Part 12

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"You've got to put this out there, mate." Mick tapped his fingers along the beat of a song that Lindsey was currently playing for him. "You've got some amazing stuff!"

"Thanks." Lindsey gave him a one sided smile, leaning back in his spinning chair. "I've got nothing but time, so I spend most of it down here."

"That's exactly why you're still single." Mick pointed out, giving him a look. "It's so great to have you back and better than ever." 

"It means a lot that all of you have welcomed me back with open arms." Lindsey wasn't usually the one to show his emotions, let his true feelings shine through, but it did matter to him. "Given how I parted ways with the band, I didn't think it was possibly for us to sit down like this again, you know?"

Mick waved it off with a heavy sigh. "It's all in the past. I'm not holding any grudges." He leaned forward in his seat and clasped his hands. "Have you seen Stevie? You've mentioned, you'd give her a call."

"I have. We've even gone out to dinner, just the two of us." Lindsey nodded. "She's... she's changed. I mean, we all have."

"She's softened a great deal since Aimee was born." Mick agreed and smiled at the thought of his goddaughter. "I love my children, but I swear, that girl is the cutest kid I've ever seen in my life."

"Doesn't really surprised me. Like mother like daughter." Lindsey tried to laugh it off, realizing what he'd said. 

"Have you brought up Fleetwood Mac by any chance?" 

"Uh, well..." Lindsey trailed off, shifting in his seat. "I've mentioned it, but I didn't want to push it. You could have warned my that she had a child and was working on getting back together with the father. I was taken aback to say the least."

Mick frowned, processing what he'd just heard. "Stevie and Kyle are getting back together?"

"She just said, they were spending a lot of time together, so you never know." Lindsey shrugged, taking a big gulp of his beer. "The second time we saw each other, they had a fight on the phone and I heard everything on Stevie's side. Man, it was awkward... she kinda let me in on their relationship, she said that there are still some problems, but... I don't know, it's not my place to comment on it." He cocked his head to one side and leaned it on his clenched fist. "You seem surprised."

"Well, I am." Mick nodded. He remained quiet for a minute, bouncing his knee. It wasn't his place either. "I mean... when they broke up, Stevie swore she'd never go back."

"Why?" Lindsey's interest was piqued. She made it sound like nothing bad had ever happened between her and Kyle. 

"I'm not saying that he's a bad guy, but... I always thought that they stuck together for Aimee. I'm sure there were feelings involved, given how hurt Stevie was, when-" Mick suddenly stopped himself. It was a secret, it was meant to remain a secret, she trusted him to hold it. 

"When...?" Lindsey waited for Mick to continue, having a feeling that too much had been said already.

"You keep this to yourself, got it?" Mick made him swear and Lindsey assured him that he would. "They were still a couple, but Stevie told me, she was thinking about ending things, so they were kind of together, but not really. Kyle certainly seemed to think that they were no longer in a relationship."

"So, he cheated." Lindsey drew his own conclusion and Mick nodded. "Asshole."

"Yeah. He groveled, he swore that it didn't mean anything, that it was a stupid drunken mistake." Mick shrugged, he had never quite believed that. "I don't think that she forgave him, but they stuck together for some time anyway."

"Did he propose before or after he'd fucked someone else?" Lindsey had made up his mind about Kyle and nothing was going to change it. 

"Oh, she told you about that?"

"She said, he thought, it would saved them or something." Lindsey gave a weak shrug of his shoulders.

"I guess, it was his last attempt to keep her from running away. So, yeah." Mick nodded. "I am surprised that she wants to get back together with him."

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