Christmas in Novus Roma

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This might be short cause I have to go to family later today. Enjoy!

Y/n pov

"Hey, Rim. Does this world celebrate Christmas? 'Cause its been winter for a couple of weeks and I haven't seen anyone put up decorations."
Rim: "Your right. Maybe we could ask Rigurd and see. Shion can you call Rigurd to come here?".
Shion: "Hai Rimuru-sama!".

(A few moments later - "guess who's back!")

Rigurd: "Rimuru-sama, what is it that you have summoned me?".
Rim: "Well first, I have a question Rigurd does the town know of something called Christmas?".
Rigurd: "No, Rimuru-sama. I'm afraid that no one knows of this 'Christmas' you speak of."
"Then is there a tradition where you give presents to family and friends during the winter?".
Rigurd: "No, Y/n-sama. We or any other race have had such a tradition. Not even humans have such a tradition."
"I see. Then Rigurd I want you to pass this order to Geld; clear the plaza and all streets of the town for that the citizens may all gather in the plaza for a special moment at night time today."
Rigurd: "Right away Y/n-sama. *leaves*".
Rim: "So you plan on bringing Christmas onto this world?".
"I mean yea. Have you seen anyone celebrating Valentine's Day? To express their love to someone? Or Thanksgiving? Cause all I see is them having no holiday to enjoy despite having satisfying lives here anyway."
Rim: "True. But now, how do we 1) Find a tree large enough to place it on the plaza. 2) Have the necessary decorations to light up the plaza. And finally 3) Food and presents."
"And also who should be Santa Claus?".
Rim: "You could. Just go ssj3 and I'll give you a white beard to put on your face. Shion can you call Rigurd for me again.".
Shion: "Hai."

(A few moments later)

Rigurd: "Has something happened for you to call be again, Rimuru-sama?".
"Well we want to explain Christmas to you for the purpose of spreading it throughout town. *ahem* Christmas is a holiday based on a religion, but you don't have to be a follower of that religion to enjoy its purpose." Rigurd made a confused noise. "U-um. The purpose for Christmas is to give presents to family and friends and to enjoy time eating with those family and friends. But the main attraction to Christmas is due to person called Santa Claus."
Rigurd: "Santa Clause?".
"U-um. *looks at Rim* San-".
Rim: "Its where he goes at night and sneaks at peoples home to place the presents people want the most. Its different from what Y/n explained. But the giving presents to other people is for the plaza. While the Santa Claus is for deeply desired gifts that people want for themselves."
Rigurd: "Rimuru-sama, Y/n-sama. I'm more worried about the fact that this Santa Clause sneaks at our homes."
"Uuumm... Well you can of it like this. *ahem* Eat, drink and giving presents... Kind like a festive party...?".
Soon after Novus Roma began to prepare for the necessary decor and items to put up in the plaza. Also me and Rim have on Christmas clothes.

(Ignore the bag and the 'transparent' background

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(Ignore the bag and the 'transparent' background. Also don't own these)

 Also don't own these)Rim's:

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