Walpurgis - Ending

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This chapter might be short or long. Depends on how I want the battle to end and what I have to change the battle to make how I made it in my head.

Y/n pov

"Alright! Veldora-nii I'm going to need your help in this."
Veldora: "Yosh! Let's do this!".
I nod and get in my stance while Veldora does the same.

I nod and get in my stance while Veldora does the same

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(Y/n is Goku, Veldora is Vegeta. Also don't own this)

Milim just looks at us with empty eyes and motions her hand saying 'come here'. Me and Veldora rush at Milim and punch her at the chest sending her flying. Milim stops the force of her going backwards and rushes at me and gets ready to punch me on the face. But Veldora blocks the punch which gives my more than we enough time to roundhouse kick her across the face. Milim then appears out nowhere and grabs our feet and sends us crashing to the ground and sends blast to the ground. We quickly move away and teleport to either side of Milim and shout.




'Just stand down! I don't want to actually hurt you Milim!'
Then I heard Clayman say something that made me worried beyond death.
Clayman: "Obey my order Milim! Activate [Stampede!] And kill everyone in this room!".
'N-nani?!?! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!'. As me and Veldora stopped our Kamehameha, Milim stood there with both hands up and made a huge ball of energy coming to swallow the while room.
Milim: "[Stampede]."
"Veldora, its now or never!".
Veldora/Y/n: "[Combined Attack - Drago Stardust





Me and Veldora combined our strongest Ki blasts on Milim to stop her [Stampede] from killing everyone in the barrier.
"Rim how much longer?!" I yelled.
Rim: "30 seconds! Just hang on!".
'Damn it! I have to use [Kaio-Ken] more, but the fact that I'm already using it to stabilize my Ki is draining enough. If I use more I could die.... Fuck it!'.
(A/n: plot armor incoming!)
"[Kaio-Ken times 70]!". 'I-it worked... alright I have 20 more seconds!' I grit my teeth and output even more Ki on to our combined attack clashing with Milim's [Stampede].
Rim: "I-its almost done! 10 more seconds!!"
'I don't have that much time! I have to break my limits and go further beyonnndddd!!!!' "[KAIO-KEN TIMES 100]!". A big burst of red aura swallowed the entire room. Our combined attack managed to push back Milim's [Stampede].
Rim: "It's done! You can stop now! I'll swallow the attack, you two rest."
As soon as Rim said that Milim dropped her arms and began to fall to the ground. I reverted back into my base form and ran to where she was falling and caught her bridal style. "*whisper* I'm *cough* glad your *cough* ok. *speaks up* Rim you can deal with the Clayman. Veldora-nii can you heal me?".
Rim/Veldora: "Leave it to me".

Rimuru pov

Now that Milim is taken care of, its Clayman's turn to be taken out.
Clayman: "I-impossible! H-how?! I was suppose to win! All of you will pay! I won't let any of you to get away with this!"
Shion: "Im on it."
Shion rushes to Clayman and punches Clayman in the face and slashes all of Clayman's arms.
Shion: "Octaslash!".
Clayman in an instant falls to the ground in the pool of his own blood. The barrier then gets erased and the space of the room reverts back to normal.
"It's finally over." I look at Y/n and see him starting to get up and walk towards me with Milim being carried bridal style.
Y/n: "We finally did it, huh? *laughs* Now what do we do now with Clayman on the verge of death?".
Clayman: "H-how could this happen to me? I had Milim right at my fingertips! A-and yet I lost?!".
Y/n: "There's a simple reason why you lost Clayman. It's because you not only caused the former deaths of my citizens but you also pissed me and Rim off. Now its time to finish you off. *extends hand*-".
Clayman: "Give it to me!"
Y/n: "N-nani".
'Did Clayman go crazy now? I guess all of his plans failed, so I can see why he's gone mad.'
Za Warldo: "Confirmed. Converting soul to energy. Successful. Dismantling body to act as receptacle. Initiating rebuild."
Clayman: "The heavens have not yet abandoned me!".
"Everyone step back!". 'Looks like the real problem has come.'
Shion: "Rimuru-sama! What is-"
"Clayman's awakening. It's starting, just as planned."
Shion: "If its as planned then I have no worries!".
Y/n: "His Ki is rising by 3 times than before. Rim, I'm out of commission to fight right now so Clayman is all yours to fight."
"I was planning to it alone anyway. Since I've the title of D.L, I should set a place for myself by fighting a fellow D.L."
Y/n: "Then don't lose. If I see you struggle or worse, I'll immediately join in and help out."
"I won't lose to Clayman, brother. Just like you said before, the reason he's going to lose is because he pissed me off." I walk forward and talk to Clayman. "Okay, Clayman, let's finish this."
Clayman: "Behold! The power I've acquired! Allow me to crush all of you, whom made a fool out of me! You all will face my judgment! Hahahahahahahaahahahahahahaha".
"It's over for you Clayman. Just tell me who gave you orders in doing all of this."
Clayman: "Rimuru... you shall be the first to die by my hands! *shots out energy ball* The moment you dodge that...".
'He's planning to make a run for it, once he blows up that ball.' "But, that's not gonna happen! Beelzebub! *swallows ball* What did I say? It's over for you, Clayman." I summon the barrier that was up when Y/n and Veldora fought with Milim. Clayman looks around in panic and confusion. "Oi, oi. Clayman, if you're gonna take this battle seriously, I suggest you do that."
Clayman: "You are indeed powerful, Rimuru. But you haven't seen what I'm capable of! Do you think you can withstand this?! Taste my ultimate technique! [Ray of Wrath]!".
"*smirk* [Kaio-Ken x5]! Swallow it all up, [Kai's Beelzebub]!".
Clayman: "I-impossible! H-how did you eat up my ultimate technique!".
"It's no use, Clayman. Thanks to my brother teaching me the technique you saw, you have no hope of winning. But if you tell me everything you know, I'll give you a painless death."
Clayman: "*laughs like a maniac* I am Deathman! Even if you kill me, I will come back to life, and sooner tha-".
I interrupted Clayman by punching him on the face, then spin kicking him on the face again. Then I go for a combo... all on his face. 'Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora'. "Clayman... I'll ask you one last time. Who's the one behind this?".
Clayman: "Do not mock me, slime! I would never betray a friend, let alone a client. That is... That is the one absolute rule of the M.H.A! (Moderate Harlequin Alliance)".
"Soka. Also, just to let you know, you won't be able to come back to life."
Clayman: "N-nani?"
"You're a deathman. You're planning to separate your astral body and escape from here. Am I wrong?".
Clayman: "W-wait! I-i can be of use to you some other way."
"Then tell me, who's behind this?".
Clayman: "That I won't and can't tell."
"If your not gonna tell me, then I'm gonna execute you. *extends hands and looks around* Is anyone opposed to my decision?".
Guy: "Do as you will."
Ramiris: "You got him!".
Y/n: "Don't show him mercy, brother. Make him pay."
'It seems everyone is in agreement'. I walk towards Clayman and talk to him in a cold and cruel tone. "Don't think your death will be a painless one. At the brief moment that you live, your soul will have an eternity of pain. Make sure to think about your wrongdoings." I place my hand closer to his face while he begs for mercy. "Beelzebub." I deactivate the barrier that I stole from Guy.
Guy: "*clapping* Well done. As of this day, you are acknowledged as a D.L as well as your brother. Now, does anyone object?".

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