Walpurgis is set

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Y/n pov

After teleporting Benimaru and the other armies to Milim's territory for the final confrontation with Clayman. Me and Rim are preparing clothes for attending Walpurgis.
My clothes:

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Rim's clothes:

Shuna: "Oh, you look fantastic, Rimuru-sama, Y/n-sama!"

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Shuna: "Oh, you look fantastic, Rimuru-sama, Y/n-sama!".
Ranga: "That dignifed look! It suits you perfectly, Masters".
Shuna: "It's looks just wonderful!".
Janemba just nods. 'I don't trust but I hope your not the Janemba I know.'
"Hehe. Well it couldn't have been without you, Shuna and to the Kijin brothers."
Rim: "Y/ns right. Thank you Shuna."
Shuna: "N-no need to thank me. It was just my job. Now, if you excuse me, I have to go with Kanchō and Shōhei."
I nod. "Just stay safe over there. Got it?".
Shuna: "I will! And to you as well, Y/n-sama, Rimuru-sama."
Shuna casts a teleportation spell and leaves.
Rim: "So. Ramiris could you tell us about the 10 D.Ls? The one's I already know are Milim, you, Leon, Carrion, Frey and Clayman... So who're the other four?".
Veldora: "There are 2 that I know of. The first was a female D.L that I fought about 2 or 3 millennia ago."
'A female... Vampire D.L?.... Is it a female DIO?'.
Rim: "A female D.L?".
Veldora: "She was a women who couldn't take a joke. I burned down her city, and they all got furious."
"Haaaa.... That would make anyone furious..."
Veldora: "R-right... Looking back at it now, I do feel slightly ashamed of myself."
'J-just slightly?'
Veldora: "I believe her name was... Lu... Lurus? Mills? Well I forgot her name but she was strong enough to be my playmate. So be careful around her."
Ramiris: "A man named Roy Valentine has been the D.L of the nation for about 1,500 years now."
"So he's stronger than her? If so, then I'd like to spar with him!". Rim smacks me on the head.
Rim: "*slams hand on desk* Take this seriously, will you?! Now's not the time to think about your Saiyan instincts!".
Veldora: "There's also the D.L who's a giant, Dagruel. I've fought him a couple of times, but a victor was never determined."
Rim: "*calms down* Well if you remember his name, then he must be pretty powerful."
Veldora: "Not any more. I bet now through reading the mangas I could beat him. Also there's one I haven't fought, but there's a D.L who's actually a demon, Guy Crimson."
Ramiris: "Guy is one of the 3 oldest D.Ls beside me and Milim. He's also pretty strong."
Rim: "*counting fingers* I see... but who's the last D.L?".
Ramiris: "It's Dino. He does nothing but sleep and loves slacking off even more than I do!"
"Oh so you admit that you do those things aswell? And the fact that there's someone similar to you there means it's going to be a hell of high pitches coming to my ears."
Ramiris: "*hits me* DONT SAY THAT IM LIKE HIM!".
'Tis' but a scratch'. "Oh! There here."
A door comes in place and it's demonic-looking to an extent. The doors open and a green haired women comes out.
???: "I've to collect you, Lady Ramiris."
'This person. She's strong. Her Ki shows that, even if she has her magicules she can't hide her lifeforce.'
Ramiris: "Long time no see, Misery! How's your partner, Rain?".
Misery: "As well as ever. Thank you for asking. *looks at us* You are Rimuru-sama and Y/n-sama?"
We nod.
Misery: "My master, Guy-sama, has told me about you. Please proceed."
Ramiris: "We'll, let's go, Beretta and Treyni!".
Rim: "We should go as well."
Me, Shion and Ranga (secretly) go to walking to the door. Going through the door we see a round table filled with 11 seats.
Misery: "This way, please."
Rim walks towards the seat and sits on it. I walk over there as well and stand next to him. 'T-this amount of Ki! It's unbelievable! It's to the level of Goku's ssjgod! I don't know if that's his base power or a percentage of it'. After I finish my thoughts, a 7 ft. tall guy walks and seats to the left of me. 'This guy's Ki is also massive. In order for to match him, I'd have to be in my ssj2 form at best.' Then a blue-haired maid comes out with a vampire maid and a butler, behind of who I assume is Roy Valentine. 'His Ki isn't as massive as the oth- his maid has a greater Ki than him. Could she be Lurus?'. Then a man comes in yawning. 'I can safely say that that's Dino or Ramiris 2.0'.
Dino: "Oh, hey. You're still a puny little thing, huh?".
Ramiris: "Huh? Are you picking a fight? You've got a lot of nerve, Dino!"
Dino: "Oh, please. Why would I pick a fight when I know I'd win?".
Ramiris: "Grr! You've got a death wish or something? I'll have you know I'm in top form today!".
'I'm going to ignore that conversation.' Then a women with wings and *ahem* big milkers walks and looks around. 'No! Y/n stop! Remember why you're here!'. Anyway, the servants behind her, specifically the male one, it's Ki it's similar to Carrion's. Shion appears behind Rim and whisper something.
???: "Are you Y/n and Rimuru?".
"Yea. That's us... I see. So your Leon. You want something from us?"
Leon: "No. Rimuru's appearance felt familiar to me, that's all."
Rim: "Leon, Shizu-san is dead."
Leon: "I know. It's natural that she would die. After all, she never accepted Ifrit, and resisted becoming a majin."
Rim: "I'm not saying this because she asked us to... but let me hit you once."
Leon: "I refuse. I gave Shizu the opportunity to choose her own life. She lived as a human. I gave her Ifrit as a parting gift. I see no reason why I deserve to be hit. But I am somewhat interested in you two. I will invite you to my castle. If you have an issue with me, see me there. If you believe this to be a trap, your free to refuse."
Rim: "Fine. Send me an invitation and we'll be there."
Leon: "I'll see to that. Of course... That's only if you leave here alive."
"We'll make out here alive. I don't care what you throw at us. I swear on my Saiyan pride that once this is over I'll come to your castle and beat you to a bloody pulp."
Leon: "And I'll be there to see you try."
Then I felt a very familiar presence. I look to my left and see... MILIM! But the one behind her is... that bastard.
Clayman: "Walk faster, you dullard! *hits her* Everyone, thank you for waiting.".

(A/n pov: Both Y/n and Rimuru released some of their power, insinuating that you both are furious.)
That's the end. I really can't wait for me to write more. Also since I have Winter break rn for school I'll be writing more chapter week, granted that I finish my winter work packet for each school subject. Anyway, here



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