Union Memberstate

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Y/n's pov

6 bullets shot all heading to me, Rim, Hinata, the prince, Gaban, and Reiner. Even though the bullet won't be able to hurt me, I can't say the same to the others. Even so, the KI of the person who shot all 6 bullets is very far away. I'd say 2440 meters of here. 

Once the bullet came in contact with me, I grabbed it before it could contact me. Holding out my hand and opening it I found a 9mm bullet usually found in pistols. But how can a pistol shoot that far away from here? 

"Is everyone ok?" Rim said holding out his hand that attracted the other 5 bullets and absorbed them. 

"'Tis was a scratch. Don't worry about me." Hinata responded first.

"Same here." 

Rim sighed in relief. "Phew good. Just making sure. That and I found who did it, well what they look like I mean."

"Whoever they are, they clearly meant to assassinate us. But by whose order is a mystery." Hinata said staring at the walls of the chamber. "And by the look of things, I'd say they're the same assassin who killed the Duke: Muze." Hinata speculated.

This speculative info alerted the politicians in the chamber. The evidence itself while not proven is easy to correlate to what just happened. Many began to whisper amongst themselves.

Just then the prince who has been knocked out for a while finally awoke and amid all the chaos that has erupted a few moments ago, he himself was confused asf.

"What... Ahhhh... Did my plan fail?" Elric rubbing his head and muttering those words looked around him and found things to be... in his disfavor.

"Good. You're awake." Hinata spoke with a harsh tone. "Now then I'm sure you and Sir Gaban have much to confess." 

"What do you mean?" Elric stared in confusion. But his confusion turned into horror as Rim now stood behind the prince menacingly.

"What scheme did you and Gaban plot when I and my brother were invited into the Union?" Rim smiled at Elric. 

Seeing that smile made me shiver. 'That's the same smile Shuna has when she's angry!'

"Scheme? I don't know what you're talking about. Gaban-san ensured me that I would be able to subjugate you and the other Demon Lord." Elric confessed.

"WHAT?!" Gaban yelled in response to the accusation the prince threw at him. "That's nonsense! All I did was follow what the prince ordered me to do. Nothing of the sort ever happened like!" 

"Don't lie to disassociate yourself from me! After all, it was you who came up with the plan to do what has failed. As such you and I should at least take some responsibility for this." Elric surprisingly matured to say.

Gaban defended himself. "And the evidence?! If no evidence is presented to me of the accusation you and everyone here believes to be true then I am innocent to be discharged!" 

"Have you forgotten what I said about the deeds that you failed to promise and the actions you and your nation have taken upon? All the internal affairs that I told before the council has fallen to you in deaf's ear?" Rim commented while walking to Gaban's position. 

Gaban grunted at that fact. But even so, he refused to be bundled up with what is being accused of him. 

Suddenly the doors opened as a person yelled; "His majesty ÆGIL has arrived! All who are present rise and salute!" 

As the person yelled the introduction of the King of this Kingdom. Every politician saluted upon the arrival of the King except me, Rim, and Hinata.

Ægil, the King, glanced at the room. Seeing the tied-down politicians and the people on the floor who are partially tied as well. "I see that my son along with multiple politicians of various kingdoms has caused trouble for you."

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