Beach Chapter

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This chapter is non-canon......

Rimuru pov

Right now I'm being fought over between Shuna and Shion to be taken to inspect some construction. Maybe I could use body double to have Shuna and Shion have their own huggable slime. *Realization* No. Wait that'll just cause more trouble... *idea* I could make cushions of the image of me, and probably Y/n but as a plushie, and make it like the lottery, where the biggest number, by random can have the biggest cushion or plushie! "Um, can you two let me go for a second?"
Shuna and Shion: "H-hai."
"Shuna, I have a favor to ask you."
Shuna: "Hai. Ask me anything."
"There's something I wanna make. 'Maybe she won't get it by it's modern name.' Is there something that's like a cloth that's smooth and stretchy?".
Shuna: "Hmm... Oh, do you mean Spandex?".
"Yes, I'll have you create two very important things."

(A few moments later)

Garm: "Poly... beads?"
"Their beads that are tiny like gunpowder."
Garm: "...beads?"
"Something that's like small grains or like sand, but has a smooth surface."
Garm: "Well, there's something called 'Sarasa' that's similar to how you describe it."
Garm: "It's found in a big lake deep in the forest. I've heard it's a type of sand."
"That's perfect! I'll go get some!"
Garm: "I wouldn't go there though if I were you. Because there's a monster living in that lake."
"No worries I'll have Y/n take care of it, he'll agree 'cause he's always looking for a fight."

(A few moments later)

Y/n pov

Rimuru told me that we're going to a lake that's deep in the forest, he said that according to Garm that there's a monster there and wants me to neutralize it to get some "sarasa".
Rimuru: "We're going to collect some sarasa! And have a picnic while we collect some!"
"So, why do we need this 'sarasa' anyway?" I asked Rim.
Rimuru: "*whispers* It's to make a cushion of myself and a plushie of you."
"*whispers* Are you sure that's a good idea? Won't people fight over who has the better cushion or plushie?"
Rimuru: "*whisper* Don't worry I got that covered. *winks*".
'Rrrrrrrrrrrrrright ~_~'.
Rimuru: *ahem* you'll all find out soon." *looks at the boys*
"Imma go tell Milim about this. *places two finger on forehead* *pop*
Rimuru: "WAI-".


*pop* "Hey, Milim!".
Milim: "Hmm. *looks around and wide eyes* Y-y/n?! What are you doing here?!".
"Oh, well I just wanted to let you know that me, Rim, and some other people are going to a lake and have a picnic. I wanted to ask you if you wanna come?".
Milim: "Of course! Anything for- *shuts mouth*".
"Hmm? Weren't you gonna say something?"
Milim: "No, no. Anyway, when is it happening?"
"Oh. Its in about a few minutes. If your worried about time just touch my back and we'll be their in an instant!".
Milim: "O-okay. *touches back*."

Mini-Milim pov

As I stepped forward to touch Y/n's back, it felt defined, chiseled. I want to touch more of it! Wait, no! I don't want to ruin this, even if it's for a very short time to remember! I don't even know if he even likes me... Fuck it! I'll hug his back!
(A/n: In case your wondering why Milim is thinking like this, well it's very simple, Milim is over a thousand years old, for the sake of plot, Milim's thoughts and future actions is/are mature. Just that she acts childish to be in accordance with her appearance.)

Y/n pov

*uses Instant Transmission* "Rea-". Milim suddenly hugs me from behind, leaving me blushed. "M-milim?"
Milim stays quiet... 'Did I do something wrong?'. "U-um, well let's get going shall we." *pop*
"Yo! Brother." I Instant Transmission behind Rimuru.
Rimuru: "Ahhh!! Y/n! Stop doing that! It's not funny!". He complains
"What? I can't tease my smaller brother?".
Rimuru: "Yes. But there's a line between teasing and straight-up scaring!".
"Sure, sure. Anyway is this the lake? Also I've brought Milim."
Rimuru: "Yea I can see that. Also yea this is the lake. But before we collect some sarasa, let's eat!"
"Hell yeah! I'm hungry for some food! How about you Milim?".
Milim: "Yea! Let's have a food-eating competition! Loser does what the winner tells them."
"Ohhh, your challenging a Saiyan's hunger, will prepare to lose!".

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