Confessions (Lemon)

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Viewer discretion is advised if your under 18. (Though we all know, no one cares.) This is gonna be a very long chapter.

Milim pov

I started opening my eyes and felt I was later down in a bed? I looked around and saw Y/n? 'How is he here? All I remember was being in Clayman's dining room and Frey give me a purple necklace. Next thing I know I'm here. But where is here?'. I started sitting up in the bed and lightly touched Y/n to see if I could get some answers. "Y/n... Y/n...". 'That's not working. Maybe if I touched his tail?.' I went to Y/n's waistline and touched his tail. It didn't take long for him to wake up.
Y/n: "Ow! Who the hell touched my tail?!".

Y/n pov

I looked around to see who would be dumb enough to touch my tail. "Oh... Hey Milim... Wait, Milim you're awake?!". I quickly hugged her but I quickly let go. "Sorry, that was uncalled for."
Milim: "No need. It's okay. So... Y/n can you tell why I'm here or how I'm here?".
"Oh. Well, you may not remember or know but TLDR; You were being controlled by Clayman who declared Walpurgis because of 'Carrion's betrayal', which was false, and for Rim being a 'disgrace' since he's a slime and a D.L. I had to... fight you which wasn't easy. I could've died if it wasn't for Veldora-nii's help. After 'defeating' you Clayman awakened into a true D.L to which he lost to Rim. Oh, now you have new territories to manage and Frey is now your servant since she like Carrion resigned from being D.Ls." I noticed that Milim was looking at me with a 'Wtf' look. "Ahm... Milim?".
Milim: "Huh? Oh. Sorry, I'm still trying to process what you said. *sigh* Now I have to manage more territory. *gasp* Wait Y/n are YOU ok?! Did I do anything... that... caused... you harm?."
When Milim said that last part, she started to cry. "Truthfully, yes. Yes, you did harm me, I- my body was mostly covered in my own blood, my whole felt numb, my Ki was destabilized. It's still repairing and so is my body."
Milim: "I- I can heal you... I'm *hugs Y/n* so sorry."
"It's alright Milim. I couldn't bear seeing you be used by that piece of shit. I'm just glad that your okay. *smiles*".
Milim: "I'm such an idiot... If I never took that necklace Frey gave me, I won't have gotten you so hurt, by me especially. Y-... Your someone very precious to me, Y/n. I- I have a confession to make... *breathes in and out* Y/n, I love you. No scratch that, Y/n I'm madly in love with you. Ever since I saw you on that crystal ball, seeing you fight that Orc Lord, I felt something that I thought I would never feel again. And that lost feeling was love. I thought it would go away if I just went to your location, but when I arrived there that feeling only intensified even more. Even when I started sparring with you, each time you got close to me I would knock you out unintentionally. Even now this feeling is intensifying just by looking and talking to you."
T-that was a lot to take in. "I never knew you felt that way to me, Milim. But if that's the case, then I also have a confession to make. Milim, I also love you. But I don't know if my love is fabricated by my Saiyan instincts. I really do love you, I also get that feeling whenever I'm around you but..."
Milim: "Y/n. I think there's one way to find out if you do love me without your instinct in the way. *blushes madly* K-kiss me."
"K-k-kiss you?! A-are you sure?". I asked very nervously as my tail whipped right to left.
Milim: "Y/n, I'm certain. And seeing as your tail is wagging, I'm guessing your excited but nervous."
"*sigh* I guess with my tail I can't lie. Can I? Hehe... But before I d-do k-kiss you. I have a question."
Milim: "Tell me".
"The way your talking isn't that same as before. Your voice sounded so cherry and childish but now it sounds mature but a bit childish. What happened?". As I finished saying that Milim let out a angry but defeated sigh. 'Maybe I shouldn't have said that.'
Milim: "As you know, I'm a dragoniod. A half-dragon, half-human hybrid. I'm immortal, but not the kind where I can't die by having a sword slicing my head off and still live. No, the kind of immortality I have is eternal youth. I can't die from old age. Y/n, I'm 1,896 year's old (not her official age), also this isn't even my true 'body', this is just the one I use to do the actions I can do without consequences. *gets off bed and stands up* this is my true body."

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