Charybdis - A truly BRUH moment

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This is gonna be a LONG chapter. Pray for my fingers 🙏. Also at the end of this painful chapter I'll add Y/n's updated abilities. Now let's begin.

Y/n pov

Gido: "So heavy..."
Milim: "Fwahahaha! Another great haul today!"
Eren: "Milim's truly amazing! She can locate monsters right away."
Milim: "Fwahahaha! Detecting monsters is a piece of cake!" We'll have another delicious feast tonight!"
"Thats great to hear. Also great work you 3." I said nodding.
Kaval: "Well that work his got me going for a bath and drink."
"Mhm. You 3 deserve i-" 'what's this evil Ki I'm sensing?'. "Rim, do you sense that?". My tone changes to being serious.
Rimuru: "Yea. *turns human* Everyone get ready."
Everyone gets in a fighting position.
A familiar yet different person appears in front of us.
"Treyni-san?". I say in confusion
???: "I am the Dryad Trya, younger sister of Treyni".
'Younger sister huh. Never know Treyni-san a had sibling'
Rimuru: "Anyway, what's with that murderous aura?".
Trya: "There's an emergency. Destruction is coming."
"Destruction? Who and where?"
"A calamity-level monster, Charybdis, has been revived."
"Charybdis? You mean the sea monster of Ancient Greek mythology? How is it coming here if it lives in the sea?". I asked confused
Trya: "... No, I'm afraid you're confusing a different monster to Charybdis. Either way, my sisters are out in the forest to slow this calamity-level monster progress. But it appears that Charybdis is heading for town.".
"Nani?!" Me and Rim say unison.
Trya: "Against Charybdis, the Ruler of the Skies, battling him on land is futile. However, I've come here to advise to preparing anti-air defenses to at least minimize casualties."

(A few moments later)

Trya: "Charybdis was born long ago, it has died and been revived many times. It's a violent Ruler of the Skies. No less is expected from the child of Veldora-sama, the ruler and guardian of this forest."
"Veldora's child, huh. That's interesting." I mumbled.
Trya: "Charybdis was generated from a cloud of Veldora-sama's magicules."

Mini Rimuru pov

'Does the mean Charybdis, me and Y/n are sort of brothers? Ah, so is it coming here because it's after me and Y/n? Maybe it figures out that Veldora is inside me..."

Back to Y/n pov

Fuze: "If Charybdis has revived, then its a greater threat than a D.L. Unlike a D.L, this is not an opponent we can speak with."
Vesta: "You might as well call it a monster with no intelligence, but it can summon monsters called Megalodons from the spirit world to join its rampage."
'I wonder? Is it possible to eat them?... *shakes head mentally* No! Now's not the good time to think that.' I consult with myself.
Trya: "The situation could not be worse. The summoned Megalodons have occupied some lesser dragon corpses that we're nearby for some reason, 13 more specifically."
Shuna: "Rimuru-sama, Y/n-sama, what should we do?".
"First and most importantly, we have to evacuate the residents into the forest. Secondly, prepare a force consisting of Orcs, Lizardmen and Hoblins to defend and fight against Charybdis. That's all."
Milim: "Hmph. Haven't you forgotten something important? That stupid Charybdis... *proceeds to remove normal outfit* is-"
"Haaaa! Don't remove your clothes!!" I yelled.
Milim: "I'm not gonna remove my clothes, see?" *proceeds to show regular minimal fanservice outfit*
"O-oh... Hehe... Guess I 'overreacted'."
Milim: "As I was saying. That Charybdis is no match for me! I'll defeat it in no time!".
Shion: "We refuse. This is our town's problem."
'Ohh. Thats oddly professional coming from Shion. Also it seems Rim wanted Milim to do it, *sigh*.'
Milim: "Huh? But I'm they're besti-".
Shuna: "Shion's correct. It's wrong to rely on you for everything just because you're a friend. But, when Rimuru-sama and Y/n-sama is in desperate need of help, we would certainly appreciate your assistance then."
A depressed Milim can be seen.
Depressed Milim: "And I thought... I'd finally get my chance to... *looks at Y/n*".
Rimuru: " All right, let's begin the preparation that Y/n said earlier."
Everyone: "Hai!"
Fuze: "Defeat it? Do you understand the situation your in? You're up against a monster that not even the Dryads could stop."
"Well, we do understand the situation but for everyone in this town, we're doing this to defend our loved ones and this place where every monster can call home." I reasoned with Fuze-san.
Rimuru: "We also have that treaty we signed with King Gazel as backup."
Fuze: "Still, your not gonna run away?"
'Didn't you just hear what I said?'.
Rimuru: "Well for one me and Y/n are the strongest in this nation. And we should access how strong it is with our eyes to determine to run away or not, right?".
Fuze: "I see. Well, you two are the leaders of monsters, after all."
"We're not like Humans who are done for when they lose their king, or a similar type of leader."
Fuze: "I must say, you two think much like we, Humans do. It's hard to see you as a monster.".
'Ahhh crap... Should we tell him that we were originally humans?'.
Rimuru: "Well... It might be hard to believe, but Y/n and I used to be human. You know about Shizu-san right? Well like her, we are otherworlders. I personally died from a stab wound and Y/n, well he died in a different way. But when I died a got reincarnated as a slime."
Fuze and the others were shocked from this fact. It was unheard of that a otherworlder can reincarnate as a monster let alone not be summoned through mages to transport their body and soul here.
Rimuru: "Shizu-san entrusted everything to me as someone from the same homeland. *grabs Shizu's mask and looks at it* I gained this form in exchange for inheriting her will."
I grab Rim's shoulder and nodded at him. 'It's okay to handle her burden but share some with me to lessen that burden.' I told him with my eyes, he looked at my eyes and smiled and nodded right after.
Eren: "So Rimuru-san and Y/n-san really are people we can trust!"
"Besides, we made a promise to her."
Eren: "A promise?"
My tone and expression became serious, "Our prey is the Demon Lord Leon."
Fuze: "You can't call a major figure like him your 'prey'! Though compared to Charybdis I guess that monster would be somewhat easier to handle."
Rimuru: "Yeah. Demon Lord Leon comes later. Charybdis comes first."

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