The Finale

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Hey. So uh... I'm going to write the ending for this. It's something I thought of doing over the time I decided to drop this.

3rd pov - space

"Y/n you don't have to do this!". Rimuru screamed at Y/n.

Y/n turned around and faced Rimuru. "I need to... You wouldn't understand Rim."

"Understand what?! I know its hard but you have to move on!" Rimuru shouted. "We tried-"

"Move on?!" Y/n's voice exploded in anger. Tears escaping his eyes. "You think I can move on from seeing Milim die?! And for what?!"

Y/n's anger continued to rise, "For some fucking peace in the multiverse?!"

Y/n's power level continued to rise from his anger and sadness. "There... There could have been another way!"

"Y/n..." Rimuru could any stay there in guilt. This is his fault. If he hadn't told Milim of Fuu's plan... Maybe this...

"If I can't have peace and love than no one will!!!" Y/n shouted at Rimuru. "And I'll start with you."

"Wai-" Rimuru dodged Y/n's scythe. With the assistance of Ciel and his experience with Y/n's attacks, Rimuru countered each attack.

But that wasn't enough. Rimuru knew that Y/n is stronger than him by a long shot. The fact that he hadn't gone super saiyan is frightening for him.




'Shit! I can absorb it but I can't do it for a long period of time!'

Rimuru thought of how to stop Y/n's attack. He could dodge but Y/n could stop and appear infront of him and punch him.

'Even with thought acceleration I can't think of anything to help!'



"Y/n please think about this!" Rimuru pleaded. "There's no going back to this if you continue like this!"

"I don't care anymore!" Y/n stated. "Even if I have to kill Zeno-sama, I'll do that."

As the Kamehameha entered Rimuru's vision, his life flashed before his eyes. All the moments they had fun together, to the ups and downs of their brotherly relationship.

"[Final Kamehameha]"

"[Big Bang Kamehameha]"

Two ki beams intercepted Y/n's kamehameha.

"What???" Rimuru stood still for a few seconds but nothing happened to him. Opening his eyes he sees Gogeta and Vegito at his side.

"What are you guys doing here?!" Rimuru asked in surprise.

"We sensed a pretty high ki here and thought it was Cumber or Broly." Gogeta answered.

"And now we know it isn't..." Sighed Vegito. "It's Y/n"

Y/n looked down on the new participants. The arrival of Gogeta and Vegito caused his blood to boil. They were the cause of this!

If they hadn't killed Fuu sooner than none of this wouldn't have happened.

"You..." Y/n growled. "I was planning on killing you or rather your fusées."

"Heh. If you think you can beat us your dead wrong." Vegito smirked.

"Vegito. Now's not the time to get cocky. We have to eliminate Y/n before he causes madness." Gogeta reminded Vegito.

"Hai hai. Mr. Serious fusion." Vegito said getting to into his stance.

That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Saiyan [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now