The Hero & The Kids - Finale

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Y/n's pov

We all looked toward the soldier who came in panting from running into the dining area where everyone is in.

Rim: "Excuse me for a sec." Rim excused himself and walked to the soldier. After a couple of minutes, the words exchanged during the talk between Rim and the soldier circulated. A large flying object has been spotted outside of town. Apparently, it's from the Sorcerous Dynasty of Thalion— the country Elyune is from.

Then Gazel came up to me talking.

Gazel: "I should've expected this. But it's still too much to handle. Why else would Empress Elmesia leave her borders? I know we're all trying to gauge one another at this event—even me—but the empress herself is a very important figure in world politics. I'm sure even those not in attendance tonight are hurriedly sending letters back to their homelands."

"What do you mean?". I asked.

Gazel: "As it stands, the Sorcerous Dynasty of Thalion is a large country, it's might equal to us Dwarves, despite being fully independent with no involvement in the Council of the West. Plus, as the term Dynasty suggested, it was a federation of thirteen distinct kingdoms. In terms of power, the Council of the West was definitely the biggest force out there—but given its parliamentarian system, it couldn't immediately carry out policy at a moment's notice. Dwargon— my nation, on the other hand, is a monarchy, so while it fell behind in overall might, its assertions still held sway with the Western Nations. The same was true of Thalion."

"What the empress? Is she someone with a rumored power that could change the world as we know it?".

Gazel: "I don't know. Though what I do know is that the Empress is rumored to be a descendant of divinity, and she's the one who declared herself Heavenly Emperor of the nation. It's also rumored that without her the creation of  Thalion wouldn't have existed. The nation was founded by a high elf named Elmesia, though the names could just be coincidences, if not then that woman been around for longer than Thalion itself."

Rim: "If she's such an important historical figure then we should treat her and-".

Gazel: "That's the problem. Having her treated as one is not wise. Here she comes. Rim, Y/n be on your guard, she's one sly fox."

As Gazel ended our political converse, the Empress, Elmesia El-Ru Thalion solemnly strode inside. Everyone looked in awe of her appearance. Her pale white skin like snow, her hair a shiny silver. Her ears, long and pointed at the ends, her eyes the color of jade. The embodiment of a pinnacle Elf. And judging by her KI, she's at least powerful as Youm, though she could be limiting her flow of Ki. But her guards, on the other hand, are as powerful as Hinata.

Elmesia: "I have accepted your kind invitation. It delighted me." She said in a clear and capturing voice. Though it has no effect on me.

 (A/n: The reason it has no effect on Y/n is 'cause Milim made her scent be placed onto Y/n. Making any female attraction nulled and vice-versa.)

Rim: "It's an honor to meet you."

"We hope you enjoy your stay and food here."

The empress then looked our way and suddenly there was a pressure being sunk onto me, though it wasn't powerful enough to alarm or counter it as it didn't have any killing intent.

Elmesia: "Yes, I do look forward to the food and the visitation I brought to myself. Along with the festivities beginning tomorrow, I hope they prove to be eminently pleasing. Also...". She walked closer to us and whispered some things in our ears.

Elmesia: "It doesn't have to be today, but I want you to make some time for me, y'know. There's something I wanna discuss in a more relaxed environment."

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