Is it a rematch or a war? pt 1

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(I'm going into LN territory, specifically volume 7. I'm not using the manga like I wanted to cause it's really far behind. Also this'll be a long chapter. Anyway enjoy!)
Y/n pov

It's been a couple of week since my talk with Rim. Many things happened, like building more trade routes to different kingdom and stuff. To be honest I just zone out whenever there's a meeting happening unless it's a serious one. Also I've been hiding my relationship between me and Milim to the others, only Rim and Veldora-nii knows. I mean I would need to tell Veldora-nii since he is Milim's biological family member. Anyway, today was a pretty serious day, there's news that the female crusader, aka Hinata Sakaguchi is coming to Novus Roma, alone which is suspicious. 
"Kanchō, are you sure that she's coming here alone? The fact that she is is very suspicious."
Kancho: "I am very sure of it, Y/n-sama. My subordinates have already verified the reports of it. If any changes would occur then I would be notified immediately."
Then Soka, one of Kanchō's subordinates appeared inside the room with more news about Hinata.
Soka: "Y/n-sama, Rimuru-sama there's been more movement into the Forest!".
"What's the situation?".
Soka: "It's been confirmed that 4 other Crusaders aside from Hinata are coming into Tempest as we speak. But those 4 Crusaders and behind Hinata by at least a 1 mile (1.6 km)."
Rimuru: "How powerful are they?".
Soka: "By my estimates, near the level of Hinata if not equal in power."
Rimuru: "This is a problem. I want the executives to come and prepare for a meeting about this. Soka, are any of them armed?".
Soka: "Hinata and the other Crusaders are carrying swords, but Hinata is carrying a odd-looking sword. But it's unclear whether they're here in friendly terms."
"But why 5? Does the Church think that that's enough to kill us off? Something doesn't add up."
Rimuru: "I agree. Kanchō I want you and the security force to work together if any of them come here."
As Kanchō and Soka about to leave, Diablo came in with his face not having his usual confidence.
Diablo: "Rimuru-sama I have a urgent matter of reports. Rayhiem is dead, his cause of death is unknown. He was in perfect health conditions the last time I saw him. There are also rumors going around Falmoth's neighboring nations that a demon is planning to kill the Archbishop causing the Holy Church to send in Temple Knights in Falmoth."
'This is serious news. But something doesn't add up. The rumors say a demon killed Rayhiem but Diablo wouldn't do that sense he's needed for the Holy Church. Someone is pulling the strings here.'
Rimuru: "Diablo, you did what you needed to do, don't resent yourself in failing. For now we'll wait for every executives to come and discuss about all of this."

(A few hours later.)

Rimuru: "Is everyone here?"
Everyone: "Hai!".
Rimuru: "Good. Now, for the first topic, there a party of 5 coming here to Tempest. This party is led by Hinata along with 4 high-level knights accompanying her. They have successfully hid their tracks making it impossible to know how close or far they are to Tempest."
Rim stopped to let this information sink in everyone and then continued onto the next topic.
Rimuru: "Second, Temple Knights from the Holy Church have been deployed to encircle the entire nation of Falmoth. There are currently 30,000 knights ready for anything. But the only good of this is is that none of the nations are mobilizing their own armies".
Diablo: "I am ashamed of myself to let this happen. I deeply apologize for this everyone." Diablo said while bowing.
As Diablo apologized, Shion took this opportunity to further shame Diablo for his failure.
Shion: "It would've been if someone more experienced did this, like me!". She said in a proud tone.
"Shion! Is that any to talk to someone who is new! What Diablo did was, yes a failure but having him learn from that mistake makes him grow to be more experienced. He apologized for his mistake and is now learning the consequences." I said in a serious tone, which made Shion be tense and really nervous.
Rimuru: "Shion, if I assigned you to do what Diablo did what would you do?".
Shion still tense and nervous replied.
Shion: "I-I would lead an army a-and kill everyone in the noble class, R-Rimuru-sama."
Rimuru: "No! That's a stupid idea! You can't do that!".
Shion hearing Rim's opinion in what she said made her stay silent and tried her best in not crying and stood behind Rim.
"Diablo, I hope that this mistake made you realize something. What matters now is to prove your innocence, so don't dwell on that too much."
Diablo: "I... understand. I shall reflect on my mistake and grow from it. But what should do now?".
Rimuru: "Diablo, I want you to continue your plan. Even with changes happening I want you to adapt and overcome to those changes. ".
Diablo had a shocking look on his face, not anticipating for Rim to let him continue his plans.
Diablo: "You are too kind, Rimuru-sama and as well as Y/n-sama. I shall not disappoint again."
"It's okay Diablo. Besides you're essential for the plan, I hope you can finish it." With that done, Diablo has regained his usual confidence.
Shuna: "Rimuru-sama, Y/n-sama I have a suggestion."
"Oh? That's rare to hear, but let's hear it."
Shuna: "Why don't we seek advice from Aldaman? He was part of the Holy Church, albeit centuries ago."
"Aldaman? Who's that?".
Rimuru: "Oh. You haven't met him yet. He was one of Clayman's fingers, who was defeated by Shuna and wanted to be one of my subordinates. He's... something."
"Uhh... Ok...?".
Rimuru: "Anyway, lets call him up here."

(A few moments later)

Aldaman: "What a blessing it is to be called by my Gods! What is it that my Gods desire of me?".
'So he's a Diablo 2.0?'.
Rimuru: "I want you to tell us of the Holy Chruch from your time. It would greatly be appreciated."
Aldaman: "Of course!".
Then Aldaman went into a long speech about his time in the Holy Church. TLDR; Aldaman at the time was in the highest position of the Churches ranks. The Holy Empire of Ruberion is a theocracy which worships the God, Luminus. The army of Temple Knights were created as a way to safely spread their religion and kill any deemed to be 'heretics' and 'enemy of God'. There are also ranks in the Church (but I don't know who's on top of who :/) but there's one rank that Aldaman warned us about, the Ten Great Saints. It's said that they are equal in power to that of a D.L.
Aldaman: "My Gods! Please allow me as a former Church Cardinal attempt to negotiate with this Hinata! I will gladly convenience her to abandon her faith and-".
Rimuru: "That won't be needed! But thank you for the offer. You can go back to your duties."
As Rimuru disregarded such suggestion both Shion and Diablo appeared to love that idea. 'Sometimes I wonder if they secretly like each other?'.
Rimuru: "Brother I want you to gauge their power if possible."
"Of course! I haven't had a real fight in a while. Just thinking about makes my Saiyan blood get pumping!".
Veldora: "What about me?! I can also do that!".
Rimuru: "No! You're the last line of defense. Isn't that cool? If all fails you could take the spotlight, like those manga characters."
Veldora: "O-of course! I thought of that as well! Kuhahahaha! You better not lose Y/n!".
"As if! My pride won't allow me to lose!".
Bemimaru: "I believe it's time to discuss about the reinforcement Youm will need. We can send 100 Goblin Riders, 4,000 troops from the Bureizu Corps, 100 troops from the Kurenai Corps, and a 100 troops from the Hiryu Corps. Is that alright, Rimuru-sama, Y/n-sama?".
"Yes, though it would lower our defenses, we can still manage."
Rimuru: "Hmmm... Though I agree with the reinforcements, I'm going to deploy Ranga, he'll accompany Gobuta. Ranga?".
As Rimuru called for Ranga, I could sense the his Ki has risen by 10%. "It seems you've gotten strong Ranga!".
Ranga: "Hai! It's all thanks to Shion and my training in Master's shadow!."
"Well once this is over, lets spar."
Ranga: "I would like that." He said while his tail wagged.
Kanchō: "Currently, Edward has about 20,000 troops. But the more we wait the larger his troops will be."
Diablo: "This is unprecedented. But, I have to adapt to every change of my plans, like you said Y/n-sama."
Rimuru: "*sigh* This is just horrible. If I give up on Falmuth, we can avoid a war but on the other hand, doing this can help in halting the Churches influence."
Diablo: "Dont worry, Rimuru-sama. This will end in our favor."
"I agree with Diablo. But if you're worried about death on the people who are or aren't involvement not die then we can just incapacitate them."
Rimuru: "Then I have nothing to worry about. So, Diablo what do you intend to do?".
Diablo: "I plan to confront the culprit who wants to eradicate me. 'Kill the demon' they say? Then I'll kill the people who'll want to kill me."
'Now that I think about it...' "Janemba!". I said suddenly.
(Tbh I forgot I put Janemba inside this fanfic. :v).
"Sorry. I just remembered something."
Benimaru: "Changing topics. How do we deal with Hinata and other 4 Crusaders?".
Kanchō: "I'm sorry to talk suddenly but there's been a emergency. One of my subordinates. The Crusader have begun to move again but it isn't Himata's party. There's been movement from Englesia, that 100 knights from the Church is departing."
"What?!". Me and Rimuru said.
Kanchō: "The only good thing is that they're half a day behind Hinata's party. But it's unclear whether they're coming here or not."
"*sigh* Obviously, we need Rim to handle Hinata for their rematch but everything else? It's a ha- we can use Janemba. He can fight 1 of the Crusaders. I can also do the same but for the other 2, I'm not sure who."
The room went silent for a couple of minutes, thinking of ways to handle the possible situation that'll happen.
Rimuru: "I got it. Let's avoid killing the knights and the Crusaders."
The room went silent once again for a couple of minutes.
That's the end. Anyway, here



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