Part 7

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"I've had a really good time tonight." Lindsey smiled, finishing off his wine as they waited for the bill. "I wasn't exactly sure, how things were going to go, when we saw each other again."

"Oh, me too. I guess, time heals all." Stevie replied, then slightly creased her eyebrows. "Speaking of, do you know, what time it is?"

Lindsey checked his watch. "It's after 9."

"Shit." She cursed. "I asked Kyle to call me as soon as they got to his parents. He must have tried already." He could tell that it bothered her. "I was hoping, I'd get to say, goodnight, to Aimee."

"Well, maybe it's not too late for that yet?" Lindsey wondered aloud. "You can go, I'll get the bill."

"No. No." Stevie repeated after a short pause. "It's not a big deal, honestly. And we're splitting."

"It's my treat." Lindsey insisted, giving her a pointed look.

"That's not fair. Besides, I asked you out." She disagreed.

"But this isn't a date, is it?" Was it? No. "That rule does not apply."

"We've always been good at arguing, haven't we." That wasn't a question. "Fine, but I'm paying the next time."

"Sounds good." Lindsey gave a nod of his head and reached for the check, when the waiter put it down in between them. Leaving enough to cover it and tip, Lindsey pushed his chair back and so did she. "Do you want to share a car? I want to make sure you're home safe."

"That's so nice of you." Stevie smirked, but didn't argue with that.

There wasn't a lot of talking during the drive. Stevie seemed to be somewhere else, lost in her thoughts. Lindsey guessed, she was thinking about her daughter and how she must be missing her. He wondered, what that was like. He wondered if he would ever know.

"Well." Stevie spoke up, but didn't say anything else besides that, once the car stopped. "This is goodnight, I guess." She half-asked, half-said.

"Uh, yeah, guess so." Lindsey nodded.

They remained seated in the back of the hired car, avoiding looking at each other. He didn't want to ask and she didn't feel like it was quite right. They had a bit more to drink than they had planned, he was single and so was she. Kinda.

"Would you maybe like to come in?" Stevie broke the silence eventually. "I mean, it's fine if you don't. I just..."

"No, I'd love to." Lindsey added quickly, afraid that she might change her mind.

Again, Lindsey was the one to pay. Stevie told him once more that the next time, whatever they decide on doing, it was going to be on her. She was a little nervous as she looked through her purse and the keys slipped from her hand. He was quicker to reach down and give them back to her.

"Thanks." Stevie smiled somewhat shyly and unlocked the front door of her home. "Feel at home." She said and immediately rushed to the answering machine. "Huh."

"Everything okay?" Lindsey asked, having followed her.

"Yeah." Stevie nodded, although, she didn't sound too sure. "I was just expecting to find a message, but there aren't any."

"Oh, well, I'm sure they're fine." He said, knowing, what she might have been thinking.

"Of course. Yeah." Stevie forced a smile, trying to hide that she was a little worried.

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