Part 35

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"Is there really nothing I can help with?" Lindsey asked, sitting at the kitchen table, Aimee drawing on his right, while Stevie stood at the stove.

"Really." Stevie nodded. "I still don't trust you in the kitchen, Lindsey."

Rolling his eyes just because she couldn't see, he sighed. "I do live alone, you realize I cook for myself, right?"

"Well, then sit back and enjoy someone else cooking for you." She smiled, looking back over her shoulder. "Seriously, it's fine. This is nothing out of the ordinary for me."

She's right, he thought. Sometimes he was still surprised, how much her life had changed over the last several years. There was something about her as a mother, as a housewife. Suddenly, she was a lot more patient, so much gentler and that was foreign to him even a few months later since that first time they saw each other again. 

"This lifestyle fits you much better than I'd ever thought it would." Lindsey said, leaning back in his seat. 

"Think all you want, things never turn out that way." Stevie shrugged, a somewhat somber look on her face. "It wasn't easy at first, though." She continued. "I hadn't lived with anyone for a long time before Kyle came into my life. That was a massive adjustment. Then a baby comes at a point in your life, where some people are already having grandkids. Being a singer, a performer was knocked off my priorities list just like that." She emphasized with a snap of her fingers. "Suddenly, all of that was no longer as important to me."

Lindsey understood the best way he could. Ironically, out of the two, he had always been the one, who started thinking about children, a married life first. Unfortunately, maybe that just wasn't mean to happen in his life. And he wasn't jealous that she had it, no, he couldn't be happier, but it made him a little sad, knowing that they could have had it all together.

With not much left to do besides waiting regarding dinner, Stevie approached the table and stopped on Aimee's side. The girl was always drawing and while a bit biased, Stevie thought, she was much better than other kids her age. "Whatcha working on, baby?"

"It's a fwowe." Aimee awarded her mother with a big toothy grin as she looked up.

If Lindsey's eyes weren't on it, he wouldn't have guessed, what she meant. "It's really pretty." He said. 

"Wike mommy?" Aimee's head turned towards him and Lindsey felt like he'd gotten himself into a trap. 

"Yeah." He laughed lightly, his gaze shifting over to Stevie. "Just like your mommy."

Stevie placed her hand on his shoulder and smiled at him. However, it quickly disappeared off her face, when she saw his beautiful blue eyes glaze over with tears.

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