(Side Chapter) - The Spirit of Shizue-san

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Based on Slime Diaries kinda. 


Shizue's Pov

"Konichiwa, everyone. I'm Shizue Izawa, a otherworlder and friend of Slime-san and Saiyan-san. I'm here today to see Slime-san and Saiyan-san after my death. I wonder what activities I'll see today?". I looked around to where I - assume was a grave to honor me. I then spotted a town that looks... familiar? Maybe I'll check out. 

(A few moments later)

'Woah! How did this little town of goblins turn into this bustling town of diverse monsters?!'. I decided to have a look around the town and see the various stores and people of the now changed town for months ago. 

'Now that I think about. Does Slime-san look like me now? Is he female, now? I could look for him while I'm here.' I went around many stores and buildings and found one that looked like an important person would live in. I decided to go in and see if Slime-san or Saiyan-san is there. "I'm coming in." I said even though no one would hear me.

'Let's see. I wonder where I would found them?'. So, without a destination to follow I wondered aimlessly and got rounded up in what I presume is a kitchen. "Ohhh. These looks good. Too bad I can't eat. :(". 

???: "Ririna. Could you please help me with making these cookies for samas?".

The one who I assumed was going to respond is Ririna. 'She reminds me of that goblin, who was very modest and mature. I wonder if its her?' I thought.

Ririna: "Hai. Princess-sama." The one who I assumed correctly helped out the 'princess'. 'Did Slime-san or Saiyan-san have a child?'. I decided to follow the princess, she could lead me to Slime-san or Saiyan-san. 

(A few moments later)

'I guess this is where Slime-san and/or Saiyan-san are?'. 

The princess: "Pardon the intrusion. I've brought some tea." She said walking the nearest table placing the tea and checking for something.

Slime-san: "You've changed, huh?". 

???: "*chuckles* I'm still the same me as I was in the past." 

I walked(?) floated(?) to Slime-san and hugged him. "I've missed you Slime-san. I hope you'll keep my body in perfect shape. I'll go and see Saiyan-san. Have a good day." I released my hug and started to look for Saiyan-san. 

(A few moments later)

'Ah. There he is! That tail of his is easy to spot.' I walked -err float walked to Saiyan-san.

"Hello there Saiyan-san". I said even though he couldn't see or hear me. But to my surprise Saiyan-san looked in my direction with a confused look. I got a bit scarred and curious in how (if) he was able to see me. 

???: "Is everything alright, Y/n-sama?". The goblin said to Saiyan-san. 

'Hmmm... Doesn't that goblin look familiar?'. I thought. 'I think there was a goblin who wore a red hat like that before my death. Wasn't his name Ri-.' My thinking got interrupted by Saiyan-san responding to the goblin.

Y/n: "It's nothing Rigur. I'm fine. Say can I have some water?"

Rigur: "Sure. It's nice and cold, so drink as much as you like."

Y/n: "Arigato." 

Rigur: "Man. This town sure has become more impressive than before. I would've never imagined that our little settlement would turn into a full fledged human-like town."

What the goblin, Rigur was saying was true. I either didn't imagine the development of this old goblin settlement to be turned into a diverse town of monsters living together. It feels like I was also the cause of this beautiful town. Maybe, Slime-san and Saiyan-san knew that I would come and visit this place but if they didn't then... I still feel like I'm apart of this development!

Y/n: "*chuckles* This town wouldn't have existed if me and Rim never met you guys back at the forest... *takes a sip of water from cup* If you hadn't the courage to talk to us, none of this wouldn't have been possible. Our fates would've been very different if we had't never met, but I'm happy that I have met you guys, I've experienced many things that I haven't experienced before." Saiyan-san finishes to say while drinking his last amount of water.

Rigur: "Well, if you put it like that... you might be right..."

Y/n: "Well, I'm glad it did happen. So, now we have to take care of this town for our people's sake."

Rigur: "I agree. Today is the day of us, goblins' culture festival. And a day where the rest of us can share a bond and unity."

"I also agree. But if it wasn't for me as well, Slime-san would've been a slime forever~. *giggles* I'll see you later Saiyan-san." I said with no verbal response coming at me but a physical response did. I don't know if Saiyan-san would see this or not, but I waved my hand and walked somewhere in the town. Maybe I should explore more of this town, I wonder what other things are here.

 (Later that same day - night time in a room dedicated to Shizue-san)

'I wonder what they're doing here?' I thought as I saw Slime-san and Saiyan-san go into a room. 'Let's go check it out'. I phased through the door and saw both Slime-san and Saiyan-san sitting down and praying to what I assume is a shrine dedicated to me. 

Rim: "Sorry, Shizue-san. We had so much to do today, so we ran late to our daily prayers."

Y/n: "We know that this isn't the best shrine to remember and talk to you by but its the best we could do." 

"Its okay. I don't need a fancy one for you guys to remember me by. This in it of itself is enough for me." I said.

Rim: "Ever since I had inherited the skills and body from you, they've been a huge help to me. I wish I could thank you properly for giving me this." Slime-san said.

"I know that even if you can't hear or see me. Just know that I you have also helped me even if you don't know it. You gave me a sense of peace and happiness. I thank you and Saiyan-san for that." I said. Then I came closer to them and hugged them. "But don't worry. As long as you're having fun and having peace that's enough for me to cry over. I thought that I was going to die alone and suffer for eternity, but thanks to the both of you. You have helped me to find peace in the afterlife as well as love. Oh, and before my time is up. Saiyan-san, please make sure that Slime-san doesn't do anything inappropriate to my body."

Y/n: "You know I will! You can count on it!".

Rim: "Hey! I wouldn't do such a thing!".

"*giggles* I'm sure you wouldn't. Oh, looks like my time is up. I guess I'll see you another day. Goodbye." I said releasing the hug and vanishing away.


Did I make you cry? If not... then uhh... no meme for you. Anyway, tbh I'vve been kinda losing my passion to continue writing in general. BUT! I'm going to keep writing, until I'm done with this series as it was one of my goals to do. THE GRIND WILL NEVER STOP! IT'S ABOUT DRIVE! IT'S ABOUT POWER!  *ahem* Seems like I've gone a bit too far. Anyway, here



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