The Tournament - Finals

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Y/n's pov

Soka: "Aaaaaall right, ladies and gentlemen, monsters and monstresses! The final match of the tournament is here at last! Which of our two competitors will seize the championship for himself today?! Will it be Masayuki the 'hero' or Gobuta the 'summoner', for whom reaches to be one of the Four Astral Kings?"




Rim: "Is it me or does Masayuki looks really nervous?"

"It could just be a trick. Remember his fight with Bovix? I think he's just having a facade of being helpless but internally being brave and strong."

Rim: "*sigh*"

Soka: "The final round of the First Tempest Battle Tournament is about to begin! On one side, we have Gobuta, the young captain of the Goblin Riders and a member of the D.L Rimuru and D.L Y/n personal staff! On the other, Lightspeed Masayuki, Hero and champion of the Western Nations! What kind of battle will these two giants show us today?! Turn your sights to the center of the stage and witness this intense staredown!"

Diablo: "Ready? And...begin!!"

Gobuta acted first and headed straight for Masayuki, but he slipped right past him in a baseball-style slide, taking a position against the edge of the arena like yesterday. Gobuta's eyes were on Masayuki's the whole time, but Masayuki didn't react, slowly turning his side to Gobuta with a distant smile.

Soka: "Whoaaa! Is handsomeness the key to strength after all?! In the face of Gobta's tricky maneuvers, Masayuki totally ignored the tactics and proved himself with his indescribable tranquility!"

'Isn't that a bit too nepotistic?'

Gobuta: "Heh, heheh, just as I thought... You're acting like nothing I can do will hit you, huh? I really wanted to see just how far I could go with my own strength...but I can't even touch you, so let's try and do this -- with my ultimate power!"

'Is it what he did last time?'

Gobuta: "Check this out! [Unification]!" The air warped around Gobuta. Ranga appeared behind him. Then it looked like Ranga is fusing with Gobuta. The results looked like a bipedal version of Ranga, there are no distinct features that scream out Gobuta.

???: "Whoaaa! What's that? That looks so cool!" Scream a very familiar pink-haired D.L.

(Don't own this + this is what Gobuta looks like for this match

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(Don't own this + this is what Gobuta looks like for this match. Credit to u/_Velgrynd on reddit. Found this while google searching.)

Soka: "L-look at that! Gobuta's appearance has changed dramatically...?"

Diablo: "Yes. Indeed, but this is due to a rare skill that allows the summoner to borrow the power of the summoned."

Soka: "In other words, Gobuta is using the power of Ranga, who we saw yesterday to add to his own? Amazing! We're witnessing something amazing here, folks!"

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