Puppet, the Marionette Master: Clay(bitch)man. Fallen Hero, the Platinum Saber: Leon Cromwell. And Finally, Slime, Leader of the Jura Tempest Federation, Rimuru Tempest and Saiyan, Vice Leader of the Jura Tempest Federation, Y/n Tempest.  This concludes the introductions."
Clayman than stands up and puts the fox on the table.
Clayman: "I truly thank you all for responding to my summons. Now, let us begin our banquet. I hereby declare the commencement of the D.L's banquet, Walpurgis."
After that Clayman went on a long speech on why he declared Walpurgis and the reason he should kill us. But here's the TLDR of it: D.L Carrion tempted Rim on becoming a D.L.
Clayman: "Carrion's force are currently in Tempest! That is the proof! ... What's more, Carrion instigated the Kingdom of Falmuth, leading them to invade the Great Forest of Jura."
Clayman/Y/n(thoughts): "Then he offered to cooperate..."
'With our people in order to fight them off, and caused harm to the humans. Then, after defeating the Kingdom of Falmuth, Rim would declare himself a D.L and that Carrion would gave us his backing on any future battles.'
Clayman: "Such self-serving behavior *walks near us and glances* violates the pact made by the D.Ls."
We glared an angry and disgusted glance towards Clayman.
Clayman: "And in this way, my subordinate, Mjurran, who gathered this information for me... *angry tone* was killed by this... this fool *points at Rim* who calls himself Rimuru! This is why I made up my mind to take vengeance. What's more, Rimuru and Y/n conspired with Carrion in an attempt to kill me. *fake tears* Mjurran informed me of this with the last of her strength. And upon learning of Carrion's betrayal, Milim was so enraged that she destroyed the Animal Kingdom of Eurazania, and Carriin was killed. Of course, I admonished Milim, telling her that doing such a thing without concrete evidence is not overlooked by we, D.Ls. But please, do not blame Milim. She did it all for my sake. I'm certain you will all understand now that these petty clods called Rimuru and Y/n are giving us, D.Ls a bad reputation! I believe it would be appropriate to purge them at this instance! Thank you!*sits down*."
Pain: "We will now hear an explanation from our guests."
Rim stands up and speaks.
Rim: "Clayman, was it? You're a goddamn liar."
Clayman: "Huh?"
Rim: "Frankly, the status of D.L means nothing to me. The thing about Carrion-san deciding me onto becoming one of you is a lie, and the Kingdom of Falmuth only invaded us out of their own greed."
Clayman: "Hah! And you except such excuses to be believed? One of my subordinates was killed!"
"Mjurran is still alive." I said while giving a hateful glare.
Clayman: "You except me to believe such a blunt lie? Her death was confirmed through her heartbeat not beating a rhythm."
"Mjurran, the one you said told you information about my brother 'killing' her and among other things, is currently under the protection of Novus Roma. I can prove it by Instant Transmissioning back to Novus Roma and bringing her here."
Clayman: "Haha! You say she alive but we all know that you tempered with her body and made her inhabit a spirit to make her be 'alive'? How cowardly."
"I didn't expect you to believe me in the first place. So... brother of you will?". Rim extends his arm and projects the events of the battle in Milim's territory. Upon seeing all the events displayed Clayman denies any visual evidence displayed a fabrication.
Rim: "Care to explain this Clayman? This display isn't fabricated, its showing the current events that happened while we're talking. Now that your army has perished, *narrows eyes* its your turn."
Clayman: "E-everyone don't be deceived! This slime excels in bluffs and this Saiyan excels in trickery. *looks at us* Just because you gained confidence because of Veldora being at your side doesn't mean you can do such uncivilized measures! Without that Dragon your both merely weak!"
'Weak? Calling me, a Saiyan weak is getting my blood boiled! Im going to enjoy beating the shit out of you!'
Daggrull: "Hey, Clayman. Setting aside of what you said. Shouldn't Carrion be present? Getting his own testimony would give us a vote in who's current and who's not."
Clayman: "W-well that's because... As I said before Carrion was killed by Milim, so unfortunately we can't get any testimony by him. But, this *points at Rim* lowly slime who knows nothing about anything was fortunate enough to obtain a D.L seed! Then, by his arrogance, sought to find the truth about the seed in the human world. Then selfishly caused a war between humans and used Veldora, to slaughter them all! As I said before, without the dragon this slime would've been nothing along with this saiyan! So I believe its necessary to purge the both of them and their subordinates!".
"*sigh* First of all, Veldora-nii isn't the reason of our confidence nor weakness. I mean sure we do occasionally use him for things but that's simply because we're brothers through a bond forged by loneliness."
Rim: "Second of all, show us your proof of the all the things you said. All you're saying is what you wished happened. But, you're not convincing anyone just by talking and not presenting the visual evidence to back it up."
Clayman: "You dare mock me, slime? It's that you would become a D.L!".
Rim: "My existence as a slime makes no difference. I didn't come here to listen to your boring-ass fairy tales. Just admit it. There's a majin called Phobio who can testify that the Charybdis we saw earlier was under your orders. *points at display* The suggestion came from those clowns in the display you all saw. And one of your men did turn into Charybdis and go on a rampage. That's my evidence, but if you think I'm bluffing, that's completely fine with me. You can die with that belief. *destroys table*".
Clayman back-jumps to the opposite side of me and Rim.
Clayman: "E-everyone! Will we allow him to get away with such violence?! It's an insult to all of us D.Ls! Do you not agree that we shall punish these 2?!".
Me and Rim kick our chairs that narrowly missed Clayman's face.
"If you were calling that violence. Then why were you trying to control our minds? 'Thank Omni King, Rim warned me about that through telepathy'. Attacks like that don't work us. But is mind control even allowed in a speech held at Walpurgis?".
Guy: "No. In the interest of impartiality for everyone here, it is only acceptable to speak with your own words."
Clayman: "B-but, Guy, he was insulting us D.L-".
Rim: "Shut up! If you don't like me, then this is between you and me, isn't it? Like I told you before to you all, the status of D.L means nothing to me. I and my brother only wish to build a nation where we can enjoy our lives. I need the cooperation of humans to achieve that wish, which is why I decided to protect the humans. *looks at Clayman*."
Rim/Y/n: "But anyone who interferes with that, whether they're human, D.L, or the Holy Church, is my enemy. That means you, Clayman!"
Guy: "He's right, you know, Clayman. If you are a D.L, then defeat these majins with your own strength. *looks at Rim* Also, do you proclaim yourself a D.L?".
Rim: "Yea. I've already accepted the role of Leader of the Great Forest of Jura. In the eyes of the humans, I am a D.L."
Guy: "Very well, then. You happen to have witnesses here. If you can defeat Clayman in front of us, we will allow you to identify as a D.L."
Clayman: "Yare yare. Although I dislike dirtying my hands, I guess its come to this. This is truly a mistake. You're up, Milim."
Everyone looks at Milim, expecting something but all she does is stand up and look at me.
"Tch. So now you're making Milim do your dirty work? Even after hitting her you rope her in?!". I said that last part in anger.
Clayman: "Don't be impudent. Of course I will be fighting, as well. Guy, you have no issue with this, do you?"
Guy: "None. If Milim assists you of her own volition, I will not stop her."
"This is fine either way. We were planning to save anyway. All we have to do is have my brother release her from your mind control."
Clayman: "Dont be a fool. You are only going to die in utter despair!"
Rim: "The only one who's dying is you, Clayman, to which one of my subordinates will be enough. But if I'm doing that, then I might as well help Y/n fight Milim."
Clayman: "N-nani?!"
Clayman then gets beat the shit out of by Shion, Jotaro style.
Shion: "Rimuru-sama, Y/n-sama may I beat the living hell out of Clayman more?".
'I'n not complaining, attacking him right on the spot is satisfying.' Clayman grunts in pain but flips near Milim and regenerates.
Clayman: "Y-you... imbecile! You imbecile! Just as you wish, I will kill all of you!"
Shion and Ranga get on either of our sides while Clayman snaps his fingers and summons a puppet and the fox that he held grew in size like Ranga did. Then a barrier got in place and the surrounding area stayed the same but the area outside extended.
Clayman: "Milim, kill the one you so cherish. *points at me*".
Milim then blitz right towards me. 'N-nani' I dodge just in time but not without having a scratch at my cheek. "Skipping the warmup are we? *yelling*". I transform into mssj. I then hear gasps coming from outside the barrier. 'Why are they gasping?'
(Any D.L): "Oi! Isn't that the power we all felt before?! That hair change just multiplied this guys power by 100x!"
(A/n: Just a reminder, the D.Ls err any being in the Tensura Universe can't sense Ki, so to them the 50x multiplier from Ssj is 100x)
'Ohhhh... That's why they gasped.' "Just for your information this is only my first transformation." I hear gasps once again. 'Whatever. I have to focus on my fight with Milim.' "Brother, I want you to Appraise Milim, while I battle her."
Rim: "But you won't win on a 1v1 with her."
"I appreciate the concern but I have a trick up my sleeve."
Rim: "Alright but if you can't fight anymore I'm going to store you in my stomach."
"*thumbs up* Now, Milim come on!".
Milim again blitz to me, but this time I move my head and lower my body a bit and punch her in the stomach. Milim flies backwards from the force of my punch. "Come on. Is that all you got? I know you have more power whenever we sparred." I I.T behind her and roundhouse kick her, but she grabs my leg and spins me crashing to the ground. 'I'm beginning to think that she's serious. Alright, time to take this up a notch.' I yell for a short time and transform into my ssj2 form. I charge up a [10x Kamehameha] and shot it her.
Milim: "[Drago Cannon]."
'S-such output of Ki! Even a [10x Kamehameha] can't stop that.' "[Super Kamehamehaaaaa]!". Our beams were now in a power struggle to which I know I'll lose to. 'She's putting even more Ki into her attack. Damn it!'  I I.T out of the power struggle and shot another [Super Kamehameha] at Milim. She then does something I never knew she could, she held out hand and grabbed my [Super Kamehameha] and crashed it. 'Wtf?!' Then Milim stood right in front of me at speeds I couldn't even see! 'S-so fast! Not even at my current form did I see that.' I felt pain throughout my body, like when Goku used MUI against Jiren. Or the equivalent of Truck-kun going Super Truck. "*cough* Damn *cough*". Blood covered my arms and legs, my clothes torn form the amount of punches she sent at me.
Rim: "Y/n! Are you alright?!".
"Don't *cough* worry about me. *cough* Is the appraisal finished?".
Rim: "Yea. But its gonna take some time to actually break the spell. I'd say 5 minutes."
'5 minutes? I think I can hold on for that amount of time. I have to go ssj3 plus Kaio-Ken to secure that amount of time.' "Hey, Milim! Im going to show you something that's beyond my limit! Haaaaaaa!!!!". I yelled despite all the pain in my body but I had to do it for Milim and for my own survival.

(Dont own this video)

After yelling for a minute straight. I finally transformed into my ssj3 form.
'I can only maintain ssj3 for 5 minutes due to my injuries. Which means I have 4 minutes left until Rim releases Milim from the spell.' "I call this form Super Saiyan 3."
(From the wiki I found that ssj3 is an 8x boost from ssj. And there's a debate for this saying it should be at least 4x power boost from ssj2 or like ssj2 is double of ssj then ssj3 should also be 2x the power boost from ssj2. For now Imma say its a 8x boost in power.)
'Im going to save Kaio-ken in case Milim overpowers me in ssj3.' I motioned my hand to say 'come here'. Milim appeared in front of me like last time. But this time I had a more longer reaction time and blocked the kick she aimed for my chest. 'That hurt like a truck'. I side-stepped and aimed an air blast at her and rushed at her by punching her ribs but not without her blocking it which her hand. I went for a 2 punch strike which failed miserably. Milim punched and kicked me multiple times which caused me to lose my standing. I quickly regain my balance and fire multiple air blasts to conserve my Ki.
Milim: "It's useless. Disperse."
Milim stood in front of me and extended her hand. Before I knew it I spat blood from my mouth and felt my Ki being out of control. "Y-you *cough with some blood* Dispersed my Ki...". 'There's only one way to recover from this.' "I'm not... giving... up that... easily. KAIO-KEN!". 'I have a 1/8 of an chance to pull this off. I have to amplify my inner Ki to stabilize it.'
Rim: "Y/n! That's enough! Don't put yourself in danger from using the Kaio-Ken!".

Rimuru pov

'If Y/n is using the Kaio-Ken while in ssj3, he'll die! Damn it! Raphael-san use [Strom King Dragon] and summon Veldora!'.
Raphael: "[Strom King Dragon] is already pre-utilized. Veldora spawning next to Y/n."
'Thanks, Raphael-san.'

Y/n pov

A bright light then came that blinded everyone in Walpurgis. After the light died down it revealed Veldora-nii.
Veldora: "Is it my time to s- Holy shit! Y/n are you alright?!".
"Y-yeah. Just a bit hurt."
Veldora: "A bit hurt?! Y/n your bleeding everywhere. Also what's with the orange form?".
'Oran- I-it it worked!!! I used Kaio-Ken internally and ssj3 externally.' "I think I'll call this form Super Saiyan Orange."
This is the longest chapter I wrote for the first time. If you have any questions on what the fuck your reading today, don't worry I'll answer them to the best of my ability. Anyway here



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