The Dungeon

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Um... I'm typing this chapter on my laptop for the first, I usually type this series on my phone. @_@ Yea. Anyway, enjoy this chapter.

Y/n pov

Ranga: "Samas. Gobkyuu and the craftsmen have gathered at the western gate. But..." He said in telepathy.

"Did something happen, Ranga?".

Ranga:  "Nothing threateningly but... well there's an argument happening that's turned a little violent."

Rim: "We'll be there. Y/n you're coming with me."

"I already know who's causing this little argument. Judging by the Ki, it's Ramiris."

Rim: "*sigh* Of course it is. I already told her she can't live here. Alright, let's just go there and tell her again." He said in a tired voice.

(scene change)

Rim: "Say, Ramiris what are you doing here?". Rim said with a smile trying to hide his anger.

Ramiris: "Uh... Nice weather we're having, right?". She said looking away from Rimuru.

Treyni: "Ramiris-sama! I've brought some more wood!" 

"Um... Treyni-san. Why do you have a lot of wood?".  I asked.

Treyni: "Ah! These are for, uh. My nutrition, yes. I have to eat wood for moving around."

"But you're a spirit, aren't you? You don't need calories." I said raising an eyebrow.

RIm: "Beretta. Can you explain?".

Beretta: "*sigh* It has to be me... Well, Ramiris-sama wanted to move out of her labyrinth and come live here. So, we came here after Ramiris-sama sealed off the labyrinth, and next thing you know this happened." She explained.

Ramiris: "That's right! You can't refuse us! We're practically homeless now. Please, Rimuruuuu!!!".

Rim: "*sigh* Fine. But you're not living in town. *turns around* Sorry about this Gobkyuu, you can continue what you were doing."

Gobkyuu: "No need. Rimuru-Sama, we're fine but the guards... they had it a bit more rough than us." Gobkyuu said eying at the sleeping guards.

"So. Would you mind showing us where you were building your new 'home'."

Ramiris: "Of course. Follow the great and mighty Ramiris to her grand home!". She said leading us to her illegal home, which looked nice. It's a hut that worked as the entrance to the new labyrinth she was working on.

'Huh. Maybe we can use this as a way for having a dungeon, those RPG games have.' I turned around and talked to Rim. "Say. Maybe we should let Ramiris build her labyrinth here. We could use it as a dungeon from those RPG games?".

Rim: "That's... That's a good idea! Why didn't  I think of that? Ok. Ramiris, I give you permission to build your 'home' here but in exchange, we use it as a dungeon for adventurers to beat."

Ramiris: "Really?! Oh, thank you thank you!!!". She said hugging Rim.

Rim: "Gobkyuu, I want the team to build a door under the arena stage, make it big and heavy. And from there I want you Ramiris, to build your labyrinth/dungeon as both your home and job."

Gobkyuu: "I understand Rimuru-sama. But, we need to make some adjustments to the arena to accumulate the labyrinth D.L Ramiris wants to build."

"That's not a problem. So, long as you work along with Ramiris the adjustments can be optimized. But first, Ramiris we're going to ask you some questions so we can get a better of the labyrinth you want to make. Sounds good?".

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