Delegation pt 2 - Dwarven Kingdom

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Y/n pov

It's been a day since the Eurazaian delegates came for establishing a relationship with Tempest. We've made a trade agreement in exchange for alcohol they gave use their fruits to make that alcohol. Now I and Rim and some others are going to the Dwarven Kingdom.
"So, Rim once we get to the Dwarven Kingdom and meet with Gazel, are you gonna show me that Elf place?".
Rimuru: "You bet! It's so relaxing and *face of lust* sooooo... sexy~".
"Oooh! I can't wait to go there and see some E-I-L-Fs!".
Kaijin and the 3 brothers: "Same for us. We haven't gone there ever since we helped your town. Home sweet home."
"Well it couldn't have been done if it wasn't for you 4 with helping develop the town. I'm glad Rim met you 4. *smiles*". The 4 dwarves try to stop getting emotional by my words. "Well, in any case, we should be the ones thanking you. So, thank you *bows*".
Kaijin: "Oh, man. Stop it, your making us feel like we're the leaders. We just choosed to come to your town."
Rimuru: "Oh look. It seems the road is almost done being built, when Charybdis came. Let's stop and pay them a visit."

(A few moments later)

Geld: "Rimuru-sama, Y/n-sama. Is today the day of your departure to the Dwarven Kingdom?"
"Yep. With the road being built it's been an easy and smooth ride from Novus Roma (capital city of Tempest)."
Rimuru: "Anyway, we stopped here because we wanted to reward you guys for doing all of this. *spits out barrels of alcohol*".
Geld: "What's this Rimuru-sama?"
"*smirks* Beer! Just make sure not to drink too much of it, alright?"
Geld: "Well do, Y/n-sama."
"Welp. Let's get going shall we?".

(30 minutes later)

Guard 1: "Open the gate!"
We all enter the gate and went to Gazels palace.
Dorf: "The rulers of the Jura Tempest Federation. Their Majesties Rimuru and Y/n have arrived."
The big door opens and reveals Gazel on his throne.
Gavel: "It's been some time, Rimuru and Y/n."

Scene change - balcony of Gazel's Palace

Rimuru: "Thanks for pardoning the crimes of Kaijin and the others. *bows*"
Hazel: "Exiling them was the best option to keep my officials happy. But, that said, it broke my heart to let Kaijin and the others go."
"Well, they are helping Tempest in ways that wouldn't have been possible. They all had a role to play and it helped out the town and themselves in that way."
Gazel: "That's good to hear. But, enough chit-chat, I want to get on business. There's something I want to ask you two. What was that high-output magical weapon you used to defeat Charybdis? Besides Y/n's own attacks."
Rimuru: "Actually, that was... D.L Milim's power."
Dorf: "You made that joke before. But, I'm afraid that we cannot believe that statement."
Rimuru: "I don't blame you for not believing it."
"Well, it's true. I've sparred with her while she stayed in Tempest. Her power is no joke. I'm betting to say that she's the equivalent of ssj4, though I don't know if she has a transformation like I do."
Gazel: "Very well. I'll believe you, because she's no matter to be boasting. "
Shuna came with a tray holding alcohol and 4 glass cups. She pours each glass with alcohol, I refuse to take a glass. I don't like alcohol.
Gazel: "What's this? Did Dord make this?"
Rimuru: "You guessed correctly."
Gazel: "*looks at the alcohol* It's beautiful... And this? It's detoxifying rune magic? How thoughtful."
Rimuru: "Would you like me to taste it first in case of poison?"
I smack Rim's head. He looks at me and complains about why I did that. I gave him the silent treatment and turn my head in the other direction to him think about what he said to Gazel.
Gazel: "Haahaha. Don't worry I wouldn't suspect you of trying to poison me. *drinks the alcohol* Oh! This is... Delicious".
"In case your wondering. It's a distilled liquor made from apples. We've been having those apples be imported in to produce the liquor."
Gazel: "You've found other nations besides Dwargon to establish relations with? Could it be the Kingdom of Blumund?"
"Yeah. But also the Animal King-". I got cut off by Gazel coming close to me and having a nervous expression.
Gazel: "Eurazania?! You've not only earned the favor of the D.L Milim, but also D.L Carrion?!"
"Well... For Milim's case is was giving her food. For Carrion's case, we just spared one of his subordinates who caused trouble in Tempest, which led to a discussion of trade between our nations."
Dorf: "If that's the case then the importance of Tempest is bound to skyrocket. It may one day take over the Kingdom of Falmuth as a major trading center."
"I see. Well, we don't want an economic crash in case something happens to Tempest in the future. So I think it's better to have a discussion with the Kingdom of Falmuth to somehow have them be a 'backup' in case trade with Tempest stops."
Rimuru: "We also have to maintain our infrastructure if we want trade to run smoothly."
Gazel: "In any case, I look forward to what comes of your partnership."
Drunken Shion: "Not to worry~!"
Yare Yare. "[Ki Bind], Shuna can you take Shion to the guest room? Please."
Shuna: "Yes, Y/n-sama."

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