A Good Misunderstanding

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Wow... 11.5k reads... Thats a lot of reads. I feel honored, I really do. Anyway, let's get into this.


Y/n' s POV

With the final meeting of integrating other races into the Federation coming to an end and having the Founder Festivals being near, we needed all our executives being in Tempest as we can't have our forces elsewhere in case something happens during the Founder Festival. Luckily Geld, Diablo, Janemba, and Xapan have arrived in Tempest from their respective missions.

Diablo: "Ah, Samas! How good it is to be able to see your majestic forms again! Now if you don't mind I will tell you my report so far-".

Rim: "Sorry Diablo but not right now. We have some official business to attend to. After the meeting is over you can tell me the report, got it?". He said, interrupting Diablo.

Diablo: "I understand, Rimuru-sama."

Rim: "Alright. Come along Diablo, you're apart of these meetings for security reasons."

"You too Janemba and Xapan."

Diablo & Xapan: "Yes, Samas." Janemba just nods.

(A few moments later)

'Thats weird. Why can't I sense their Ki? It feels more like pressure than energy... *realization* Ooooohhhh. They have God Ki... Interesting.'

Rim: "*whisper* Huh... Interesting."

"*whisper* What is?". I asked. my answer would be left unanswered for a while as the doors opened revealing the final race to end the meeting.

The Tengu is a race that lives in the Kusha Mountains on the horizon of the Forest of Jura- outside our domain. According to Benimaru, the ogres have met with the Tengu once before as 2 factions fighting for something. But now with things being different than before, it's more like mutual cooperation between the two races.

Rim: "*whisper* Hm? Oh, well it's that the Tengu, back in Japan are creatures that are a hybrid of an angel and wolfmen. So seeing them here could pose a threat to us if we aren't careful."

"*whisper* I agree with that. But what's more interesting is that I can't sense their Ki. I can only feel pressure."

Rim: "*whisper* Maybe they found a way to- oh. Nevermind. It seems it's just part of their skill they skill. [Domainance]."

"*whisper* Oh. My assumption was that they had God Ki. Guess I was wrong."

Rim: "*whisper* That would be impossible. If they did possess God Ki then this world would've been under their domain."

"*whisper* You have a point.'

???: "*ahem*".

A voice interrupted our conversation. We both looked saw a young woman in front of a group of armored Tengu. The young woman who, I believe is the leader of the group started talking. But, before we continue this let's have a flashback.


Benimaru, who had recently come back from the Kusha Mountains told us of his negotiations with the Tengu. As before this report, we had previously contacted the Tengu for allowing us to pass through their mountains when we were migrating the Orcs back when Clayman was a problem. The only problem was that they, like Saiyans, are very prideful, so any act of dominance would be met with force and war.

Since we didn't want a war so early in developing Novus Roma and the rest of the Federation. We made strict orders to Benimaru to just get their permission to build a highway on their lands between Tempest and Thalion. Which leads to this;

That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Saiyan [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now