Part 1

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AN: I've written a similar story before, but it must have been a couple of years earlier. I believe, I've gotten better, so I want to re-write it in a way. Not everything that we know happens (possibly).




It had been over a week since he called and she answered. He wasn't even sure, why he did. Years had passed since the last conversation they had had and it was probably an argument anyway. Maybe he was just getting older, maybe he didn't see a point in the silent war between them anymore. Who knew, how many years they had left on the earth? What was the actual reason, they weren't on speak terms to begin with? Okay, there were plenty of reasons, but they didn't seem that important not to try and bury the hatchet. His new outlook on life might have also come with sobriety. Whatever it was, more than anything, Lindsey simply missed his friend. Given that Stevie had agreed to see him, maybe she'd missed him as well.

Lindsey didn't know, why he was taking so long. It was likely because he had a plan in his mind of how he wanted things to go and he was afraid that they might take on a different course. What if they see each other and all the bad that had happened over the years resurfaced? What if all they could think about would be the pain they'd caused each other? How was he going to find out if he didn't try, though?

Taking an unusually long time to get ready, Lindsey was finally out of his house. He didn't rush to his car, they hadn't agreed on a specific time. The lightness in Stevie's voice, when he called her in the morning, gave him an extra boost of confidence, but he was still nervous. Getting in behind the wheel, Lindsey fastened the seatbelt and took a deep breath as he started the engine. 

The drive wasn't very long and before he knew it, Lindsey was passing through the open gates of Stevie's driveway. He saw another car parked there and he assumed it belonged to her assistant. Coming to a slow stop, he wished, he could sit in the car for a few minutes, to give himself another pep talk. However, Stevie had likely already heard him pulling in and if she asked, he didn't want to admit to her that he was being a coward. They'd known each other since they were teenagers, there was nothing to be afraid of.

Stepping out of his car, Lindsey took his shades off and tossed them on the passenger's seat. He looked towards the front door and gulped. Get it together, jeez. As soon as he rang the doorbell, he heard a small (he guessed) dog yapping on the other side. The sound grew louder and a moment later Stevie opened the door, wearing a big beautiful smile.

"Hey." Stevie spoke up first as Lindsey was seemingly rendered speechless. 

"Hey." Lindsey echoed, trying his best to keep their eyes locked. She looked good. She looked great

"Are you okay?" She asked with a light laugh, opening the door wider. 

"Yeah, uh... yeah, I'm fine." He nodded, smiling as he entered her home. "Thank you for letting me come here. When I called, I wasn't sure you would."

Stevie waved it off and pulled him into an unexpected hug. "Ancient history, Linds. I'm really happy you called. I was too scared to do it first."

Before Lindsey could say anything else, he heard a man's voice from somewhere in the house and he froze. "I've got to run." A tall, possibly a bit younger stranger came into view and Lindsey was confused. No, he was shocked, when he saw the man carrying a girl, no older than three, maybe four. "I'm gonna call you later to sort out the weekend plans, okay?"

"Okay." Stevie nodded, holding out her arms, when the girl reached for her... mother? "Oh, and, Kyle, this is Lindsey." She showed with her hand. "Lindsey, this is Kyle."

"Nice to meet you." Kyle grinned, holding his hand for a handshake.

"Uh, you too." Lindsey nodded. 

"Sorry, I can't stay." Kyle apologized and ruffled the girl's hair before he kissed Stevie on the cheek. "I'll see you two later."

Stevie moved to lock the door, once Kyle had walked out, she then turned to Lindsey, knowing that he had about a hundred questions for her.

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