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Y/n pov

'Arghh... My body.' I look to my left and see Milim sleeping like a child. 'Even I'm your adult form you act like a child. I should go to that meeting'. I slowly get out of my bed and quickly change into my clothes and I.T to Rim.


"Yo! Did I miss anything?". I said surprising everyone, except for Valentine.
Rim: "Brother! Your late! What took you so long?".
"Oh. Uh... Let's just say I lost track of time from training."
Rim: "Sounds like something you do".
"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!".
Rim: "Nothing. Now, where was I? Oh, right. Why don't we include Gazel in our 100-year friendship treaty? Having him to guarantee that we won't attack humans ought to change some people of the Luminus faith, right?".
Hinata: "Possibly. But that would just build a breakable trust. Especially with the current situation inside the Church."
"So anyone want to fill me in?".
Rim: "Oh, right. So TLDR; the last Celestial is dealt with. Someone is doing all of this that has happened during our time being here, at first it was speculated to be Yuuki but-".
"I agree with that. Yuuki could be a possible suspect."
Rim: "But without concrete evidence, it's hard to say."
"His energy says otherwise. When we saved Shizu's students and brought them back to Yuuki. I sensed him having some aura about him, it wasn't Ki nor Magicules, but something... godly".
Rim: "Interesting. Then we'll be cautious whenever we go to him or him to us. *sigh* I hope they're ok."
"Well let's not turn this into a depressing matter. So, what's more, to be discussed now?".
Hinata: "It would be sufficient to agree that in order to have the followers of Luminism possibly change their prejudice on monsters, we need to build a church here as well."
Rim: "That's a given considering they're religious. So, who'll stay here to be a local priest for the Church?".
Valentine: "We can have Arnaud and Bacchus stay here once that Church is complete."
Hinata: "As well as having a few bureaucrats to organize the structure of the Church."
"It would be better to place the Church somewhere far from town since there's still a chance of prejudice happening if we have it in our capital or any of the other cities."
Rim: "I agree, considering that most of the followers would try to harm my people. Hence why we have a 100-year treaty to try and better have an understanding between each other."
Valentine: "That's fine by me. As long as I still get worshipped, these things are trivial".
Rim: "Then it's official (yet). Oh, by the way, would you guys like to stay here for the time being? It's getting pretty late."
Hinata: "If you insist."
Valentine: "Ah, that would be very generous of you. That hot spring and food of yours are a luxury."
"*sigh* Guess I'll go wake up Milim."
Everyone: "Nani?!".
"Oh... I still haven't announced this yet. But I and Milim are in a relationship. *scratches back of head* Hehehe".
Valentine: "I'm actually surprised. That lizard human actually managed to fall in love. Tell what did you do?".
"Nothing bad. I don't know what caused us to be in a relationship. But if I had to guess it would've been the constant sparring, the thrill you get when fighting someone strong, and the food habits we have."
???: "*yawn* You hit the bullseye, dear. Especially the thrill and food one."
"Oh, hey hon."
Everyone: "MILIM/D.L MILIM?!".
"Hm? Oh, yeah. This is Milim in her true body."
Valentine: "One surprise after the other. Is there more?".
Milim: "Nope. Just that."
Rim: "So... I guess we'll hold another feast. But be aware that this feast will be better!".
Milim/Y/n/Veldora: "*happy noises*".

(Time skip)

Rim: "For today's menu. We have Sukiyaki, a big bowl of beef simmered in vegetable broth! And [insert foods]."
Everyone: "*happy noises*".
As the food came from the chefs, paladins and monsters alike began sharing, eating food. I, Rim, and Hinata had rice, specifically white rice, the fundamental food to all civilizations.
"Itadakimasu!". I said as I began eating the food I gave myself.
Hinata: "Isn't what you're doing selfish? I mean being able to re-create our food from Earth is surprising yet seen as a luxury."
Rim: "Have you seen the food they make? It has no flavor or rich nutrition. I would much rather eat our food than this world's. Then I could spread it later so that everyone can enjoy."
"*eating while talking* Come on, you should at least miss our food, right? Living here for a decade with backwater food must've been brutal."
Hinata: "It's just that when I heard stories about this place and you two from Yuuki, I took it with a grain of salt."
"Wait Yuuki knows about us, like we're otherworlders and stuff?".
Hinata: "I do not know. But I do know that he has spies that keep him informed about things."
"Seems like he's one step ahead of us. How troublesome."
Rim: "Besides from what Yuuki told you, we're still not done in advancing our country. We still need a method of transport, mechanics, science, and other stuff."
Hinata: "Don't you realize that you make it sound like our work from Earth is being ridiculed?! You're doing all of these things to have a sense of familiarity, I get that. But... *sigh* What can I really do?".
"We're doing all of this in order to live in a peaceful world, as well as eliminating the threats that disturb that peace, like monsters."
Hinata: "What do you plan to achieve all that? It would take more than 100 years from the treaty to make this world peaceful."
Rim: "I wouldn't be so sure. If all we have to do is have cooperation and diplomacy then it would take more or less 100 years."
"So while you guys are talking, Hinata are you going to eat your food?".
Hinata: "Oh. Yes. We'll discuss more about our conversation tomorrow.".
"Well I'm going to sleep. I've eaten more than I can handle. 'Night". I stood up and went to my room and slept till the next day.

(The next day)

"*yawn* Shouldn't you be back home?".
Milim: "I can go whenever I want. Or maybe you could live with me there and do what you do here over there!"
"Maybe later. Not now, besides this place is my home that I live with my people."
Milim: "We can do a union of our countries? That way I can come here all I want and you can stay here."
"Can we discuss this later? We still have a meeting." As I said that Milim pouted and was going to complain to Rim.
"W-wait. You don't need to do that!".
Milim: "Then you're not going to that meeting!".
"But I have to... Then how about you come and join the meeting?".
Milim: "Fine. Hmph!".

(10 minutes later)

Hinata: "So back to our discussion yesterday. You realize that the advancements your planning to do and the relations you have will inevitably get the attention of angels, right?".
"Are these angels like the ones from DBS?".
Hinata: "No. They're not that strong. They're only a threat level B+ and greater."
"Oh... That's disappointing."
Rim: "What do you mean by that?! If those angels were on par with Whis and the others than we wouldn't even stand a chance!".
Valentine: "To me, I would love to destroy those little flies as I don't want my city to be destroyed again."
Rim: "I agree. If they attack us I'll respond in turn."
Milim: "Fuhahaha!!! I'll also join on this fight if it happens! I wouldn't want this place be in ruin or my N/n (Nickname name) be in danger."
Valentine: "Then it's official. I shall take my leave and do some business."
Rim: "Alright.*stands up* It was a great deal meeting you, Luminous."
Valentine: "Likewise. Goodbye".
Bet you didn't expect a chapter today, right? If you did then... stop stalking me! Anyway here,


(I don't own every meme in existence

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(I don't own every meme in existence. Except for uhh...... Yeah. Bye now.)

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