More Dungeon Stuff

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This could be a short chapter. Maybe I'll upload a regular one either today or tomorrow. Anyway, enjoy.


Y/n pov 

(3 days after the previous chapter. Also, scene change)

A few days have passed since our little gunfight fight and figuring out who won the competition. Turns out it was a fucking tie! When Ramiris busted out laughing at our gunfight, we interrogated her in why she was laughing? After a few threats, she revealed that our fight was a tie. And like the OP people we are, we punished Ramiris. She was sent to Brazil, don't ask how we managed to send her there, but we did. 

Ramiris: "*portal sounds* Ahhhhhhhhhh!!! *looks around* I'm... I'm free!!! I'm no longer in Brazil!!". 

"Yo! How was Brazil". I said chilling in a thermae (Roman public baths, located on the 100th floor of the dungeon as well as in some parts of Tempest.) with Rim and Veldora-nii. 

Ramiris: "You! Why did you send me to that place! *annoying noises intensifies*". She said rapidly. Leaving no room for pauses and just continued talking.

"Ok. ok. Calm down. Look it was basically your fault. You never said who won and you didn't diffuse the gunfight saying 'It really was a tie' or something like that."


Rim: "Well now that you're here. We came up with some ideas to make the dungeon more challenging, like adding mazes, puzzles, riddles on walls, hieroglyphs, and so on.".

Ramiris: "Well, you're going to have to wait till I recover from my PTSD. Also, That'll take up a lot of my magicules to maintain." She said while joining the thermae. 

???: "I can help with that." Said a voice in a very familiar tone. 

Rim/Y/n: "Milim/Hon?! W-what are you doing here." We said in a surprising tone.

Milim: "What? You thought I wouldn't notice that spike in Magicules from 3 days ago and you guys disappearing for the last 3 days here? I'm very disappointed at you N/n!".She said that last part with a pout. 

Veldora: "Hmm, Milim? What are you doing here?".

Milim: "Oh. Hi, uncle. *looks at me* Anyway, maybe I can be of some use for your dungeon here. Like the fire and cold setting, you want here. I can tame a couple of dragons for that."

Rim: "Now that I think about it. Milim, don't you need to go to your territory and organize it? Now that Frey's and parts of Carrion's territory is yours now?". He said worryingly.

Milim: "Nah... Besides, I copied some of your ideas and integrated them into my territory. So now, whenever I'm away they can handle it themselves." She said averting eye contact on either of us.

"So.... You're not doing your responsibilities as a leader?". I said while narrowing my eyes.

Milim: "Will- I uhh... um.... So, want me to go and tame some dragons?". She said changing the subject.

Rim: "Well your responsibilities aren't my problems. So what types of dragons are there? Are they like Veldora or...?".

Veldora closes his manga and looks at Rim with a semi-angry face, which is very, very rare to happen. 

Veldora: "Brother, I will not allow you to group me with those inferior beings who dare call themselves dragons! They are only broken species of us True Dragons. They were created by my Elder brother's body - Veldanava, the Star-King Dragon. He is the most powerful being out of all of us, True Dragons." He said. This led to a story told by Veldora-nii, telling the difference between dragons and True Dragons as well as the different True Dragons there are in this world. 

Rim: "Mhm. I get it. So dragons are physical, not spiritual like you but aren't dragons like you in a sense of only being big lizards. And there are 4 of you guys and 3 'off-shoots' of True Dragons. But there are also 'Arch-Dragons' being a collection of Veldanava (Milim's pet, not her father), like Charybdis. And there are also 'Dragon Lords' that 1 evolution after a 'Arch-Dragon' and 1 step closer to being True Dragons. Right?".

Veldora: "Yep! Now you know the difference between us and them and other stuff!".

Rim: "So, Milim. How would you tame/catch one of those types? A Dragon Lord can't be 'tamed' its too intelligent. But an Arch Dragon is less intelligent but still useful."

Milim: "Don't worry about that. Well, I'll be off. Bye~".

(A few days later)

The dungeon has been near completion. All that's needed to do now is have a guild inside Tempest and ta-da we have a fully fleshed RPG-like dungeon.


Sup. How's your meme life? Anyway, here



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