The Meeting of Races pt 2

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You know who's POV

The next day- err... today there are more meetings with other races but those higher in the 'food chain' from the Forest of Jura. Once we entered the outdoor chamber, we saw a ruckus in front of us by 2 races, whom I assume are competing for something.

'*sigh* More people to meet. I want some action!!!'. 

Rim: "Oh... This is bad..."

"What do you mean?" I asked confused. 

Rim: "Well, Let's see... Forst Shuna is staring but with rare rage. Shion is... well Shion. And the others aren't so calm about this, besides for Benimaru, Kanchō, and Rigur." 

I then looked at our executives and saw some of their expressions, for one like Rim said Shuna was staring at the higher races, while Shion... is Shion so it's normal. But as for the others their calm but I can tell that they're a bit angry too. '*sigh*'.

So after a couple of seconds of an introduction by Rigurd, these 2 were Bovoids the ones on the right, and Equinoids the ones on the left. They had each brought along about guards which looked more like warriors but that's understandable. Also from Rigurd, he said that these 2 don't get along—in fact, they've been at war with each other for over a century. And right they were fighting to see who can talk to us first. 'This feels more like a babysit than an integration'. 

Then the Bovoids who looked like Minotaurs spoke first. "Ah, D.L-samas! If you want a stout ally in battle, we would be very happy to cooperate! Let us, Bovoids join your side, and you'll get to stride around the forest with authority! And once we wipe out those feeble Equinoids once and for all, you won't find any race in the forest to defy us!".

'I'm pretty sure, we wouldn't like that option. Force over Cooperation is something we didn't sign up for, and if we did. This country would've been very different.'

Then one of the Equinoids responded in anger. "Fool! Any D.L like them, would have the perception to see that having us, Equinoids is clearly the best decision to make! Because, we'll destroy any race who dares to say otherwise, starting with you, Minotaurs (replacing Boloviods to Minotaurs now) on down!".

'Bruh... the exact same offer has been offered by the Minotaurs just now!'.

(Bruh's in the chat)

Then Rim released a bit of Ki (it's actually D.L Haki, but Y/N senses everything in Ki). I'm guessing its for them? But... uh... That didn't work, they didn't notice his Ki at all even with Rim in front of them. All they're doing is arguing back and forth.

Then an offended Rigurd stepped forward and spoke. 

Rigurd: "How dare you show such rudeness before our Samas! It seems that I, Rigurd, need to show all of you your place!".

'This is rare to see.' Rigurd is normally quite gentle, always pursuing administrative tasks around town. Though I know that, at least physically from before that he's much stronger than his younger days, hell maybe his entire life. And let's not forget his performance against the paladins when they attacked, he definitely has gotten stronger.

Minotaur Leader: "What? Look at this bureaucrat who thinks he's the lord of all things!"

Equinoid Leader: "We don't need some demon lord flunky to bad-mouth us!"

They both said at Rigurd, though it made a bigger effect of it basically saying; "Any subordinate of these D.Ls are weak and don't stand against us." Since they were arguing way too much they've been dense about what was going on around them, even in front of them. Maybe more power would get them to shut up but I think that wouldn't work. 

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