Part 28

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Given the time, Stevie knew, Aimee would already be in bed for the night. She would have liked to get a chance to at least say, hello, to her daughter, but she didn't want to disturb the girl's sleep, so they would have to make up for lost time tomorrow. She was stupid to dream that Kyle might be in bed as well, but he wasn't a small child and it was nowhere near his bedtime. 

Her dog was the first one to greet her as Stevie walked into the house. Lindsey helped her bring in her things, but he disappeared right after, unable to even steal a quick goodbye kiss in fear that they might get caught. Whatever it was between them had just started, he didn't want it to come to a sudden end. 

Before Stevie could even unzip her boots, Kyle appeared in the foyer, wearing a wide grin on his face. "Hey." 

"Hi." Stevie offered a weak smile in return. "Is Aimee asleep?"

"Yeah." Kyle nodded, giving her a sympathetic look. "But I'm not." His expression quickly shifted into a smirk and he closed the distance between them. "I've missed you." He cradled her face in his hands and pulled her in for a kiss - the kind of kiss they hadn't shared since that first night they'd slept together again. Completely taken aback, Stevie couldn't do much more than give in. 

"I was only gone for a few days." Stevie laughed lightly, taken a step back, placing her hands on his chest, subconsciously preventing him from kissing her again.

"I know." Kyle shrugged, pressing his lips to her forehead, before he pulled away, reaching for her hand to make her follow him into the kitchen. "I made dinner. Thought, you might be hungry."

She wasn't, but he was clearly excited about her return, so she didn't want to disappoint him. "Just a small portion, please. I'm not exactly starving."

Nodding his head, Kyle moved over to the stove. "So, how was it?" 

"Uh-" Stevie gulped, glad that his back was turned to her. "Uneventful."

Raising an eyebrow, Kyle looked at her over his shoulder. "Five members of Fleetwood Mac in one place? Uneventful? Can't believe it."

"Ah, you know..." Stevie shrugged. "We flew in, I went to my room for the night. We had a formal business dinner and I came back to my room. We got together for breakfast today, had another short meeting and boarder the plane." 

"And how did it go?" Kyle brought over two plates, one twice the size of the other, he put the smaller one down for Stevie. "I mean, I hope, it was as smooth as it could have been."

"Yeah, it was okay." Stevie assured, picking up a fork. "I guess, it went better than okay."

"Oh?" His interest piqued, Kyle reached for a bottle of wine he had opened a while ago.

"It looks like we might be going on tour." She said somewhat carefully and waited for his reaction. "Not soon though, not like next month or anything like that."

"I see." Kyle took a large gulp and put his glass down. "Well, I can't say, I was expecting anything different."

"I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing." Stevie was anxious for him to elaborate, but she saw a smile cross his face and felt instant relief. 

"It's what you do." Kyle shrugged, placing his hand over hers. "As long as you want to be a part of it, as long as you enjoy it, then I'm completely fine with it."

Hearing that, Stevie smiled a lot more sincerely than before. She would have hardly listened if Kyle had said, he didn't want her to go, but it was better to have his support. She didn't need him questioning her every move. She didn't need him complicating things between her and Lindsey. Lindsey. Yeah, she was going to enjoy the tour a lot more than she had first thought.

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