The Discussion of Battle - Walpurgis is near

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Y/n pov

Everyone present in the room are looking at the map of the continent.
Rim: "Looks like there's no way to get there in time. If only we could tele- Y/n! Can't you I.T everyone there?".
"I could but in order to I.T everyone, they have to touch me and also need a big Ki signature to I.T there. And since the army and the Beastketeers are here, it's impossible for me to do it."
Rim: "Damn. Back to square one."
"What about using magicules? Like a teleportation spell?".
Rim: "That is an option. But using it on such a large scale is dangerous e-... *smiles* but."
"You developed one didn't you."
Everyone is in awe and shock at what I said, though for me it's a daily thing whenever we spar.
Rim: "Correct! Now all that's left is to determine how ready is our military to start. Now, the only problem is since it's recently made I can't guarantee it being safe, but even so do you still trust me?".
Sophia: "I trust you. Like hell we could ever doubt you."
"And I can say that we as well trust you brother."
Rim: "Everyone... Yosh! Your lives are safe in my hands! Now we'll have to get above Clayman's plans. Now the rest is up to you guys!".
Everyone: "Hai!"

(A few moments later)

Rim: "Thanks for sticking out through that long meeting, everyone. Things will start to get rough tomorrow even more than today. I'll be counting on you all for that."
Shuna: "Of course. Leave it all to us."
Rim: "If only I could pinpoint Clayman's location, I could've ended all of this."
"But the only problem is that that asshole is attending Walpurgis and could cause trouble for us with the other D.Ls. Though there is something I'm curious about... Ramiris, could we attend Walpurgis?".
Ramiris: "Attending Walpurgis?... Hm... I think it'd be fine, but you can only take 2 other people with you. Due to problems that occurred in the past."
Rim: "Well I'll be taking Y/n with me, naturally. But for the second person..."
"Maybe, Shion or Ranga... Actually *smirk* We can have Ranga in my or your shadow, and take Shion with us to Walpurgis, thus having 3 people be there instead of 2."
Veldora: "FUHAHAHAHAHA!!! So you're up to it now, eh? Rimu! Don't leave out like that! I'm going as well! D.Ls don't scare me!".
"That might be a good idea, but there would be no way for us to get you in, if its going to be a more physical person... Wait! Rim don't you a skill that can summon Veldora-nii?".
Rim: "You're right! Okay, so here's the plan. *proceeds to tell plan*".
Rim: "All right, so I'll bring Y/n, Shion, Ranga and Veldora in secret, while Ramiris will take Beretta and Treyni-san to Walpurgis."

Timeskip to Y/n's and Rimuru's home

Rim: "Hmmm... How can we protect the people of Eurazania? Is there even a safe place for them?".
"Why not transport them here for time being? Use your teleportion magic to teleport me there so I can I.T them here?."
Rim: "That in itself is an issue. They could get suspicious of you since that might think your a invader."
"Then I'll take one of the Beastketeers to help as a way to lower suspicion of me."
Rim: "All right. In that case I'll get Geld to construct some temporary tents for the refugees coming."
"All right its a plan."

Timeskip to the next day,

'I'm... so... tired... need... rest. But not now. Right now we're getting ready to have transport the respective armies to the territory of Milim.'
Benimaru: "Rimuru-sama, Y/n-sama! Everyone is here. We are all ready!".
Rim: "Okay. Then, lets get you all transported."
Albis: "Rimuru-sama, Y/n-sama. We will never forget your kindness. We'll leave Clayman to you."
"Don't worry, we'll make sure to make the bastard pay. Now its time to get ready."
Rimuru: "Yosh! Now go and win!".
The soldiers: "Hai! We will bring you victory!".
Rim & Y/n: ''[Combined skill: Instantaneous Space Control]!".
Sorry for the short and irrelevant chapter, but I want to give some sort of suspense before writing it. I'll maybe write it tomorrow since this is a short chapter. Anyway, here



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