The Hero & The Kids - pt 1

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Y/n's pov

Today, I and Rimuru have guests that want to have a meeting with us, and we know who they are. First was the King and Queen Blumund ー who at first glance looks like your average isekai nobles; the King looking like a middle-aged man and the Queen... well she looks young even though it's said that they've been married for 20 years.

King: "I must apologize for not thanking you sooner. Your winning over Marquis Muller and Earl Hellman, as well as applying pressure to the Western Holy Church, helped us all a great deal." 

We both gave the king our thanks and tried to not deter the comment. "No, no, Rimuru-san, Y/n-san! There's no need to thank me. All we did was live up to the terms of the treaty we ratified. And did Fuze tell you, by the way? I had gambled 'quite a bit' on you. Our nation's fate, in fact, is now tied in with yours. And I did this because we do stand to profit, so there's no need for further thanks!" 

"Wait, you sided with us not because of being a small nation but because of profits?". I asked.

King: "Yes but actually no."

Rim: "Well either way. I'm happy to see that you trust us."

King: "I truly wonder if you really are a demon lord sometimes. *snickers* And I do understand that our Viscount Cazac caused you quite a bit of trouble. I'm quite glad you were able to rescue your countrymen from him."  

"Well, with the situation related to him being settled, I don't want to continue talking about him."

King: "I understand. But what do you plan on doing with him now?"

"One problem. Prosecuting him will be problematic since he's still a noble, so our laws won't be able to affect him. Unless..."

King: "Ah, yes. I forgot to mention this but due to Cazac's connections to the 'Orthros' group, and with other international criminal groups. *speaking low and ominous* We've decided that Cacaz is no longer a noble, he has forgotten what is the duty of a noble and turned to the dark side. His house and land are no longer, thus you can give whatever punishment you desire."

 Rim: "I think that's a fitting punishment to give at him. If we did punish him based on our laws then the people in human civilizations will, if they do, think that we're prioritizing our own as a justification for going to war again."

King: "Yes, that's true. There are still not many people who believe that you wish for cooperation between humans and monsters, especially the human supremacists."

"I see. So it's best to just strip him of his title and lands so no tensions start between our people. *sigh* I was hoping to at least punish him, oh well."

Rim: "In other words, we accept the penalty the guy has."

King: "Excellent! Now with that situation out of talks. I've heard from Fuze that you have some grand operation in the works".

Rim: "That's true, but it involves more than our two countries, it involves all and every nation.  I'm hoping we can assemble representatives from all the nations involved for further discussion, which is part of the reason for the Founder's Festival."

King: "If it involves every nation then there's no need to worry about being so secretive. Fuze gave me a brief summary, and from it, it sounds like something that could and will affect our position in the world. I could hardly leave this matter to my bureaucracy."

Rim: "In that case, then I guess I could go into detail about this..."

(Sometime later)

Queen: "My lord, this plan can be a reality which could move the mountains." The king nodded in response, but I think the comment was made towards Rim.

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