The King appears and A new Nation arises

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Y/n pov

Me and Rimuru are currently vibing in our home. "Ahhh... This is nice~. Hey, brother can yo-". I was interrupted by Kanchō speaking in thought communication.
Kanchō: "Y/n-sama! We have an emergency."
"What is it, Kanchō". I ask quickly.
Hanchō: "I've spotted an armed force in the sky to the north. I estimate that there are 500 of them coming here."
"Got it. Brother there's a army of 500 coming here from the air! I suggest we order an evacuation order to the village."
Rimuru: "R-right. Shion, order Rigurd and the other lords of each race to evacuate the village".
Shion: "Yes sirs!".
I instantly grab Rimuru and use Instant Transmission to make my way to the coordinates Kanchō told me. I look up at the sky and see.... Pegasuses!? 'But why would a small army of 500 come here?... Could they have been a partner of the Orc Disaster from before?!'.
Kaijin: "It... Can't be..."
"Huh? Kaijin do you who that is?".
Kaijin: "Thats the Dwarve King; Gazel Dwargo". He says in a surprised tone.
The Pegasus small army land in front of us. I assume the one in front of all of them is the King?. Kaijin then runs towards the guy in front.
Kaijin: "It's good to see you again... King Gazel."
Gazel: "It's been a long time, Kaijin... Are you the slime?".
Rimuru: "I'll introduce myself first. My name is Rimuru Tempest. I'm a slime, but I don't like being called that. After all, I am one of the chancellors of the Jura Forest Alliance... (Transforming into a human) This isn't my true form, but it's easier to talk like this, don't you agree?... So why have you come here?"
Gazel: "I'll get to the point. I'm here to determine your worth for myself, not as a king but as a individual."
'Huh? Who this is guy think he is? Insulting Rimuru is punishable by death!'.

Rimuru pov

'Uhh... It seems the atmosphere here is tense. The kijin think I've been insulted as well as Y/n. But for Y/n I think the word insult is an understatement, a better word would be... violated. I mean look at him!

Your face rn:

(Imagine flashing between your ssj and base forms, while angry

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(Imagine flashing between your ssj and base forms, while angry.)

"Well since we're not on trial... Can I speak my mind?".
Gazel: "Of course."
"As I said I'm one of the chancellors of the J.F.A (Jura Forest Alliance). But I wanna know why someone such as yourself is here, in a town of monsters?".
Gazel: "Thats one of the reasons I've came here. This a town of various monsters and for someone to unite them under one place has to be both powerful and intelligent. But for a slime to have a position of 'Chancellor and ruler of the forest' is of great arrogance, which has to to be rightfully put in its place."
'Uhh... Hey, Great Sage, is it possible to ease the tension here?' G.S: 'Finding possible solutions... Solutions not found'. 'Wha- WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERES NO SOLUTION!'...
Treyni: "You treat the Chancellor of our forest alliance with great disrespect, King of the Dwarves."
"Oh. Hey, Treyni-san."
Treyni: "Forgive my long absence, Rimuru-sama."
Gazel: "HAHAHAHA... Well, if it isn't the overseer of the Jura Forest. If she says it herself of your position, then it must be true. I suppose I should apologize for doubting your word, Rimuru! But that still doesn't measure your worth. Hence, DRAW YOUR WEAPON!".
'N-nani!? This pressure and rage! This can only come from... Y/n! Ah shit!' I panic internally... 'What do I do?!? G.S is there something I can do to lower Y/n's pressure?!'... G.S: 'Every solution available is impossible to implement'. I go wide eyed. 'We're fucked!'.

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